ITT we poorly describe video games

ITT we poorly describe video games.

>Fuck it up



>they're bad
>so is the game

Rats 2: The Movie: The Game

>hey fuck you
>we have to go deeper
>oh there's my knife
>welcome to hell motherfucker
>wait no too deep
>go back go back

Rodents revenge from win 95

dark souls


>escape prison thing from windows
>never got an ending

Yep, that was fast

nice trips





that one game with the NV movie camera and having to change batts


>1 2 3 4 7
> 4 3
> 1 1 1 1
>blank spaces
> "oh shit"

Got the first one, at least.

>a fanfiction crossover with no sex

Three games:
>Be fag in forest
>Fly dragon
>Miss all the loot
>Game is shit
>Ending is shit
>Temporarily bankrupt studio

>Be a japanese
>Almost dank souls
>Your homies are basic bitches
>Play dress up as Guts
>Princess dress best girl / stats

>Get anally hammered by aliens
>Turtleing doesn't seem to work for silly humans
>Kill some alien faggots
>Go home
>Go back
>Go home
>Go back
>Except it doesn't
>Garbage now
>Vocal minority doesn't think the series is ass

>build settlement
>new people
>people get over worked and angry
>throw a party
>fucking raids
>try to research good shit
>wait a minute...these aren't dorfs!

darkmaus or however it's spelled

>laser fucker
>hologram lady? what
>save everything

Halo ce?

>get a shity tunneling helicopter with treads
>fly up and meet god
>dig down meet the devil

motherlode, son

>flying british cunt
>god or some shit
>final boss is like satan or something, i dunno

yup, wasted so much time on that

I'd say minesweeper but the 4 and 3 can't possibly be touching than many mines

>dead on a cart
>wake up in a pile of bodies
>fight to the surface
>find out you break the rules of reality

>crying solves all your problems

mass effect

No one got this last thread. Posting again

>Early 2000s Namco RPG
>late 6th gen release
>platform exclusive
>game starts with protag in bed with amnesia
>talk to doctor
>says go to woods or some shit
>woods are dank with scorpion bats and shit
>fairy lady shows up
>go back to town
>mayor says go back
>dragon suddenly
>girl kidnapped by Heihachi lookin fucker
>main characters all have colorful hair

Again, if anyone gets it, I'm shocked.

tales of teh abyss


civilization or whatever teh fuck its called, tropico whatever that shit is ?

yup, bonus round wtf are dorfs?

>another settlement needs our help

No, but I do enjoy the fuck out of that game.

Manic Miner


gotta go fast

World map
Martial arts


Jet Set Willy

is it any of teh tails series?

Donkey Kong 64?


Why ZX Spectrum games?

Nope. It didn't get a ton of traction. Got a prequel and there's a smallish following for the series (of two fucking games) but other than that, there's not much else there.

>mechs on mars
>take corporate jobs
>-50,000 in debt?
>time for experiments

Wait, do these new computers have games too?

>get out
>save your niggas



Yeah, yeah, we've all seen Shaq-Fu.

>Press 'R' to restart
>you'll be doing this a lot

ok another clue
>am i drunk or...b-but muh cards...

Hotline Miami

I wanna be the guy

>ok we need to get me elected
>kill all these people

>chase cat through pyramid to get loot
>listen to some fucked CDs on the side
>jump over cacti and play baseball


>mids playing baseball
>homerun queen has a limp
>her brother's a douchebag
>the other homerun queen looks like a muppet
>can only play when drunk out of my skull
>feels like bad news bears

>spraying things
>doing sweet tricks

*kids playing baseball

destroy all humans

>exploding spaceships
>war crimes

Pearl harbor


Until this one is found, here's another.

>classic internet game
>5 games total
>travel through miami and nevada at some point
>miami is also filled with crabs

Go on

clearly L.A. Noire

wolfenstein the new order

Bad rats

>futuristic world
>crash landed spaceship
>stranded on sentient planet
>the planet becomes your friend

red faction guerrilla?

here's a hint
it's for the ps2

>kill desert worms and sewer slimes to collect material to upgrade weapons
>ur a pointy eared faggot
>travel in a space ship

I don't remember which game this is either lol

Ratchet and Clank?


Jazz jackrabbit (this game is the shit yo, i still play it nowadays)

I thought it would Vib Ribbon

>get your friends together
>pick your character
>kill em all


Jazz jackrabbit (this game is the shit yo, i still play it nowadays)

Halo or dead space

Dantes inferno

Red Faction (this game was the shit as well)

it's not red faction either see this

>supernatural shit
>giant robot

Yeah but which one

If I recall, the desert worms are in Going Commando

>Get drunk
>lose gf
>get gf back
>lotsa money
>lose gf
>dont want money
>just want beer and gf

>Game is named after a simple word
>Old game
>Aliens, but we never get to see them
>Catchy soundtrack

>wake up drunk
>fuck you gargoyle
>fuck turd pile
>fuck you giant caveman
>game receives reboot
>storm the beaches of normandy on multiplayer

>lose your bitch
>find your bitch
>do it again

zelda, all of them

or mario brothers

Dis is the same game.


Nope, its on NES tho.

then what is it?

Conkers Bad Fur Day


>shitty mom goes on a cruise with asshole step dad
>get dumped at a shitty private school
>take shit

Ghosts and Goblins

fuck u

>born special
>kill chickens
>scream at dragons

A bearded PhD scientist has a bad day at work