America is doomed, you will spend you old age surrounded by monkeys

America is doomed, you will spend you old age surrounded by monkeys

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Holy shit, it's almost a invasion.

No wonder Trump is making that wall.

White, but happy this is happening because I hate Trumpshits more than anyone.

Gotta build that wall

it's too late for walls
niggers and spics breed much faster than whites

so basically you'd blow whole USA (including yourself!) up just to fucking spite them...

you should rethink it. really.

why are you so silly

nah, i don't really give a shit about america. it's destruction is very much worth the unhappiness of political zealots.

You unironically think that someone makes the us debt skyrocket for symbolic actions is a good president?

i assume you don't want kids and you don't give a fuck about the future right?

What about europe?

Frankly, I like a multicolored US. My ancestors were immigrants and so were yours.
We've always gotten stronger with the addition of new immigrant groups...and there's always crybaby retards who try to resist it. They always fail and in a generation or two the newcomers will be just as American as the rest of us.

Our time will be no different. The racistfags are having their day with their shiny new asshole president but soon enough they'll be swept aside into the trash heap where they belong.

do you really think it is a good idea to vote for someone who is know to be in the pocket of the banks and corporate elite?

>We've always gotten stronger with the addition of new immigrant groups..
No you haven't

>newcomers will be just as American as the rest of us.
ow wait you are baiting

same, it's not going to have a direct impact on my life given my location and i'd prefer not to have children so i'm content with this trend. it's funny to watch conservative americans trip out over it.

>i'd prefer not to have children
Funny you say that, why dont you want to have kids?
Note that ppl with out are miserable in life.

they're obnoxious and i'm extremely content with my adult life. so, not all people. also, as mentioned, the world will be shit. i don't care about what happens in general but i'd rather not subject my own child to that.

The only people who are miserable without kids are idiots who think they're born with a "purpose". It's Abrahamic spiritual bullshit.

I was born in the Nixon administration.
This country is a more multicultural & Liberal place just in my lifetime. It will be even more multicultural & Liberal by the time I die.

Basically, Trump and his shitbag coalition is a setback but I ain't shook. Modern conservitards are no different from the Tories in 1776. Culture always marches to the left.

ayayay chihuahua vivan los usa cabrones

Yes because squalling screaming brats and the inability to pursue hobbies and interests because children devour your time and your money. You can't decide to take a trip to Rome on a whim. You can't just move to a new city when you tire of where you're at. You most likely won't have a healthy relationship and probably will end up in a custody battle.

Not knocking it for the people who actually want it but it really is hell on earth for some of us.

>they're obnoxious and i'm extremely content with my adult life.
only the kids of others are like that
and you like your life so you are to poor and a kid will fuck you up.

>also, as mentioned, the world will be shit. i don't care about what happens in general but i'd rather not subject my own child to that.

You are part of the problem by just rolling over whilst giving half your taxes to the exponential growth of untermenschen that you yourself are going to be around when you are old.

Do you think your stocks are going to be worth anything.

look at the african rand, you are fucked son and that money is not going to do you any good when you get raped by a wild pack of niggers who run the senior home

>implying self indulgence is somehow the most fulfilling way to live your life

selfish, materialistic bullshit. not to mention you will not be happy when you get older.

>You can't just move to a new city when you tire of where you're at.
you can if you wernt so fucking poor

i am old, dipshit. learn to articulate your thoughts and then try again.

appealing to authority means nothing. you don't prove liberalism is a good thing by saying "that's just the way things go".

No. We just want our lives to ourselves. I don't think any who don't want kids care about some imagined destiny. They just want their short time on this earth to be spent pursueing what makes them happy

>You can't decide to take a trip to Rome on a whim.
Why the fuck would you go to rome to see some old buildings whilst you get mugged and possibly raped?

