How do I get more pussy from the wife? Need crusher advice. Pic Unrelated

How do I get more pussy from the wife? Need crusher advice. Pic Unrelated

Tell her you're 1/16th black.

Try anal, you wont like it at first.

Put down the phone. Put down the video games. Give that bitch attention. Bitches luv it. Text her random cute shit at least once a day. Physical touching, holding, hugging, all that shit throughout the day. No phone in the bed. Back massages - even shitty ones get em in the mood. Attention. Everybody gets complacent in long term relationships. Make an effort

Get gud wife

Shes only ever been with me, supposedly

Grab her by the hips....flip her ass whatever the fuck she is wearing off.....

This user speaks the truth.

Thanks for the advice, i will try it and see if it gets better.

Ive had to learn; 3 years of marriage and still banging on the reg. Gotta give attention and make an effort or she loses sex drive.

Cheat on her.

how the fuck did you get married if you're so socially inept that you have to ask Sup Forums how to get the woman you're married to to fuck you?


I'm in the same boat but my wife has endometriosis as well as a fibrous scar tissue build up in the vaginal walls that makes Intercourse nearly impossible.

We fuck, about 2-3 times a week but I need more. A side chick womt cut it due to morals.

All of these faggots are lying. Want more pussy from the wife? Act like a man.

More specific?

Virgin detected.

user, 90% or relationships diminish sexually over time, especially after marriage. You won't find a catch-all battle plan or how-to guide.

Is she materialistic? Buy her nice things.

Is she overworked? Take stuff of her plate.

Remember, in her mind she doesn't owe you pussy anymore, so it's not goiNg to come as easy.

Listen to the Black Philip Show, by Patrice O Neal

Also, dont listen to the pussywhipped faggots advising you to "earn" the sex by doing girly stuff

Start helping around the house, go to the gym, don't be a low energy slob.

Be honest, confident, strong, talented, driven, and dominate her in bed.

2-3 times a week still? Dude, that's a lot for after-marriage. Especially if kids are involved. Once a week is way more common.

How the fuck do you people live? 3 times a week makes me feel like my balls are gonna fall off.

Sorry to hear that user, hopefully her mouth still works

>more pussy from the wife?

>more pussy
>from the wife

mutually exclusive. one simply does not get more pussy from the wife


Ha ha! Tell her thst her mouth doesnt have scar tissue.....

>1st stop fapping to underaged thots
>2nd stop fapping

once you start producing more testosterone again, you'll start attracting her again