What's the meanest thing you've ever done to a girl, Sup Forums?

What's the meanest thing you've ever done to a girl, Sup Forums?


what's a girl?

loved her

Catfish girl for years and got her to do the sickest shit


Gave her cancer. Lost her fight.

Ex gf made me a cake to say she's sorry.
I was still pissed off.
Told her to leave.
She refused.
Got me more pissed.
I threw it on the ground when she started to leave.

I've never been able to forgive myself for being so cruel.
Sorry no green text no time at work

story on picture

Made her fall in love with me and treated her like shit


You cunt.

I've done that one too. :(

I took a girl to see Ghost Rider in theaters.

She's taking a shit and recording it. Then she decides to stick her hand under her ass, grab a small piece, then rubs it on her cheeks and forehead. Then she takes a bite and starts gagging and turns off the camera.

Not even fucking joking, I used to jerk off to the video all the time

How? HPV?

I've never been mean to a girl because I'm a true gentleman :^)
Unfortunately, I'm somehow still a virgin >_>

Fucking monster

we need the vid

I fucked her in the ass when she was passed out drunk, jizzed up in her colon.

Pretty mean I guess

How do you sleep at night?

had a guy do that to me once tbh

do you know where one could find this video?

Talking to girls on tinder for weeks/months with no intention of meeting up with them.

When they start saying they have feelings/falling in love and wanna meet. I delete them instantly and move on to the next one.

Been doing this for nearly 3 years

Bullshit, you can't sodomize someone without waking them up.

Walked near her.

I used to watch it on heavy-r. Other than that, I'm not sure where it could be.

dubs of truth.
this still is from a video where the girl eats her own shit. swallow and all

made her eat all the eggs

What was she sorry about?

>his pack of smokes on the table


I've been doing the same tbh, but gender swapped yknow

gf (correctly) suspected I was cheating and began to worry about it.

I spent months gradually gaslighting her and convincing her that she was misremembering and imagining things. In the end she had full-blown anxiety and depression because she thought she was crazy and was on about 4 medications, along with a weekly shrink visit.

She became too hard to live with then so I broke up with her. She got suicidally depressed, lost her job, and couldn't pay her rent anymore. had to move back to live with her (abusive) parents.

I don't think she's held a job or a relationship since.

Why? Are you a sociopath? Serious question.

you can, because I have, more than once.

don't underestimate how deeply some people can sleep, especially when drunk

I've seen this video too, u can search on google "scat porn" and scroll the videos. Try searching "girl eats shit"

>Be me in middle school
>11/10 QT in 7th grade in my class
>Have huge crush on her
>Friends tell me to go ask her out
>"Oh user, you're just... not my type"
>I get sad
>Overhear her telling her friends "Oh some ugly loser tried asking me out today"
>They all laugh
>I cri
>Fast forward to college
>I'm literally Chad.
>See 11/10 QT on Tinder, but now she's more like a 2/10
>Freshman 15 became the freshman 50
>Literally snaggletooth
>Like her to see if she matched
>Instant match
>"Oh user! I've missed you so much since middle school"
>Invite her over
>Front door is locked
>She asks to come in
>Call animal control
>"Yeah I've got this 2 ton whale on my property i need taken care of"
>She starts raging with the siren call of 100 whales
>Let her rage outside
>She leaves 20 mins later

yeah i mean that's about it i guess

Meanest thing? Probably something I did to a crip in high school.

>11th grade
>There's a sweet, pretty girl who had her lost her legs in an accident and uses a wheelchair
>Has very few friends due to her condition
>She's a fantastic artist
>My friends and I decide to prank her for shits and giggles
>I pretend I want to be her friend and she warms up to me instantly
>We start to hang out outside of school
>Sleep over at her house one night
>We play video games, playing some Twisted Metal
>Ask her if she can show me her portfolio (she was in the advanced art program in our school and needed to create fifty or so amazing art pieces to pass)
>After a game I say I need to go to the bathroom
>Pull out big-ass scissors from my pocket (big pocket I was wearing jncos) go into her room, and cut the bottom-half of all of her art pieces off and trash them
>The next day, she rolls up to me in the middle of class, on the verge of crying, and asks me what happened to her art
>I said, "I made them look like you"
>All my friends laugh heartily
>She rolls over to her table, alone, and just stares at her hands in her lap for the rest of the day

It was less than a month before that art was due, too. There's no way she made it up in time. Sometimes I look back and think, "did that make her a stronger person? Or a weaker one?" Sometimes I have a desire to find out. Maybe I'll call her some time.

You can if they are passed out, Mr. Cosby.

Fertility meds. I helped her with her injections, every dose I gave her cut time off the clock. She had an abnormal cyst in her ovary in one test, the next one 2 weeks later it was a 5cm mass, radiation, chemo, kept growing. they schedulede emergency surgery, removed the whole thing, it had metastasized to her liver, lymph nodes, kidney, and uterus.

