Will Trump win 2020 elections and trigger Libtards again?

Will Trump win 2020 elections and trigger Libtards again?

They are getting so desperate they will use Hollywood actors as candidates. Liberals you will get FUCKED again

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I'm a Trump supporter but I think he will lose next time. The only reason he won is Hillary was so cancerous

Who can possibly beat him? Bernie would die before 2024 I don't think he will run again

if we're at war, and it's not a complete clusterfuck, he will be re-elected

no president has ever lost re-election bud in wartime

Trump had ran on a campaign of lies and bullshit. Its GOING to catch up with him. Assuming of course he isnt impeached before the next election

>They are getting so desperate they will use Hollywood actors as candidates.
this is bait, r-right?

>They are getting so desperate they will use Hollywood actors as candidates.

How is this any different than the Republicans in 2016? They failed with McCain, they failed with Romney and a reality TV star who fake tans and cries on social media was literally the best they could come up with.

>lowest approval rating for the first 100 days of any president ever in the history of the United States.

Yeah, he'll be re-elected

Trump had decades of career as Businessman in Real Estate development before reality TV show and you know it

Anyone normal. Murica is full of absolute fucking retards that it may be possible he goes up against one again but I'm not holding my breath. All this alt right shit will die next time round

Fake news
Fake polls

So many of his promises he made and lies have already been exposed and he has proven to be wayyy in over his head. Unless the democrats fuck up (Again) and try to force Shillary Clitton down our throats, then damn near any candidate would win against him. Trump only won because of people's hatred for that dumb bitch Hillary.

> All this alt right shit will die next time round

SJW detected

sure kid

Hillary 2020!

Okay lots of Real Estate moguls what does that have to do with being a Presidential nominee?

At least Reagan was governor of California even if his presidency was corrupt.


Bitch there isn't even gonna be a republican party left come 2018. Cool your jets on this 2020 nonsense.

You can thank the cheeto in chief for all he's done for future left-wing election wins.

tumblr images tagged with ifunny.co on my Sup Forums

>paid shill detected

Alt right only lives with Trump, I wish it would stay around but life has got me so cincical that I know it won't happen

I don't know what country you think you're living in but Trump has fucked everyone



Redneckistan, formerly known as the confederate states

Reagan was a republican and a film star. You utter spic, kys

Cynical inb4 learn to spell my phone has autocorrect


Ignore Anti-Trump shills.
YES he will win again.

What other candidate do Democrats have that can beat him? Will Hillary run for 3rd time to lose again? All this fake polls and shilling that Liberals do will not help them

Democrats stayed home because they didn't like the DNC propping up Hillary and not giving Bernie a fair shot.

Those people will not be staying home in 2020 regardless of who they run. They could run the liberal idiotic version of Trump and they'd still all vote for him because Trump is toxic.

So was arnold shwartzenegger. If you people would stop woth the hyperbole and sensationalism, you would all see that the media is full of shit. They 5 people that own the broadcasting companies didnt want trump in office because he doesnt want to kiss the feet of our enemies. He didnt fit into the white guilt meme so now its 8 years of him being litterally hitler everyday on the media.

Arnold isn't president and not eligible but has much more experience than Trump.

Media doesn't like Trump because he has sketchy connections to Russia and wants to spend 20+billion on a wall while vacationing to Mar A Lago every weekend on tax payers dime.

How is he toxic? What has he done other than break the cycle of apology set in motion by the failure we had for the last 8 years. This country is on the brink of socialism with the ignorant "alt-left" lets give the country away mentality. If "free countries" dont stop the radicalized muslims, the ottoman empire will reform and the caliphate will besiege the entire planet.

>If "free countries" dont stop the radicalized muslims, the ottoman empire will reform and the caliphate will besiege the entire planet.

nigger you're so far off the deep end you make Alex Jones seem sane.

Where are these fabled russian ties?
Ive heard so much about it, almost to a point of ridiculousness with no substatiated proof whatsoever.
Rachel maddow shits out the words russia and trump in the same sentence ans people believe putin and trump are working together.

Hi Sup Forumstard, nice to see you spewing your bile in Sup Forums again...should this thread be spamed with well dressed asian girls by now?

So youre saying the muslim terror thats slowly reaching across the globe isnt a direct threat to our survival as a civilized species?

If his tax plan gets passed and the wall gets built, he's going to win.

If his opponent is Bernie, he wins in a landslide.

Bernie is a moron that doesn't understand basic economics.

If you think that we will ever be completely rid of Islamic extremists: You are obviously one of the many American who didn't learn dick from Vietnam.

It isn't a standing army. It is an idea and an idea without a uniform.

We have killed Bin Laden hoping that would stop Al Quaeda

>Guess who is still knocking around, fuckers?

