I've always liked the joke...

I've always liked the joke, "Attempting suicide is illegal because it's attempting to destroy government/society's property." But is suicide legitimately a good form of rebellion? Is killing yourself a good way to reject the world as it is?

no dude, suicide is for dummies. Is like surrending to everithing, its never a rebellion. The only fucked one its you

By the way, a cat

That fucking English, mang

I know right? my english is shit, not my mother language. I always have to double check what I write but sometimes I dont do it and make a fool of myself.

Thanks for the large pic btw

It's not my native tongue either.

No problem.

>tard translation
"No dude, suicide is for dummies. It's like surrendering to everything, it's never a rebellion. The only fucked one is you."

only if you do it like a badass martyr.
self-immolation, hunger strike to starvation etc.

So, this is a cat thread no?

Looks that way. I don't have many more.

This is the only way you should do it

I dont get it. Are you making fun of me or something?

yeah but you need an inside man to destroy the wire and stool

Im not gonna lie, this is awesome

yeah i was but i didn't see your other posts which are very well written for someone who's second language is english.

sorry man.


No problem bro, we know where we are, we must have thick skin.



I ran out of cats guys


i got your back son.



It's really a good way to do it, I mean I find suicide as the smartest thing one can do. Granted you weigh out why you feel you need to do it,




Im all out now

Who are you rebelling yourself when you kill yourself?

I mean with all due respect most people (other than family) forget about the deceased a few days later...

*rebelling against

i have to try this at least once in my life

Just the best people in Sup Forums

Yes, it's the only way.