Why are big tits so attractive?

Why are big tits so attractive?

So attractive? I mean they can be. But it's not absolute.

You really don't know? It's like basic high school biology

Big fake tits though?

I wouldn't waste time getting caught up in why arbitrary things are normal in this world.
Just roll with it dude.

Well it's very subjective. I've seen maybe hundreds of thousands of big tits in porn and I can only think of two or three women that had ones I would consider nice or attractive. I usually like nothing bigger than 34B for real life.

Thats basically no tits


Probably because you're a chronic masturbater

when hominids evolved to walk upright, they began to mate by facing each other. it used to all be rear-mounting doggystyle.

breasts evolved to represent feminity to the evolved upright man.

Sauce plz? Image search a shit

Bc Oedipus

Some slut who filled her chest with silicone

Because nature said so

Because we know they can contain food.

Signs she mature an can feed your enfants?

Those things definitely arent filled with milk


Because they're big tits, dumbass

Is that you Hana?

Social conditioning by mainstream media and porn.