Character pours coffee out of pot

>character pours coffee out of pot
>drinks it black, no milk or sugar

almost as bad as the beer ordering trope

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I drink it black, does that make me a trope?

you didnt get the # of digits right in your phony Sup Forums filename you stupid faggot

burnt coffee beans are carcinogenic and contribute to cancer, you shouldn't drink it

so dont drink burnt coffee

What beer ordering trope?
Is ordering beer a trope in itself?

People drink beer only in movies. In real life people drink smirnoff ice and mike's hard lemonade.

t. numale

>it's a Pepe baits Sup Forums episode

Re-run. Isn't there a football game on?

Drinking black coffee is literally like chugging battery acid. It's so fucking gross.

Oh yes.

>character eats chips straight from the packet

>character drinks whiskey straight up
>doesn't mix it with coke or fanta lemon

I think OP means a character simply saying "Gimme a beer" without specifying which kind of beer. And usually they just slap a dollar note on the counter an leave afterwards.

>tries to 'fit in' on Sup Forums by renaming the frogmemes he downloaded from KYM to look like a Sup Forums filename
>too fucking stupid to count out the right number of digits

>Hey, bartender-kun! Don't be a baka and bring me a bud light, please?

If you don't like the taste of coffee then don't drink it you pussy

>getting triggered by the number of numbers in a filename

Seek help.

>mixing whiskey

kill you'reself

autism speaks

>people always drink coffee in movies
>no one ever drinks tea

>I can't handle pure coffee so need to throw milk in the mix

>character comes in an orders a Jack Daniels
Do Americans unironically drink this shit? It's a an awful and disgusting whiskey

>character goes to the cinema with other people

>Nu-males don't drink black coffee

What a surprise, no wonder they like being cucks, mixing and shit.

It's okay, George Dickel is the superior Tennessee Whisky. Also because of how it's made you don't even really get a hangover, that's why it's my go-to drink

number of digits for which board?

reminder black coffee is literally mudslime and adding milk is european if you drink black coffee your a race traitor and should be shit

>he pours them in a bowl, implying he has people to share them with, when he has no friends or gf

I do this

I honestly can't drink JD without it being on the rocks, I can with most bourbons but JD just tastes fairly vile to me, like most cheap bottom shelf whiskies, I don't get the hype

I drink it black. Get some quality beans and a French press, pussy.

how people choose to drink their coffee isn't a fucking trope you autist. though i guess if you use it as an attempt at characterization then you are a lazy fucking hack

Some guy told you last time it's not a pot

>not browsing /po/

I love it black.

Nothing I hate more in writing than describing every minute detail. I've somehow battled through the entire Expanse series. Without exaggeration, 90% of everything in those books is describing an environment. The word "air filter" is in every single page.

>protag has sex with a girl
>She has an orgasm

Why is holywood so out of touch?

>character drinks any coffee that wasn't brewed cold.

Though if he/she uses any pretentious Japanese glassware instead of a simple Toddy, then I patiently wait for that character to die.

I mean, it makes sense. You're not gonna have your MC go like "gimme a heineken" since that's product placement

Reminds me of this Bond movie where Bond orders a Heineken....

I rarely accuse anyone on here of having autism but I have to make an exception in your case, its one thing to see a reddit or tumblr filename and tell them to fuck off but counting the amount of numbers in a filename and then sperging out is beyond fucking retarded, seek help.

>mudslime and adding milk is european

No YOU are the race traitor, wanting to mix muslims with europeans.

>he likes black coffee


>Not ordering a frappuccino

I just say "a beer, please" when I go to a bar.

same, I don't get why people say its bitter

It plays with your taste buds, some times it taste like it has a sweetness on its own

milk or cream gives you a funny after taste when you are done and sugar completely changes it, I can only taste the sugar once its put in

>reddit samefag POS gets called the fuck out and BTFO

> (You)
>>reddit samefag POS gets called the fuck out and BTFO

I thought only older women (75+) had milk or sugar in their coffee?
Where are you all from where drinking coffee black isn't the norm?

>protag doesn't browse Sup Forums, /r9k/, or Sup Forums

Literally stopped watching.

>this ENTIRE post

holy fucking hell

there's nothing manlier than drinking your coffee with milk

>drinks coffee or tea in transparent drinkingware

It isn't a bourbon though, it's a Tennessee Whiskey which is a style unique to Tennessee.

this is genuinely the most autistic thing I've ever seen posted here, I'm not even sure if this is just raw autism or you projecting

We all know you like it nice and black

Hehheh boy


You want some candy to that coffee&milk boyo?

