Complete Failure!

Complete Failure!

The economy has now experienced the slowest growth in 3 years. The GDP is at an all-time record low.

Repeal & Replace - failed
Muslim Ban I - failed
Muslim Ban II - failed
Sanctuary City funding cuts - failed
Tax reform - failed

A complete failure. Many conservatives are now even having buyer's remorse, and wishing that they had voted for Hillary Clinton instead.

Obama's economy grew for 8 straight years, and Hillary Clinton was going to keep with his policies since they were working very well.


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lol try again.

Stop consuming fake news

All true, but give him a real chance to fail. That's all we are asking. Have you read the new health care bill? Version two is way more aggressively right wing and socially Darwinistic.

Bloomberg got their info from the US Dept of Commerce. Not fake.

We are going to war with Korea. That should be a real ratings boost for him.

Just go away

It's fake if Trump says it is. He's your president. Show a little respect.

You don't on this board.


Every president sets traps for the economy to fail, look at 2009, fucking mong.
It's a false narrative, set up traps, then blame the new president for not recovering good enough.

He's been in office for 3 months and you fags are going to try an lay this on him? This is just another of Obama's failures. One of many that will haunt us for years to come.

That was the Bush crash you dope. Obama helped us avoid another great depression.

The housing market bust? Are you actually retarded?

It's a false narrative, set up traps, then blame the new president for not recovering good enough.
Learn how to read you fucking moron

GDP you fucking mong, neck yourself

So this is how we ended up with Trump...

Only it wasn't a trap. It was a complete failure under GOP leadership.

It affects that. You moron.

Yes. Actual fake news played a big part in it. The daily caller and Breitbart never retract when caught and called out. They just double down.

>happens everytime
>This time is different though
typical moronic democrats


all time record low

what are you, 10?

lrn2greatdepression you idiot

>causing liberal butthurt
>great success

You're a moron. Suck a tailpipe.

When people have less money they spend less.

Liberal shills, please go.

Republican and Russian shill get out!

>GOP leadership

Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate. The House controls the budget, and Bush wasn't able to get much done once they took over.

Nice passing the blame though. I'm not saying Bush was GOP wasn't to blame, but the Democrats were just as much to blame as they were. Dodd and Frank were both very responsible for the failures of the Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages, and they were both democrats.

>Economy crashes every time the GOP is in control
>Blame Democrats
Typical GOP idiocy. How'd destroying NAFTA go for you like your meme president promised, cuck?

record low gdp growth, dumbfuck.

>0% fed interest rates for his entire 8 years
>increased debt by 68% in those same 8 years
>made no good long term investments like infrastructure
>"saved us from another depression"

Oh sweet summer child

> GOP is in control




>because the housing bubble only happened during the two years the GOP lost congress

That';s fucking hillarious is Obongo a republican now?

President drafts the budget, idiot. If everyone was trying to keep bush from doing anything there'd be more government shutdowns. Somehow even liberals are more mature than the tantruming Republicans which were either so inept or so reluctant to do their job the government shut down multiple times.

It started with Clinton era policies and laws. I'm a liberal and find this entire argument retarded. Bush was responsible for not preventing 911 in the face of evidence that it was happening. That was a ball he dropped. The housing market is on both parties.

>Too young or stupid to remember who was before or after Obama
Typical Republican. I bet you post frogs unironically.

Nice try, but it wasn't a budget issue. It was mortgages being given to people who couldn't pay them. This was dictated by the democrats named in user's post.

>tfw most of the debt increase happened in the first two years of the bush housing bust.
how does recession work?

Trump also admitted that he didn't think being president was going to be this hard. He didn't understand the white house and he didn't understand politics, therefore he can't get anything done.

He's basically a total failure.

Now, liberals knew that about him before he was elected. That's because liberals aren't as stupid as conservatives.

Conservatives, on the other hand - they gobbled up his bullshit like it was going out of style. Bullshit like this:

"Together we're going to deliver real change that once again puts Americans first. You're going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it's going to be so easy."

Ha! "It's going to be so easy." And conservatives heard that and were like, "man this guy has his shit together." Liberals heard that and were like, "Easy!? This guy has no fucking clue."

Liberals were right.

Also, daily reminder: Donald Trump is really fucking creepy.

