Post and dump pixs that make you go hmmmm. Lets get a collection going here

Post and dump pixs that make you go hmmmm. Lets get a collection going here

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>asian women





really dude? since when she is in bestiality staff? mfw

i NEED to hear this

I saw it on efukt


if this is concept art for a Fahfrd and the Grey Mouser animated film.. and that's supposed to be Ningauble.. then SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.





If I drink a pot of coffee in the morning, that's what it looks like in the toilet later.

moving house soon, throwing out all the old crap. i found a pile of vinyl records, and the Residents' "Diskomo / Goosebumps" was in it.

Goosebumps was a collection of Mother Goose stories that had been put to music, performed with instruments they'd bought at Toys'R'Us. some of the weirdest shit i have ever heard in my life.


My mom always told me not to eat glue, or to trust anyone named Dick Man.


lol metapod


>Well lit
>Spotless floor

This is a fucking art exhibit. Someone thought this represented something and worth displaying. At least a couple people need to be gassed for this.


I'll contribute.




i'd like to have a fish tank full of these cute little guys.






that has to be the worst name for an animal ever.




nature is a bitch.


Lan cable snake



So goffik!

And if you gaze long into a frog, the frog also gazes into you. - Nietzsche











Underrated post


Peace and harmonious existence to all of you.


Sup Forums style, 16th century



>Posting Scarfolk and thinking it's real

my nugget

nice feet


i didn't say it was real. i didn't say i thought it was real.

you didn't post content.

>Post and dump
state of Sup Forums circa 2017

Horror monsters based on the shrike are terrifying.



I'd put my thingie in her you-know-what.


Peace and harmonious existence to all of you.

Normally I don't play along with these, but those trips...


> complains about shitposting
> shitposts


You would put your foot in her beet stew?

That doesnt look too bad.



i hate these little fuckers with a passion.








in german stores you get fresh meat


wtf, this one goes for over 300 bucks as a collectors item


