A far off land where they walk like men, yet havith heads of animals

A far off land where they walk like men, yet havith heads of animals.

and the dicks of dogs





"hide post"

its not gay if its an animal.

Is the payday 2 dude gone =[






Yes, I am clean. Clean and healthy my dear boy.


father, i have partaken in the lesser ablution, but soon follows the greater..

I'll clean u


Begin with mine feetses.

to prepare the vessel

Ah yes, prepare the vessel.




yes daddy


sup kaizers

Hey, Devkins.
Just thought I'd stop by.
What up?



Here just postin' porn. Same as usual. What's good with you mang? Do you have a discord account?


I do.
Kaizerhauf #7151

We can talk more there I guess.



Good boi












pet me like he petting that wolf


Nipple play is really nice~

Double check dat name? Says it's not working?


w..what next

wemmmers How's it hanging?



truck yeah it is bb

to the left :3

needs to centered and upright

Oh, it's Kaiserhauf with an 'S'
I'm dumb.
The rest is correct.


oky :3c
what up on your end dude?

whatcha up to ?

You can be a good boi and clean my cuticles and nails next.

Probably gonna head to bed soon.
How about yourself?


aww mmkay. I am watching Tales from Earthsea

That's a good movie.

> beat boxes evil villan music

Jack & the coco clock is funny


it seems good so far :3



I remember watching it a long while ago.
I just remember it being good overall.

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet black bough.


mmm and Timothy Dalton voices in it

I think I watched the sub version..


And the plans from a long lost intergalactic civilization

ohhh. if you watch it again ever, watch it dubbed. i should watch it subbed too




Hey Kai.


Hi, Snarf

das cute

no "hey katten"
fuck you too


They're so cute together.




Touch butts.

You're too pretty for a simple 'hey'.




With whom?


post catboobs


and dicks

nope only boobs now

you dare!

oui i do