>this thread

I drink my room-temperature black coffee in an old coconut oil jar.

Rate my level.

You don't even have to count. Just looking at the filenames you can immediately tell that they're not the right length. I can't imagine anyone whose been on Sup Forums for years not being able to tell that a UNIX timestamp was missing or had too many digits at a glance.

But you're right. We should coddle newfags and make them feel welcome. Sup Forums needs more users. Sup Forums is too slow.

Daniel Craig's "interpretation" of James Bond is exactly the kind of faggot who would order a Heineken

Sekrit klub

I don't get why Bond drinks martini. It's such a faggy cocktail.

The worst case of this was in Clerks
The guys just goes "one pack of cigarettes please"
Wtf there are a thousand different brands

I hate the taste of milk, cream or sugar in coffee. Even if the coffee is bad that shit only makes it worse. Adding crap to your coffee is disgusting

>character doesn't pour Jack Daniels into his coffee before leaving the house

kill yourself mudslime

British movies. They aren't allowed to have a character be too manly. So they have to balance it out.

I get that, I meant to say I've no issues drinking bourbon neat, or rye whiskey either for that matter but JD is absolutely vile to me. I'm of the understanding more expensive whiskies tend to be a lot smoother and nicer, and the cost of JD doesn't really seem to justify the hype around it

I only drink black coffee but I can't because it always gives me the runs

>It isn't faggy at all, the fuck? Faggy drinks are the ones that are fruity, like Appletinis

The classic gin or vodka martini is the jet set drink

kill yourself mudslime

What should Bond drink?

>French press
you have no excuses: it's cheap & easy.

it's very self aware though, it's a plot point

Toddy is better

fucking greentext

kill yourself mudslime

>character drinks tea
>it's hot

Scotch. No ice.

I mostly drink black coffee, but it's because when I first drank coffee it was to stay up late at night to work on my homework and I was too lazy to use cream and sugar and it's just become a habit at this point.

Hot hot spicy meat

I used to drink it with milk and sugar but now once I live on my own and can buy the coffe I like, it tastes anywhere from sweet to straight up acidic like rosehip tea.

Some coutnriles like scandinavia and balt just have absolute fucking garbage coffee, that's super bitter and tastes like fucking degreaser. That can only be drank with milk and sugar

Coffee is an aquired taste, took me a while to practise but its oh so worth it.

kill yourself mudslime

Try George Dickel, it's quite smooth. It's both better and cheaper than JD, plus like I said the diminished hangovers

>Character takes a sip of hot coffee
>Doesn't burn his tongue

New England, mothafucka. Gimme a Dunkin's laahge regulah.

kill yourself mudslime

>not drinking milk everyday

do you want Chad to break your bones? lol


>Try George's dick

I'll definitely try it, thanks for the tip, user

Although being a britbong I'm not sure I'll come across it in many bars

there's nothing faggy about a martini you retard

apparently you missed the study that was published last year that found coffee drinkers live longer than non-coffee drinkers

>*A portly fellow in a flame shirt waddles to the counter of a Starbucks*
>"What would you like sir?"
>*The atheist squints around the coffee bar, his hands at the sides of his khaki shorts like he had two holsters. With one hand he expertly pulls out his wallet and with the other, he brings the tip of his hat down before placing his order*
>"Coffee. Black."
>*A hush falls over the patrons and staff. Women gush in their panties as whispers from men can't believe what's transpiring. The barista looks like he's about to faint, his grip on the cup furiously shaking as he slides it over the counter to our hero*
>*The cheetoh avenger slaps down a sticky five and a quarter with his hamhock fist before mumbling to no one that they should "keep the change", knowing he's a far more euphoric human being than people that put sugar or milk in their coffee*

Nope. I am enjoying the pure flavors of coffee which are far more complex and interesting than a coffee with milk and sugar.

I had to put effort into it and it paid off.
You sound just like the lowest common denominator who doesn't understand anything that's not safe and familiar, so no wonder you're so autistic about it.

>But if coffee from a chain

Literally awful idea. You don't need to go to "fair trade, eco-friendly" shop, but if you don't get your coffee from a local shop, you are buying coffee made from the worst possible beans that are long past expired and roasted carelessly.

kill yourself mudslime

The glass is pretty fucking faggy, you have to admit.

holy shit, describes you to a fucking t

kill yourself