Ashamed of my life and don't want to bring anyone into it.

I still crave social interactions and that feeling of being wanted

.What's your reason

>When they start saying they have feelings/falling in love and wanna meet. I delete them instantly and move on to the next one.

I kinda do the same but without moving on.
I keep them in a holding pattern where I push them away and pull them in. they can never break away completely but can't be with me either.

I have one girl who I've been doing this to for 6 years.

I don't even know. She was an asshole and consistantly calling me a deadbeat because I hated school. I worked 60 hours a week lol. We always got into it cuz stupid stuff and she can't not talk shit about me. I decided to break it off after 4 years cuz I couldn't deal with passive aggressive shit.
Still I regret it.

dude..fucking nice

Got you man

motherless com/F73CECE

love rachelle 2 has some awesome videos. scat doesn't mean you are a psycho...its just the dead end of porn addiction. lol I just saw OPs video like a week ago

fucking hell mayne...

Part of me admires the revenge, but what you did to her was just as shitty as what she did to you. If you are a qt3.14 and laugh at someone who wants to date you, the world is a mean enough place once you get fat. If you're a girl, that is.

thanks I guess. I feel pretty bad when I think about it too much. I've done a lot of terrible things but that's a hard one to beat.

I fucking knew I recognized that image from somewhere

I used to do it to my gf/sluts I would fuck all the time, get on GHB and then their last dose would be an eensy weensy bit too strong and bang. Had a chick piss herself during though that was fucking annoying.

I use to fuck this MILF she had 3 kids & and I would fuck that pussy till she would bleed, sent her to the gyno cuz we fucked so often nut in her every time & then tell her to not get pregnant pretty sure her daughter heard us fucking enough times. Any how told her "I'm comeing back for more pussy later "in front of her 14 year old daughter

Not your fault user. It's important to understand that. Unless you did it without her consent. If it was her choice though, you shouldn't feel responsible. I didn't know those drugs were dangerous though.

Just make friends. Those are people who accept you for who you are, despite your faults.

Post the cap instead of stale pasta at least

I need attention, and I try to get it in a way that doesn't need too much commitment. Plus in a way I think it makes me feel better about how shitty of a person I am - make someone fall in love with me and boost my ego, then when you ditch them they beg to get you back.

Get help. This hurts other people enormously. It hurts you, too.

I met a girl from here. She had a 10/10 body but she was a little clingy right from the time we met so I figured daddy issues. I'd fuck her in my car every time we met up and then where ever we went as well. I'd more or less just see her when I wanted sex and she was only too happy to please. She started talking about moving in together and told me she loved me.

The day after that, my wife and I moved to another city on the other side of the country. I didn't tell her I was married, nor that I was moving, and I don't know what happened to her after that.

Many good faps to the memories though

Dumped a girl right before prom for a different one. She had already purchased a dress too lol

>maybe i'll call her some time.

fucking lmao this story is great pasta or not

What the fuck is the point of talking to girls on tinder and being nice to them if you never meet and fuck? Pretty sure you're the one getting played nigga

You lost control once. You didn'y hit her or try to ruin her life. You threw a tantrum. Adults do that sometimes. If you want, contact her and ask for forgiveness. Were I you, I'd just forgive myself.

The danger is so infinitesimal, as to be practically nonexistent. In her case they accellerated the growth of the tumor by orders of magnitide. That was a direct fuck you, from the universe, to me.

www.reddit.com/r/realscatgirls for anyone who is into this...uh...shit.


here take this

You raped them, user. Why?

Pics? I'm curious.

Dude. What the fuck

I'm aware. I just cant let go.

I did pretty much the same but I took both holes and I used her nose spray instead

That's why you should see a coubselor or a therapist. They aren't there to judge you. They are there to help you.

Ehh. I don't have contact information anymore. It was a good cake too. Ice cream Oreo self made.
It was the one time in my life I can't forgive myself because I was abused emotionally well I was a younger and it made me depressed for a long time (6 years or so) and I would never want to put that mental pain on someone else. I intentionally tried to hurt her mentally and it really creates a hole in my heart because of it. One of my biggest regrets of my life.

When I was new to a neighborhood, I did my usual "go with" the first girl who showed interest in me. This somewhat mousy but cute girl showed interest in me first because I flirted with her as she showed me around. An almost instant girlfriend. I then met her hot flirty younger sister. I started treating my girlfriend like crap, commenting even when I met her sister that her sister was WAY hotter. I started making her take turns paying for our dates. I insulted her regularly in jokes, she even did that hurt laughter pretending to laugh along, and I made the sex really selfish. My thoughts "What the fuck will it take to make her dump me so I can hook up with her sister?" Here comes the meanest thing. I hooked up with her sister and talked her into sex around the time she was due home. She walked in on me fucking her sister, I held on to her sister and kept fucking, and looked at her and said "Sorry hon, your sister is more fun." She left, crying. In hindsight, I should have kept and eventually married the mousy girl and not gone within 100 feet of her hot sociopath sister.

