Ylyl Image limit hit. New thread. My name's Eman Gamer. I make a comedy show called #FakeNews

Ylyl Image limit hit. New thread. My name's Eman Gamer. I make a comedy show called #FakeNews

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how dare you call that comedy.

Eh its comedy



What the fuck? Backstory?

dude was pissed

Wow that's fucked, and I've seen some shit.


fucking liberals

>Ylyl Image limit hit.

Jesus fucking Christ kill it.

Disco Inferno

Nah not a liberal, was just posting it for the comedy factor of it. On some real shit though tires are a poison to this earth and are seriously fucking shit up.

imagine a world without tires.... how would shit get done? oh well. save the earth i guess, right?

Explain how tires are fucking shit up.

Like user said, fuck your unfunny shit.


They create lots of waste that is hard to deal with. Also they leach out toxins into the environment. If they all got recycled it wouldn't be that bad, but lots of them just go into the ground or the ocean to rot and slowly leach out carcinogens which can pollute groundwater and also kills marine life.

Not really trying to derail a ylyl thread, but had to answer.

Toxic rubber getting everywhere


Nice stealth personal army request you fag.

What are the toxins that are leaching out of them? Because every element on earth is toxic, niggers.

check'd and kek'd

that guy(who pured) han gone full retard


found link btw

why hello there


Thanks. Those poor women.

This made me chuckle

What is my life?


i just slorped you hard my friend

Jesus' pals have been renamed and localized. Here their names are Ahmed, Jhuda, Mhemat etc. And Jesus itself is called Muhammad and the Bible is Qu'ran.

Luckily they're already in hospital