"you like your life so you are to poor"

Jokes on you, there's no way we'll live long enough to see old age once we're surrounded by niggers!

a so you already fucked your opportunity on kids. and now you pretend to every one you did the right thing and pretend that not having kids made your life better.

I said the only people who are miserable WITHOUT kids. You got me backwards.

you dont like your life, you are old and have nothing but some selfies with the tower of pizza

that is out of date, its by 2042 whites WILL be a minority throughout the entire U.S

>Nigger community becoming the majority
We're already living with monkeys you cuck

You do know this has almost nothing to do with them coming into the country and everything to do with white people giving birth at age 40 since women want to focus on their careers first while hispanics give birth at 16 then continue giving birth until they have 12 children... right?

Like 80% of the growth in hispanics in America is due to birth rates. Illegal immigration has fallen dramatically in recent years since the Mexican economy is doing pretty well

Well there are still a few afrikaners around

i've been married for thirty years and we are infinitely happier than anyone we know who had children. sorry you made to foolish and irresponsible choice to have kids, y'know, since hardly literate people generally make bad parents.

I'm not old, dumbass

>foolish and irresponsible decision to have a progeny
darwin would be celebrating your removal from the gene pool

it is natural instinct not having kids is unnatural. women actually lack a hormonal transition if they dont have kids. which explains why some of the childless women are right old cunts

I don't care about your race, I care about your culture. If you are subscribed to a shitty culture of any racial background, I want you dead. Otherwise, who gives a fuck how much melanin you have in your skin, were all the same meat anyway.

>this isn't the cause of the problem, THIS is!
what's your point?

the world is overpopulated already, Darwin would commend me for my observation that teenagers, like yourself, should stop procreating.

They just keep getting pushed further and further south. Eventually they'll fall off and land on Australia.

Lol this guy is pissed that his kids are lil cunts

>who actually want it but it really is hell on earth for some of us.
how would you know if you dont have kids?
its not a want, it is a need. your life is so artificial you dont even understand yourself.

i bet you have had a lot of pets and treated them like your kids

It isn't materialism when all I care about is good life experiences. It costs to pursue those, more often than not.

Happiness is not a constant state of euphoria. It is contentment and enjoying the little moments
Give that a read

It isn't a matter of poverty. It is a check of a lot more work moving with kids. You're uprooting them from a town/city they know where all their friends are. You have to travel hundreds of miles with children that most likely hate your guts for making them move. Then you have to go through all the paperwork to re-enroll them. On top of all the costs.

africa and asia are overpopulated, europe and the americas are perfectly fine. your decision has no affect on the global balance of population, except that of dragging whites down even further.

I said us, I have kids

yeah having kids makes ppl intensely happy, they stay alive longer have less stress and more happy hormones

This guy gets it. He's opting out because living life surrounded by your window licking kids is to grim a future to inflict on their potential offspring.

Just because you have no taste for art and history doesn't mean I don't.

and, as mentioned earlier, i don't give a fuck what happens to whites. enjoy watching your grandchildren get blown up.

Ah... I'd disagree but that's just because few people know how to live contentedly. So many people miserable for many reasons.

>less stress

i mean it's a cute comic, but did you really need some childish drawing to articulate your thoughts? there's no getting past the fact that procreating is literally the sole purpose of living, to not do so voluntarily is entirely selfish and absolutely contrary to all your natural biological urges.

i realize you've made your choice and are content with it, but for the love of god don't push this on anyone else.

perfect example of the childless mindset.

Embrace it faggot, let this whole place be engulfed with monkeys with zero ability to sustain it.

You wont care when you're dead.

>>implying anything matters in any way at all

>infinitely happier than anyone we know who had children.
Sure because your photo album of rome is the source of eternal bliss.
How does it feels that the happiness you perceive is just a simple holly day for others?

How would you measure your happiness against ppl with kids?

i bet you believe in heaven too.

News flash, culture is set by instinct, instinct is set by genetics.
melanin makes you less intelligent and more aggressive

i'm not the guy that was talking about rome. try to keep track of the multiple people that know you're desperately grasping for validation.