I did this for years as well. Also got them to say mean things about my small cock (which I never showed them). Got them to take pics and videos, some I even got them to send their used knickers. Never had any intention of meeting any of them. Then I would get bored and move on.

I even got bored of doing that and recently I have changed and started showing my cock and meeting some of them. That decision has convinced me I am unable to form a normal, lasting relationship with anyone. I always sort of knew that since I was subconsciously making myself look bad from the get go and only similarly damaged people would still be interested.

It is harder to get people to do stuff now (not that I tried to get anyone to do anything really bad nor did I blackmail them) I think people have just wised up now.

You are being way to hard on yourself. You were angry and you threw a cake. You did force her to blow you at gunpoint or even leak her nudes. In comparison to most Sup Forumstards, you are incredibly well asjusted.

I feel sorry for your wife.

user is scared of the rejection if he ever actually meets them.

Was it your girlfriend /wife / partner / significant other? You guys were trying to have kids together, or was she just a friend you were helping?

Regardless, it's not your fault. No way you could have known. If anything, it's the doctor's fault who didn't screen her properly.

I'm not sure I could explain why I'm going to a counsellor to my fiance.

I just finished this for 6 months finally got caught out and had to pull some more pretty outrageous lies to get out of it

I don't mean to pry, but how did the "from now on, you pay your own way conversation go?"

I had a Catfish facebook account which I have closed a week ago. I feel better, I was doing the same as you but I decided it was enough... Try it man, you'll feel way better after some time.

hey fuck you, i got dumped before my senior prom (to be fair i never wanted to go and was only going because everyone else was and gf wanted to) but fucking still

You don't have to. And if you want to have a good relationship and a fruitful marriage, that is all the more the reason.

fug.. Im like this too. I only care about girls until they like me.. I straight up hate myself, so anyone who likes me i find disgusting and fake.. Now im trying to seduce my 1st cousin.. I dont even fucking know why since im drunk half the time... pretty sure im going legit insane.

>I keep them in a holding pattern

Keep holding those low hanging fruit.

I've tried that before, but I always come back. it gives me something a normal relationship cant by itself. I try to keep the numbers low at least. used to have 7+ at once, now I'm only at 3. partly that just because I don't have enough time anymore.

>>want to have a good relationship and a fruitful marriage
don't know the odds of that. It's a nice thought but I probably don't deserve it, and I'm not sure I'm capable of it.

thanks user will do

I'm really almost never get angry and for me to get to the state of wrathful, where I intentionally want to hurt people is scary to me. Idk maybe I am maybe I'm not being to harsh, but regardless I hope to god I never get that angry again. It's prob the meanest thing I've ever done. And hopefully will do

Nah it was hardly rape, they just wouldn't let me fuck them in the ass when they were conscious. Wtf was I supposed to do not fuck them? Fantasy does some wild shit to your brain

>not make your gf pay for YOU


probably the meanest thing I've ever done to a girl is to convince her to let her brother eat out her pussy.

She was gonna be my wife. She was screened, they had 6 weeks from "this looks weird" to "we have to remove this".

Too lazy to greentext this from my phone, so here goes.

Go to buddies graduation when his parents leave town.
His little sis (like 15)was left there cause she was sick or some shit.
Everyone gets hammered and he passed out in her floor.
Sis and I fuck, and pass out.
I come to first and realize friend would flip if he knew I fucked his sister. So I skirt fag line by getting his shorts off, tossing em in corner and then standing in doorway to shout WTF.

They snap up and look around like wtf, I just start shouting dude you fucked your sister. They freak, beg me not to tell ppl and I act all high and mighty, but let them "convince" me to stay quiet.

Like a month later, friend calls saying he and his sister got thrown out because she was preggers and he took responsibility for it. Last I heard they kept the kid and are working at Taco Bell in a town like an hour away from where we grew up.

TLDR - knocked up friends drunk sister, made them believe it was wincest.

With low hanging fruit, you can make zero effort. That appeals to a lot of people. Including hot girls who wrap dudes round their little finger. You have a narrow view of how the world works if you don't understand that or look down your nose.

Yup. I know that feeling of wanting to come back but just delete everything for once.
Do you feel good doing it, though? If you do, keep doing that.

Yes. You were supposed not to fuck them in the ass. If you really couldn't get by, you could find a girl who *will* let you fuck her in the ass, then ask her "Hey, could you wear this dress and is it OK if I call you 'Sarah'?"

Whoa! Greentext, please.

you sick son of a bitch

Please, greentext.

when it happened I did, yeah.

But then came that empty feeling that needed to be filled