ISIS has lost SOME ground in Syria but they still have Mosul and they still have footholds all over the middle east. Once more, who are we relying on to be on our side in those areas? Locals who could easily be with the enemy? "Rebels" who we will end up training in military exercises only for them to become ANOTHER terrorist syndicate?

There's no winning. I will totally jump on board with Trump's "America first; protect our borders" bullshit when the American public admits that there simply is no getting rid of Islamic extremists and that we shouldn't bother with boots on the ground in that cess pool called "The Middle East".

Yes, everyone is being fucked over. The only thing that's missing is the realization of the trumptards that they're bring fucked over as well.

Nice ad hominem with no actual substance. Just look at how all tgat tolerance is working out for England, france, sweden, germany, iraq, iran, afghanistan, syria, egypt, several countries in africa, russia and parts of the US.

I realized that the second trump fired those missiles, we were played bigly. He literally called himself a globalist today, fucking imagine flopping that hard after running a campaign on nationalism.

> there are no russian ties
> continue dismissing folks with ties to russians

I never said anything about boots on the ground in the middle east, the only way to get rid of the old powerful ones is to kill off all of their new generations. No more soldiers to send to die for allah.

>mfw it's statistically favored that humankind will eventually be the same ethnicity

MFW basic geography will cause different parts of the human race to never fully homogenize and once we're interplanetary, all bets are off

Nope. You've bought into the latest propaganda and fear mongering. Watch as they continue to take away more of our rights and monitor American citizens even more using this as their excuse.

Do you seriously think Flynn resigned because of some false Russia allegations even after knowing now he was a paid Russia agent?

The 19% of Rosfnet that was mentioned in the Trump dossier that did end up being sold.

Yeah no sketchiness here.

They are still under investigation and oh how quickly we forgot one of his dipshit cabinet members Security Advisor Flynn already had to resign? Also, that Jeff Sessions is refused to recuse himself from the investigations that implicate him as a player to the Russian investigations for a substantial amount of time?

Your orange tub of lard is deep in the shit and he only launched those missiles to take people's minds off that. He is an utter cock trough who has no idea what he has gotten his spoiled ignorant ass into.

>mfw you're posting on an island full of neanderthals

Aah fake news. its all smoke and mirrors you know.

basically what the white house has done is choked the airwaves with bullshit trump stories in order to undermine the credibility and impact of the actual actions and policies of the president.

It's an effective tactic and it plays nicely along with the idea that all news is fake and that every negative story about Trump's presidency is liberal propaganda.

It ensures that working class voters retain the notion that they are right, that the left wing liberal elite is conspiring against the 'real americans' (uniting them against a common enemy; the Media) and that Trump's failures are in fact the fabrications of the press, rather than actual failures.

I mean, I can spell all this out to a Trump supporter but because they believe me to be some sort of left wing libtard cuck with a dildo up his ass and his mouth round some jewish mediamoguls cock, they would not believe a single word of it. The level of blind fanaticism that the trump campaign garnered is nothing short of amazing. Say what you will about Roger Ailes but he certainly knew his way around propaganda broadcasting. Of course Bannon has played his role well through promoting Trump's Cult of Personality and between the two of them Trump has gained a following just as loyal as the staunchest Stalinist or Mao supporter.

Trump could go play golf this weekend, hire a couple of Goldman Sachs Exec into his cabinet, slash corporation tax to 15%, move his daughter into the white house, give her husband enough duties in government to ensure that he's never around her, do a 180 on every single pre-election promises and true Trump supporters would still be worshipping at his feet.

I think that is utterly amazing, and it's a sign of a propaganda campaign done right.

The left is floundering, the media is failing and Trumptroopers patrol the digital airwaves looking for dissenting voices to swoop down on and drown in incessant shitposting.

yes. Killing their children will surely show them whose culture is morally superior

If they didn't want him as president, maybe they shouldn't have plastered his face all over their channels 24 hours a day.

Now they profit by doing the same thing because either people will watch because they love a good train wreck, or they love him so much they will watch because they blindly support him.

I know 4 chin likes to think they memed this guy into the presidency, but it was without a doubt done by MSM.

>“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”
- Barry Goldwater

This guy was literally the voice of conservative politics for years and he was absolutely right.

Sure the 90s and Gingrich were bad but now with McConnell and the Tea Partiers/Trumpers this is at a whole new level. Conservative politics are dead and all that's left is Donald Trump and wacko religious nuts.

the idea that the MSN didnt want trump is bullshit. They couldn't give a shit who won, and many network execs were actively jacking off with glee over the prospect of Trump winning, because it would be incredible for their ratings.

They are happy to play along with the idea that they are Trump's enemies, because conflict breeds drama, and drama is great for ratings.