>Umma librul
stopped reading there

I post frog unironically and I know the capital of Bangladesh

Actually it was carried on by the Bush administration. This is a two sided story. Both sides failed us. The banks pushed Republicans to carry on with it and the lack of investigation about known abuses was a national embarrassment. I find it hilarious that Trump was pushing for more people to invest in real estate at the time, but he didn't have the connections to necessarily know what was going on. Bush did.

>That's because liberals aren't as stupid as conservatives.

great joke or greatest joke evar?

This completely explains your politics. Anyone with a world view different than your own gets tuned out.

Right now it's actually true. It wasn't always true and it's not universal, but the Republican party has lost its god damned mind

More like, anyone who tries to justify their political opinions on the internet by claiming to be from the opposing party is a knob gobbler and should be disregarded out of hand.

>republicans have lost their mind.

Did you watch the gorsuch hearings? The republicans are supposed to be retarded but holy fuck the democrats are officially living in Lala land.

Take it to Sup Forums shit cunt

Conservatives are always the losers in American history.

Revolutionary War = losers
Civil War = losers
Civil Rights = losers

In each of these events, conservatives wanted to maintain the archaic status quo, while liberals were sincere about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The election of Trump is conservatives trying to turn the clock back to a less tolerant and less enlightened time.

So, yes, liberals have always been a step ahead, and they always will be, because they're not afraid of the unknown - they're more courageous - just like our radical liberal revolutionary founding fathers were vs the conservative Brits and Loyalist Americans.

Make the world a better place and off yourself now. You are too stupid to save.

That was political revenge and it's all stupid. Looking at the freedom caucus and the administration shoes that Republicans take it to a whole nother level. It's all bad, but it's as if alien brain eating parasites have taken over the GOP. I miss Bush

I would never vote for Hillary no matter how incompetent Trump turns out to be.

are you retarded?


To be fair there's fake news on both sides of the political spectrum. That's why it's important to always be skeptical of what you read and check the facts. Both Liberals and Conservatives fall for fake news, we both have useful idiots so is the way of politics.

Yeah, but among Trump's core supporters there is a serious tendency to fall for it.

Same goes for Hillary.

The guy who make those threads is from Sup Forums

And Breitbart is super into it. So is the daily caller. Trump even associates with Alex Jones and he has actually linked to fake news articles. Imagine if Hillary linked to conspiracy theories about Trump.

Not so much. She doesn't actively encourage it. Trump exploited the stupidity of his followers and it paid off.

Okay but every time somebody calls trump racist or homophobic they're listening to fake news...and everyone on the left spews that shit

Uhhhhh, that was the mess Obama inherited from the Bush Administration, notice the steep decline before 2008? Not starting there. Dumbass.

Not true. He's posted some racist shit, said some racist shit and did some seriously racist shit in the 80's and 90's. Homophobic, not so much.

ctually the market was increasing under Obama, till the very end of his presidency. It went up for a few weeks after Trump's election, and has steadily been decreasing since then.

Try again.

Hillary's foreign policy would bring the US closer to WW3. My biggest complaint about Trump is that he's not living up to his promise of being an 'America First' president. The strikes in Syria and him pushing Steve Bannon further away show how easily he can be manipulated by his globalist advisors and Ivanka but I think if we can get him back on the right track he might be a good president.

I'm not a diehard Trump supporter but out if all the candidates I supported his agenda the most.


Kek, Who the fuck is Jill stein?

Also Hillary is actually racist and homophobic and sexist so the irony is real. Calling black men "superpredators," shitting on the half dozen women who accused bill of rape, being anti-gay marriage until 2013 (long after trump didn't give a fuck.)

Trump is doing the exact things that you say Clinton would be doing to bring us closer to WW3.

Why do you think it is any different? Bombing an Air field and provoking opposition to move troops for conflict?


I never said she wasn't. I said that Trump was.

I don't really care what Trump did in the 90s. I care what he does and wants to do now. Don't pretend Hillary has a better track record.

She actually does. Pretty much everyone does. Well except Steve King and Bannon.

what an absolute retard

I agree. But Hillary wants military action in Syria, it would've been worse if she was elected.

Defend trump all you want. At least Obama didn't make Americans look like a bunch of idiots to us foreign countries.

Im not even saying Obama did well or bad. But Trump spits out so much bullshit that everyone here is just laughing.

and Don't pretend Hillary is controlling our country. Trump is doing EVERYTHING he said he WOULDN'T.

