Help me draw swastikas to spite reddit

Help me draw swastikas to spite reddit.,-553
The battle is on

Other urls found in this thread:,-499,527,480


Come on cunts you're letting Sup Forums down



Bump for justice

lets make a swastika on this,-499

For the glory of kek

They have 5, we have 2

Bumping for assistance, filthy leftist communists winning

Bump, getting /pol


Who wants to help kekify Romania?,527

No, we must beat leftist scum united against communism

cmon we need more people

Use green = Kek

I'll look into it. I think susing the coordinates out is gonna be hard work though.

What you need is 4 anons just runing the script to draw 1 arm and have them meet in the middle.
It should only take a couple of hours to draw a big one.

Bump, tides are slowly turning..




Blueprint for success

get /r9k/ in too

that's where we're doing it? I've been doing it in the wrong spot then lol.


Now we're on the same page

Keep it bumped..


Give the little one a black outline

That's a negative on that request, the main needs to be filled before secondary ones are

So far so good, filling the outlines in now

Need a tidy up in about 10 minutes, getting messy


This shit is falling apart

Do you know what would be really helpful. If someone could do me a csv comma and line seperated list of all the corinates we need.
Pick a center point and just increase or decrease 1 of the numbers 100 times and then do the opposite to the other number 100 times... I think?
I'm thinking of using Imacros.

get as many boards in as possible

Going to post on boards full time so you're a man down for the time being

Need a tidy up in center to help with arm formation, follow the blueprint

fix that corner anons


Coordinate it people!
Time invested in planning will drastically reduce the time spent doing manual labor.

I want everyone to know that I am going to confound your efforts at every step

What would happen if the whole canvas was one color?

reddit is friend.

fuck off

Kek, welcome to your new full time job faggot!

r/TheBlueCorner shall rise one more!

its taking shape boiis

Things will fix themselves up, going good so far

black void shall consume the board

The plan so far: get the rough shape then afterwards trim it back

Bumping for the kekis


pol here. by putting a pixel very far away from the center it will reduce your pixel cooldown period. How long it lasts depends on how far away you are. spread the message

wai yu troll

A center point is being marked in light green, refer to that to trim it correctly proportion wise

the mods got to it

In this world the Kekistanis are not permitted to live but the scourge of Communism was stopped
Praise Kek


fuck its gone at least we got rid of the hammer and sickle
