New fags can't triforce

new fags can't triforce

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>newfags can't greentext
*newfags can't Italics*
**newfags can't bold**
[zalgo] newfags can't zalgo [/zalgo]
~~newfags can't strikethrough~~
newfags^can't superscript
[spoiler] newfags can't spoiler [/spoiler]
[flip] newfags can't flip [/flip]



Is this irony or did you actually believe that image?


Dude, I don't know to reply directly to a post, that's how new and sad I am.

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>being incomprehensibley new

That's sad man

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newfag but guess you should put invisible character ?


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I'm newer than all you faggots, lol
This is the first time I've ever been on the internet

Replying from phone, laptop crashed when I opened my triforce file.

did do rite?


Restart and run a system scan with your antivirus just to be safe
But there's no way that the triforce did it unless you really fucked it up

Here's a screenshot of wut it look like


This thread is a train wreck

Only newfags that just found out how to Triforce make these threads.



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Holy shit. I did it.
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newfag but still

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space space triangle
triangle triangle

Haha did it newfags



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>new and sad I am.



Dude WTF, you just fucked my computer

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Go home newfags I did it.

Lol no
Pics or it didn't happen

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[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30] [enter] [alt 30] [alt 255] [alt 30]


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A for effort mate.

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HAHA see newfags i no old fag n9ob



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Got it▲
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Why the hell doesn't this work anymore?

Damn, they broke it again. Why you do dis, chink moot?

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Used to happen to me. I had to buy a new keyboard.


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I was seconds away before disaster struck

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>▲ ▲

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I will triforce even if I have to die to do it
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Feel like chinkmoot stole one of your super powers...


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Am do right?

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Did I do a good?
