Why is everyone on Sup Forums always trying to "redpill" someone

why is everyone on Sup Forums always trying to "redpill" someone

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Because Sup Forums is a breeding ground for conspiracy theorists and "enlightened" individuals who blame everything on the Jews.

the irony being that getting "redpilled" means don't think for yourself, just listen to Sup Forums

They just really like Tylenol.

That "red pill" is for constipation prevention

Pepe RULEZ KEK is GOD Trump is emperor Jew is scary monster wymanz are really scary and mean

>red pill theory

Because they don't realize the irony that they're referencing a movie written by two trans women

Have you ever seen the matrix, if you take the red pill you know the truth, the blue pill however lets you stay in a cozy state of ignorance


Because misery loves company, and by redpilling they can convince themselves that their pathetic hateful lives have some sort of meaning.

I am familiar with The Matrix and the idea of "the red pill' but the entire board seems to be obsessed with 'enlightening' everyone

>look at how open minded i am while i reject literally any dissenting thought as childish or stupid

nice quints

.. but yes, they're larping cringelords.

Satan has spoken

found the Sup Forumsfart

.. kicked any antiiii-fa asses lately, Sir alt knight?

How the fuck did you escape the containment board?

because they're fags




Obsessed with a movie made by two now traps. It's hilarious.

I want to continue to believe that my 5 incher is enough, keep that red pill outa here


Have a redpill


thnx m8, you're right.

i don't even know where to begin with people like you. i could say we promote a message of love, self-improvement, compassionate government policy...but you wouldn't believe any of it. you are completely unwilling to listen to anything deemed "rayciss" or unacceptable in mainstream thought.

i used to have contempt for people like you, now just pity. you're a dying breed.


>implying Sup Forums is aut right
>falling for the aut right meme
Gas yourself my man

Found the Sup Forums fartsucker. gj slamming together the decent comments with the retards there faggot. Because just like the sjw cucks you guys do nothing but get blindly offended by anything that even looks like an opposing view

>i don't even know where to begin with people like you
maybe you just don't belong here, you know.

says the one reacting so virulently to an opposing view.

i'd love to debate you on a topic of your choice, we don't believe in censorship.


But you don't do that though

I'm not a neet anymore because of Sup Forums and I lost thirty pounds.

no thanks, I'm too busy reaping all the myriad benefits of globalism

i'm well aware my views are far outside the mainstream. does that make them wrong or bad? obviously not.

congratulations. would you like a cookie?


wow almost like i predicted you'd do exactly that, and you don't even try to take our positions seriously

No,cookies are degenerate


sure kid

>i could say we promote a message of love, self-improvement, compassionate government policy

if he doesnt want it, can i have it?


with the slow decline of the rural economy to automation, consolidation of smaller plants near bigger cities, etc they have turned to drugs to cope

of course

Dear Christ the autism is strong.

Just a filthy beta who'll never get laid.

Get back to Tumblr, snowflake.

this has nothing to do with anything "mainstream", you infinite faggot, look where the fuck you are.

wow you checked all the boxes, good for you.

damn right, user.

Not all dissenting thoughts are childish and stupid. Yours are, though.

Yeah sure you look like a stable level headed fellow I'd love to waste my time on that
Jesus get your fucking feet on the ground

Look at you go.

yes, it was me all along.

do you think that the political opinions on here are anything but mainstream? the amount of hillary and bernie garbage on here was gross, not to mention trump was only slightly outside mainstream thought.

That's because it literally is the Jews. Every fucking time. If you get official records from pre-WW2 Germany, there weren't even 6 million Jews living in what would become NSDAP controlled territory between 1933-45. The Jews have also been kicked out of dozens of nations since the beginning of recored history because no one fucking like them due to them being thieving, power hungry rats. More recently they carved out a nice little play place in the desert called Israel that displaced millions of arabs and caused a massive conflict with the surrounding nations, so you can thank Jews for modern Islamic terrorism. The most recent examples include George Soros paying people to protest against Trump. Now Kushner has his hand all the way up the man's ass and is using him as a puppet. You should open your eyes. It's always the fucking Jews.

You have to go back

Waste of trips.

have i given literally any reasoning thus far for you to call me "unstable" or "childish and stupid"?

of course not, this is just the standard reaction to any views that lie outside your accepted thought frame.



You know I'm right, Jew.

>big words scare me

>and you don't even try to take our positions seriously
do you? really? unironically?


>let me just continue to act smug and aloof so everybody knows i'm the right one!!!

yes.. yes.. but


>non-autists scare me

>That's because it literally is the Jews. Every fucking time. If you get official records from pre-WW2 Germany, there weren't even 6 million Jews living in what would become NSDAP controlled territory between 1933-45. The Jews have also been kicked out of dozens of nations since the beginning of recored history because no one fucking like them due to them being thieving, power hungry rats. More recently they carved out a nice little play place in the desert called Israel that displaced millions of arabs and caused a massive conflict with the surrounding nations, so you can thank Jews for modern Islamic terrorism. The most recent examples include George Soros paying people to protest against Trump. Now Kushner has his hand all the way up the man's ass and is using him as a puppet. You should open your eyes. It's always the fucking Jews.


>"hurr durr everyone I don't like is a JEW!!!!"
Such articulation.

Nice one, you just make that?

fuck off kike

> the pills they should be using

holy shit wow user I don't even

This still doesn't prove what I said to be incorrect. Try again.

>>"hurr durr everyone I don't like is a JEW!!!!"
Prove me wrong. You can't because everything I've said there is factually correct.

Perhaps it's the fact that you dodge any comments you might get and randomly lash out instead. Or perhaps it's the fact that you're apparently willing to just "debate people about anything" because you don't give a single fuck about what exactly you're learning, you're only interested in trying hard to be right. Perhaps, perhaps. You literally have nothing to gain with what you're doing

Because bluepilled Fags like you use "enlightened" in quotes to describe a genuine (((conspiracy)))

you can't help but reply, can you?

sounds like a plan to me

>"hurr durr ur a kyke!! huh huh huh huh huh-- Oops, coming mom! I'll be down for dinner in a bit!"


who said I tried to prove anything?

>found the newfag

>You must be at least 18 years old to post.

lol what the fuck are you talking about? you somehow managed to frame my open-mindedness as an argument against me?

i've been totally transparent so far, people will just find something to get mad at i suppose

I'd browse that.
I wonder what kind of alien memes they'd have.

I think that blue pill can be better than red pill. Is only a question about perspective.

finally, someone said the magic word, now I get to use one of my favourite memes.


It would appear that in one sentence of backpedaling you've taken yourself full circle and proven yourself an idiot. Topkek.



Kys pls. I bet u think "more niggers is welcome"/.75 cents per hour.gif

maybe that Quinn woman/person/something is there...

I'd fuck her comfortably numb and not even be ashamed.

you really do care about this shit, my dude.

it's adorable.

But 911 came from Iraq, right faggot lmao u for 2020

they're all a bunch of degenerate drug addicts.

>"more niggers is welcome"/.75 cents per hour.gif

No you retard I was trying to explain to you that you've got your definition of open-mindedness wrong. If you wouldn't have such a massive raging ego you'd realize that it might not be a bad idea to just think about it instead of desperately trying to defend yourself

>hurr durr you care about something what a faggot

why'd you even post

>But 911 came from Iraq, right faggot lmao u for 2020
the fuck?

Because the entire board is filled with nutjobs who think they're the only one's to corner the market on truth.
They just assume everything they disagree with is comfortable 'blue pill" lies.