A cake approaches you

A cake approaches you

>have some! :D

Well today is my birthday so I guess don't mind if I do. Thank you cake

Happy Birthday buddy.

>a slice is taken
>cake regenerates

Thanks man
>takes another slice

> cake regenerates

Op your a cool guy. I'd like to meet you

What kind of cake is it? The detail work is awfully nice.

Dose the cake taste moist?

It is a mud cake and has reproductive capabilitys and has a filling.

>made with fresh ingredients

Moisture is a mouth feel/texture, you autistic fuck, not a flavor. Flavors include: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami.

No, thanks.

No need to be mean user just a minor slip up on his part

Are you fucking kidding me?

You must think I'm just another one of those soulless drones who just does as they're told without a second glance as to what's really going on? Fuck that, and fuck you for undermining my will power and critical thinking ability. Not just mine either, you should feel down right fucking ashamed for trying to con people into following your orders.

So you know what, fuck everything about you and what you stand for. You genuinely need to rid yourself from society by means of permanent departure. Jump in front of a subway, and don't look back, because there will be nobody looking to save you, and you'll be spared the heart-ache in the final flashes of your greedy, pitiful life.

> cake regenerates

>wind blows against the cake

>cake decides to come out of the closet.
>cake starts to cry and show it's inner layers
"I am honored to feed you all and to provide key to all who are my friends, but I am not what I look to be"

"I am made out of semen"


>being this triggered
>calling other autistic

If I could have a regenerating everlasting cake it would be one of these.