Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president...

Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It's learned that she has deep ties to Putin and the Russian spy agency. She puts utterly unqualified billionaires in cabinet posts. She pursues public policies that benefit her and her billionaire friends.
She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing, gives her her own office and allows her to use that position to forward her own business interests. And Chelsea's husband is her chief advisor. The private business trips taken by Chelsea and her husband are paid for by the taxpayers.
She refuses to release any tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House and Bill refuses to live in the White House so our tax dollars are spent keeping him safe in Chappaqua.
Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in her own, privately-held resort. Her private resort gets reimbursed for any and all "official" government functions (including security) because she chooses to conduct all her "business" and personal functions there. She and her family live in three White Houses at the same time.
In an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating while she ordered said bombing. I could go on and on. The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway.
But let's face it, if Hillary - or any woman or minority candidate - had five children from three partners s/he would never have survived the primary in the first place.

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in that scenario, trump suporters would be screaming 'impeach' while hillary supporters would be keeping their heads down
literally no difference
murica politics, and politics in general, are completely cucked

Very true

in this scenario i still dont care.
because the president is just a puppet.
they will push forward with the agenda that their reptilian overlords tell them to push.

What impeachable offense has been/is being committed?

Hurting your feelings isn't impeachable.


not op, but there's a couple impeachable offenses listed. the real point, however, is the hypothetical reaction of the republicans/conservatives to the scenario.

> impeachable offenses listed
> lists not one offense

Keep trying cuck, you can't stump the Trump!

> Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president

lol stopped reading there.

Congress and federal judges are doing a pretty good job though.

Please go back to Sup Forums.


It was a hypothetical scenario, the president is just a puppet anyways, a public appearance

emoluments clause, dipshits.

I read these and just another liberal snowflake crying over the election. Makes me laugh every day. I will be for 8 years. Keep it up liberals.

Imagine if your conspiracy theories about Trump were actually true and factual.

None of which are ture.

Is none of it true?

I agree with ye

Which he is not in violation of. An ethics panel has already determined this.

You people just cut and paste what you hear on maddow without even a clue of what you are talking about.

Pretty much. It does give me shadenfreud that liberals spend a majority of heir day stressed out about Trump.

I read an article that mental health professionals are swamped with triggered snowflakes suffer from Trump derangement syndrome. They cant even function properly.

It's gonna be a long eight years.

None of it is true.




Which I say while my IP addy is trakked :/

Damn, you cucks never get tired of talking shit.
Fucking tiny hands lies, hates and has no experience whatsoever in government, the only experience he has is bankruptcy. Good think he never turned poor because of his shady business and his shit university, as well as appearing in some shit-tier hollywood stuff. Easy money.
Where are this bitch's taxes, anyway?

But you sure can suck on the cuck, you repuflicunt fuck.

>implying Sup Forums is any more dignified

>Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It's learned that she has deep ties to Putin and the Russian spy agency. She puts utterly unqualified billionaires in cabinet posts. She pursues public policies that benefit her and her billionaire friends.
>She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing, gives her her own office and allows her to use that position to forward her own business interests. And Chelsea's husband is her chief advisor. The private business trips taken by Chelsea and her husband are paid for by the taxpayers.
>She refuses to release any tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House and Bill refuses to live in the White House so our tax dollars are spent keeping him safe in Chappaqua.
>Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in her own, privately-held resort. Her private resort gets reimbursed for any and all "official" government functions (including security) because she chooses to conduct all her "business" and personal functions there. She and her family live in three White Houses at the same time.
>In an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating while she ordered said bombing. I could go on and on. The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway.
>But let's face it, if Hillary - or any woman or minority candidate - had five children from three partners s/he would never have survived the primary in the first place.

Welcome to the US political machine. You never complain when your guy is in the white house about what your guy does in the white house. You compromose your party unity by doing so. It doesn't matter what the Donald does so as long as their party is held together.

If you look, the big rift is between Rand Paul and the Liberty Republicans and the MagaMen.