You have 1 SECOND to name a better fast food restaurant than Five Guys

You have 1 SECOND to name a better fast food restaurant than Five Guys.
>protip: you're can't.


>jack in the box
just off the top of my head.

How about we retire this topic

I'll retire you. Shut up before I shut you up.

Stop making these threads you fucking inbred. Go outside and fucking run a mile.


No need to post there is no discussion 5 guys is king of burgers

> five guys
> never heard of it
You sure ain't baiting op


This picture is delightful

Grow up.

Six guys

Them peanuts

six gays , in annus street

Anything anywhere.


steak n shake fags


five guys is the best

Tom Wahls


Only ohio fags will understand.