He Lied to ALL of you. And now you are spreading your Cucked asscheeks so he can fuck you nice and hard- enriching himself off your tax dollars and forever changing our financial policies to make it so the middle class can NEVER compete in this economy.

And Trump just bombed them. You idiot. Plus now he's talking war with Korea.

He thought being president would be easy ...

Build a wall. Easy! Health Care. Easy! Russia. Easy!

No wonder he plays so much golf. I'd want to get out too.

Different reasons. World war 3 is necessary because there are parts of the world that are preventing humanity from moving forward. Hillary wanted to perpetuate the war machine, trump wants to end it all real quick. Take out Assad and isis. Love it. Wipe out North Korea. Fucking love it. In reality the entire Middle East needs to go and we can probably do it pretty easily if people would stop being such pussies. Also if he really is cozying up to Russia (he does seem to have good working relations with Putin) nothing can stop us from turning that giant sand pit into brown(er) America. Once all the shitty countries are gone, we can live in a world where everybody loves everybody.

>Tl;dr the golden god trump will lead the world to an age of human singularity.

59 tomahawk missiles. Dropped the MOAB on Afghanistan. Deploying more troops to the middle east. Deploying our Navy and Airforce to posture against N.Korea.

How is this not taking military action against the same entities the GOP was warning Clinton would provoke war against.

Voting in favor of multiple wars and putting America's national security at risk is not as bad as saying some racist shift and being a billionaire playboy asshole?

>Hillary's foreign policy would bring the US closer to WW3.

Assad: *spends 6 years killing civilians*
Hillary: I'd like to create a no-fly zone over Syria.
Trump & Sup Forums: Oh NOES!!!! She wants to start WW3!!!
Trump: If elected, I'll "fight ISIS" (send US troops to fight Assad's enemies)
Trump: *"wins" election*
Assad: *kills more civilians*
Trump: *kills civilians in Yemen*
Assad: *kills a few more civilians*
Trump: I never knew he was killing civilians! WTF? I hate Assad now! *starts war with close ally of Russia*
Sup Forums: Hooray for Trump! Thank god we didn't elect Hillary!

Nice forecast

what sort of asshole could blame anyone but Obama for current economic woes? 8 years of that shit is still what is primarily causing growth (new debt creation) to slow after years of Potemkin growth induced by massive money printing, which helped the banks and finance sectors, and no one else.


Can't be racist if it's true. Those stats seem off but it's not far from true.

nigga please. hillary was a sure thing for moar warz.

America has the reputation of being a corrupt foreign invader thanks to Obama. People veiw us favourably in our allied nations but not in the middle east where countless terrorists are bread.

I'm not saying America's middle eastern wars justify terrorism but perhaps more limited involvement in that region may make us less of a target?

We are hunting you down Antifa. Your days are numbered.

Not just off. Made up and completely bullshit. The majority of whites murdered are murdered by whites. That's just the truth. The other numbers are also off but that one... Also made up source.

When that guy on Sup Forums blames the housing crash and following recession on Obama.


Agreed, but I continue to beleive we would be worse off with Hillary.

Trump is very impressionable and listens to a lot of people. This is good for a democracy.

This is why we need to keep giving him good advice.

kind of ironic considering the list of things he's attempted to do is more than obama did in 2 full terms. These 'failures' are because a bunch of sore losers can't get with the fucking program and would rather have a total government shutdown than make any type of progress.

Try me bro. I got as many guns as you.

They call me a Gun-toting-liberal.

The administration is indeed a train wreck but if you look at Trump's approval rating among his own voters only 2% are having buyer's remorse. These people have been brainwashed to believe everything he says and literally support him as a part of their identity. You can't possibly reason with them because they want their beliefs to be true and worship him as a fucking god.

Assad was killing civilians? On purpose like the US/Saudi/Turk backed foreign mercenaries slaughtering ethnic and religious minorities and beheading people so Qatar can run a pipeline through and Iran can't, and so Israel can vobble up the rest of the Golan? Begone neocon troll! Trips and OP eats dogshit.

But but but Obanga. Meh racial superiority. It's da jooz fault I didn't get into two ivy league colleges like Obama.

What I find hilarious is that no one seems to acknowledge that Obama's half white.