Elizabeth Warren, or maybe that new young Kennedy.

It won't be trump running in 2020 anyways. It will be Pence

liberals are going to lose in '018, don't know or care about '020.
The left just needs to blindly continue.


Trump won because Democrats stayed home on election day because they thought Hillary was a shit candidate.

They won't make that mistake twice after getting stuck with an even shittier option in Trump.

that and because they thought they didn't need to bother to vote because Hillary was a shoe-in

Yeah the electoral college really favored the republican nominee this last election after a lot of the blue dog dems went repub this last election after 8 years of Obama. Can't really blame them but I don't think they thought Trump would be this incompetent and be such a hypocrite.

>Trump could go play golf this weekend, hire a couple of Goldman Sachs Exec into his cabinet, slash corporation tax to 15%, move his daughter into the white house, give her husband enough duties in government to ensure that he's never around her, do a 180 on every single pre-election promises and true Trump supporters would still be worshipping at his feet.

It's funny because he's done all these things


same user
Under Obama, the left lost 1030 seats. Fed and state in 8 yrs. Evidently, the left stays home alot. Lost the house and senate and now the Pres.
Delusional left needs to just keep doing what they have.

It's crazy how quickly republicans swing and change their morals/political leanings.

Obama wanting to strike Syria after gas attacks.. worst idea ever!

Trump striking Syria after gas attacks.. Best idea ever!

I have no idea how their base doesn't realize they're being played.

The tea party arrived during that time.

Also after one party holds the white house for 8 years you see the minority power gain power in congress.

How was your first time voting?

well, we are apparantly at war with islamic terrorism

If they didn't fight back then it would surely be a very one sided war.

So we blow them up, they blow us up. DO you not think that there are some Jihady cunts sitting around asking themselves if the american terrorism that is slowly reaching across the globe isn't a direct threat to the survival of their fundamental theocracy?

If Isis had access to predator drones and dropped a hellfire missile on a funeral near you tomorrow, then that would be Islamic Terror. When we do it it is warfare. Now here is a radical thought; Both actions might be considered terrorism in the eyes of the enemies.

Of course you could buy into the idea that the West is noble and only kills enemy combatants and the muslim foes are cowardly cretins who only target women and children. Sadly things are slightly more black and white, and you need to understand how war propaganda works lest you fall victim to it.

The US brought islamic terror on itself when it started messing with democratically elected secular governments and helped install fundamentalist jihadis in their place in the mistaken idea that it would be easier to secure cheap oil from them. After all, it worked in Saudi Arabia, so why not in iran, iraq or wherever?

So that all backfired and now we are at war. Big fucking deal. Except they are at war with the largest, most advanced military in the world and we are at war with the abstract concept of terrorism itself.

One side is fighting a big guy with a bullseye painted on his shirt who in turn is blindfolded and flailing his arms around hoping he will somehow hit the 'terror' that is all around him.

Except its far more fucking complicated than that, isn't it. Because geopolitics isn't a children's playground. There are nuances, alliances, socio-economic realities and, above all, the acquisition of tactical resources (oil) to consider.

Terrorism isn't a threat to our survival as a species.

Ignorance is.

have you seen his tax plan? It benefits the richest of the rich like him and screws everyone else. But that's never stopped the in-breds from voting republican before so it probably won't now. At least niggers are smart enough to vote for the person who will help them the most. Rednecks, not so much.

If the left keeps behaving like this, yes, he WILL win again. Even "former" Trump supporters will still vote him if the alternative is comparable to Hillary, and I wouldn't blame them.

>The US brought islamic terror on itself when it started messing with democratically elected secular governments and helped install fundamentalist jihadis in their place in the mistaken idea that it would be easier to secure cheap oil from them. After all, it worked in Saudi Arabia, so why not in iran, iraq or wherever?

It was also much easier to get the religious ones to fight the atheist communist Russians. Now 30-50 years later we have this awesome problem we created. Islamic Extremism.

Bernie was the only one coming into debates with hard statistics and facts.
>also implying trump knows anything about economics
"Is a strong dollar good?" You should know that being the leader of the free world, president trump

Behaving like what?

Republicans literally shut down the government and got America's credit score downgraded over petty politics.

nah everyone gets a tax cut

i mean, the rich get a bigger one, but they work harder than poor people and so they deserve it more

Furthermore I am assuming that he is funding his $Trillion infrastructure project by holding bake sales at mar-a-lago every weekend

It would be cool if he won an election. It would be great if the blue colleges were triggered into separating. 98.3% of the economy gone.

>but they work harder than poor people
this has to be bait. since when is payment related to how hard you actually work?

