How should you write with girl with is on perioid?

How should you write with girl with is on perioid?
Feel bad for her? try to make her happy?
Idk how to act af, how can i know if i never had anything like that

radio silence. until period ends

1st of all mate, do you enjoy talking with her.
Because if you don't.... why don't you waste your time on something you gonna enjoy doing in the first place?
But if you do enjoy. Be yourself.
P.S. being funny and not giving a fuck makes it really easy.
And by saying not giving a fuck I mean you are not afraid to state your opinions. (ofc you moderate when you are around ppl you don't know bcs you don't want to sling rape jokes left and right around let's say your boss).

>radio silence. until period ends
ok she write to you, whats than?

talk/treat it like every other/common day.
If you make a problem out of her being on period.... it becomes a problem. And you'll have to deal with it from this point on.

Maybe give a bit more compliments though

wow good one user, lets say you made thread

Ok other question, how to talk to anyone if you are boring as fuck

If this isn't just pathetic bait, you've got some priorities mixed up, user.

ask for tits, obviously.


when the river runs red, take the dirt road

You realise we go through this every single month op, right?

Write the same as any other girl period shouldn't matter.
Do they call it full stop in England?

im not from londonland not amurica so
im not sorry for my english, idc


man these new generations...
fuckin act normally, just try to not piss her off, bitches are oversensitive about their looks and shit during those days

>man these new generations...
this is sign of getting old, i dont think you are much older than me, if any

>girl on her period
Fuck her in the period hole you insensitive cunt.
Sure it smells gross, but whatever.

im asking how to comunicate with other girl, not how to fuck

>im asking how to comunicate with other girl

why would you ask Sup Forumstards, of all people?

anonymous and easy to ask form to take advice from random people

You shouldn't