I have no pets.
And I don't need to burn my hand to the bone to know what flame feels like.
I've seen children, baby sat a few of my family's kids. I'm not saying it's all bad but I know I don't want them.

>how would you know if you dont have kids?
I'm sorry but this is truly one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You're saying I should make a permanent life decision based on the fact I have not yet done it?

i don't. i just think you're a terrible person.


by the lack of crying, fighting with my wife, financial stress, lack of freedoms, lack of worries, and infinitely greater opportunities.

I'm not pushing it on everybody else. Everyone is constantly trying to push me into parenthood.

because i wasn't as foolish as you and wore a condom? oh no, how will i go on.

How would you know you don't want to hang yourself if you haven't?

Who could be behind this post?
I suppose it would be one of these fine gentlemen

It's the birth death ratio that is important

you're little deflections don't brush away the fact that you're one of the most selfish people on the earth. to not only forego having kids, but to celebrate your complete disregard for future're absolutely worthy of the entire world's contempt.

Knowing I can do what I want when I want. Period.

well, too bad i only have the contempt of one pathetic dad i argued with on Sup Forums.

It is not imperative that everyone has children. We do not need more population. Nore is ours declining

because as i said, it's the natural thing to do. i sympathize with your position, but seriously, you made a mistake in not having a progeny.

WTF is other?

Contempt for choosing not to have children only is acceptable if we are about to go extinct because of that choice.

Calm down, our species isn't going anywhere because certain people aren't having kids. Evolution compensated for this.

>you're little
Holy shit, you are incredibly stupid, please stop breeding

>We voted Trump just to spite you liberal faggots!


your excuses are
>it will be a lot of paperwork to re enlist a kid in a school if we move
>it will be expensive
>my non existing kids might get upset if they have to move
Do you even understand that kids give you tons of good life experiences.
>you will never hold your kid in your arms for the firts time
>you will never see you child take its first steps
>you will never do one of your hobbies with your son
>you will never have your kids help you when you are old
>your kids will never assist the other partner when one dies
>you wont have any one in your life when you are old

the birthrate of western countries is at 1.4-1.6, we are declining. only overpopulated areas is asia and africa

i'm 19 years old lol

what do you think of the picutre in OP?? is that not a path to extinction?

>19 years old
everything you've said prior was just deligitimized

Is it? You tell me.

ah right i forgot age makes it valid to just completely disregard every argument i made, surely i'm just a stupid kid


it very clearly is, for whites anyway

I'm surprised nobody has pointed out the numbers in that chart are BS.

In the 2010 US census, 74.8% of the US population identified themselves as White, either alone or combination with another racial group.


>America is doomed, you will spend you old age surrounded by monkeys
If America is doomed Europe has already entered hell.

hispanics are often called white, and that would include mixeds who identify as white as well. doesn't change the biological reality.

yeah, your lack of critical thinking and childlike grasp of the english language leads one to believe that your arguments are as stupid as one would imagine it to be, despite your mighty ninteen years worth of wisdom. go to bed.

>>Implying mexico/hispanic countries haven't been around a long fucking time.

>>Implying the same about africans and asians

Yeah, maybe another dark age, in certain parts of the world, but extinction? Nope.

>>Mudhut niggers in africa are technically still alive, and breeding.

The species survives.

Evolution may even one day revive the white version of humanity via mutation, as it did this time around.

I really couldn't care for the good feel experiences you listed.
And I've got my fingers crossed for dead by sixty. Otherwise I put away money saved by not having kids for retirement

you are a sheep going to a tourist attraction like literal millions have done before

right, let's just let the extinction of a race happen because who cares! it might come back ten thousand years from now anyway.

what the fuck?

yes, despite the increased workload they have less stress.
Apparently having fuck all to do fucks with ppl.

I'm talking about species, not your petty bullshit.