It's amazing how quickly these threads die out now that Bannon no longer has any interest in promoting Trump's brand online anymore

Not to mention how Trump is losing followers at a similar rate to his policy u-turns

I'm betting Corey Booker

You underestimate the stupidity of American voters on both sides.

Make no mistake, the Democrats are ideologically equally as bad as the Republicans. They can grasp simple concepts but at the end of the day they don't really do anything with them.

But hey, let's judge Trump simply on the merits of Trump:

> terrible new healthcare plan that would have increased rates and decreased coverage for literally everyone except those who chose not to have insurance/couldn't afford it
> wants to increase spending for military and homeland security even though we already spend a ridiculous amount more than any other country on both, while defunding the EPA, PBS, national parks, etc; things you actually get a benefit from your tax dollars on
> serial liar that could put Hillary to shame, lied about NAFTA, the wall, taking vacations, having a plan for ISIS, not intervening in Syria, not intervening in North Korea, calling China a currency manipulator, being tough on Russia, etc
> wants to bring back the coal industry
> preaches buy/hire American but doesn't practice it
> really drained the swamp by putting together the richest cabinet in history full of CEOs
> is an anthropogenic climate change denier

Seriously? Another term? You WANT another term?

>since when is payment related to how hard you actually work?

since we live in america you fucktard? if you work hard you get rewarded. Look at Trump, he started with nothing and now he is the most powerful man in the world. This is why he doesn't have to pay taxes anymore.

If you worked as hard as our president do then you too would be rich

The Flynn debacle is starting to come home to roost; I'm willing to bet that that will be the catalyst for future potential impeachment hearings.

I am the tea party. My first time voting was for Carter. Huge mistake, voted for Bush the Lesser the next time.

Must be one hell of a bake sale to offset just the cost of him charging the government for staying at his own resort.

> implying both those votes weren't mistakes

You're old as shit and surprised the minority party won congress after the majority party held the white house for 8 years?

You realize this basically happens every time a party holds the white house for 2 terms?

>Look at Trump, he started with nothing

Must be nice to have billions of dollars in inheritance, I wonder what he'd have done if he grew up in the middle class.

Depends how retarded americunts continue to be...

I hope he gets re-elected, I wanna see america turned into a toxic waste where everyone is poor and the 5% elite owns everything

Probably been in jail for grabbing women by the pussy. Having money helps when you do those things.

managing the local Taco Bell

hell yeah! apparantly mar-a-lago has the best chocolate cake this side of al-Shayrat. Seriously, one taste of it and you will instantly lose your mind and any recollecton of there being any joint-house investigations into foreign election interference.

Simply to die for.

I also hear that he will be selling apartments in his new hotel in Istanbul. Simply a beautiful building. Come down to Mar a Lago tomorrow! Bring a friend! You might even get a chance to meet the guy carrying the nuclear launch codes! $10 for posed photos with the football!

Mar-A-Lago! Because the white house should not have to be good enough for the most powerful man in the world.

nothing gets past you sherlock

>in 3 weeks Trump's administration will kill net neutrality, sending the free and open Internet into a death spiral
>haha take that liberals

Hate to break it to you but the alt right is the new right. Neo cons got btfo before they really got started. And there are way more conservatives that have socially liberal views on things like pot and keeping religion out of government while keeping with traditional Western values. The left is in absolute ruins. They're already at each other's throats.

I'm not talking about the autism laden alt right the msm says is the Alt right is. I'm talking about the actual alt-right, the future of Western conservatives

>imagine Sup Forums being banned in red states

You are a leftist, just make up my reply.

>great business man
If you cant become a billionair with a million dollar interest free loan from your dad you don't deserve to breathe. He isn't a smart person but he is smart enough to get retards to love him

Trump has no chance now of getting re-elected now that he's been exposed as, basically, a liar for votes. Remember "LOCK HER UP!"?? Remember how he said he was going to sic a special prosecutor on Hillary if he was elected and throw her in jail? Then after he was elected Trump said that was just for show and laughed it off.

In other words, the tricks he used to fool conservatives and get elected this time will no longer work.

On another note, how likely is it do you think that Trump molested his daughter? I say it's very high.

>how likely is it do you think that Trump molested his daughter?

Pretty high, considering how much influence she has now.

She's a smart girl. She knows how to capitalize on his shame.

>doesn't undestand basic economics
>more tax cuts for the rich
>I-it'll trickle down don't worry, let keep trying

Right. Trump obviously sees Ivanka as the real First Lady.

They have a very creepy history posing together.
So I do think they had a sexual relationship at some point.

I'm actually pretty moderate I guess my left leanings are more towards healthcare because I think the insurance companies are fucking over the American citizenry with their inflated costs.

No an ambulance ride doesn't cost 9,000 dollars.

No an aspirin doesn't cost 50 dollars.

I sense a note of sarcasm...