Is this the greatest season of television in history?

Is this the greatest season of television in history?

got saggy by the end

>the villain is just some dude

Probably. It has the benefit of being a self-contained story though.

>just some dude

Maybe you should watch it again

it's pretty much that. It didn't live up to the hype at all.

>what is season 5 of the wire?

But it's not just some dude, did you even watch tht thing?

He's literally just some dude. He's a retard who lives in a swamp who has like a cousin in a megachurch. There was no giant portal, Rust was hallucinating. How about you watch it again, kid.

it's pretty much that essentially. They obviously ran out of time in the end because they didn't have Rust and Marty uncover the whole ring/conspiracy.

>it didn't follow the out-there fantasy theories idiots were posting on Sup Forums and reddit, so it's bad

The only bad part about the finale was the green ears = paint link. That was terrible.

Literally anyone can do what that guy did.

This, fucking idiots expecting some X-Files shit make me laugh.


First of all no one said it's bad.
And those weren't fantasies made up by fans the show built up for them deliberately. There's no need to act dumb and faggy when someone criticize you favorite show that you think is le best of all time.

Hell even it had a much better last three episodes, the show would still be not all that great. It's really overrated among reddit retards.

Nobody ever thought the shit Rust saw was real.
He was convicted for it but they make it very clear there was a large child abuse ring including high profile politicians.
This show really flew over your head son, maybe watch TBBT next

>confirmed casual viewer who didnt get it.

I think you might have missed the point entirely. Maybe you should stick to capeshit

Greatest first 5 episodes, the ending was shit.

It was good until green paint

>The last three episodes where SUPPOSED to be uneventful and anticlimactic!! they didn't run out of time and money so they threw something together as best they could at all!

Why is reddit so cringeworthy?

Nah, it was a let down, I was expecting some EWS secret society but then it's just that guy and it was left open ended.

all six seasons of sopranos are better than the first season of TD but TD is still bredy gud

No kid, your shitty headcanon was not part of the show.

I liked it until the very last part - rust's speech.

But yeah, one of the best seasons of tv ever.


>He was convicted for it but they make it very clear there was a large child abuse ring including high profile politicians.
Duh, you fucking retard. That's explicitly stated.

meant see

I liked everything but the way they solved the case with the green ears thing, that seemed forced and unrealistic

Greatest 5 episodes of any TV for sure. It's a huge let down after that.

Yes so you agree with me? That makes me a retard? How is it still one guy then?
Jesus just stop watching shows like this, it's painful

>he didn't like rust's concluding monologue

if that part doesn't make you want to cry, you're not a human

actually took me until last month to finally watch it
really liked it

my faves are probably

1 Wire S4
2 BrBa S4
3 TD S1

Yes, everything in that season was just perfect.

green ears should've been ear protection. you know, the kind that people who ride lawn mowers for a living tend to wear? why did they fuck that up

Maybe I really am dead inside....

> They obviously ran out of time in the end because they didn't have Rust and Marty uncover the whole ring/conspiracy.

Why didn't they continue this storyline in season 2? What a wasted opportunity.

The fact that there's nothing supernatural behind them, and it's all just a cult of crazy white guys sacrificing women and children makes it much more real and scarier.

Tied with Boardwalk Empire season 3.

reddit comes around

>placing BrBa next to telekino

Personally I don't think the ran out of time as much as chickened out for some unknown reason. I don't know but it feels like it ended differently than where they initially wanted to go.

What did post 1995 haters expect? Cthulhu to pop out?

Nah. It was good, but wasn't even as good as the second season, and neither are nearly as good as Fargo, which is to say nothing about other historical TV seasons.

Cthulhu tags are the worst. Season 1 had problems but no Cthulhu wasn't one

It's a retarded guy who's very tangential to the child abuse/murdering group, so basically generic murderer subtype inbred hillbilly. I assume that's why people were so salty.


>Proving to the board how shit of a taste you have
Point and laugh

Because they did in S1. They ran out of time/money to do what they wanted to do aka what the writer wanted to do but in this life you don't get everything you want and the reality sometimes forces you to settle and sacrifice.

They still gave the show a proper, neat ending. Rust catches the weird guy, some action, some paranormal stuff, concluding speech by Rust to signify that he's at peace. It's similar to what we would've gotten in a perfect world just smaller and with more cut corners.

Chickened out? Not as likely as the fact that they had limited money and time and a project with too much ambition can only lead to disaster. HBO isn't running a charity. This very fact is probably why S2 was complete shit and with HBO even admitting it. They had limited time so they just threw some shit together.

S2 also is an amazing season in a different universe.

S2 and Fargo are fucking trash when compared to S1 of TD.

What a shitty opinion to have.

Pure reddit


not even memeing or shitposting. But that's Reddit: The Taste right there


Uh, you mean the part where his nihilism is utterly BTFO by based Jesus?

The only reddit thing about it is Breaking Bad being top tier.

But hey, at least you're trying to fit in.

Better luck next time, my dude.


nice reasoning
have to admit yours are superior
lemme guess
well actually i really dont care

BE had a good season?

I stopped watching after they stopped making episodes. Never noticed anything of quality

everything in your picture made sense in the context that was provided

S4 Wire the quintessential reddit season. He didn't even say S2 or S1.

S4 BrBa? Why that's the redditest thing in the world.

No surprise that TD jumped straight to no.3 in his "list".

it's pure tele, televison kino of the highest form. It will be a long time before we get to see something like this again.

> knowing this much about reddit

umm takes one to know one i guess?

Dumb frogposter

I expected something interesting. They killed off all of their momentum. Rust quits the force to become a shitty fisherman after uncovering new clues to the most interesting case he had ever been on. Marty becomes a shitty private detective. They reconcile after the guy who was foreshadowed as the main antagonist dies of a heart attack off screen. Green ears, green paint and then finally nabbing some shitty low ranking clown in the woods after almost dying. The end.

The whole thing wouldn't sting so much if they had continued the storyline in season 2. I get that McConaughey and Harrelson didn't want to be tied down to a TV show but they could have used different detectives from a different part of the country investigating what eventually would have turned out to be the same cult. It all feels like wasted potential.

Sadly I see it all the time around here. Those are pretty much common knowledge if you spend here more than a few months.

Face it, you're reddit It's kinda sad but it's just the reality.

lmao im weak bruh

this damage control b whack af

stay (pic related) tho

>peak McConaissance
>teaming up with underrated Woody
>both are long time friends
>story is basically meta commentary on their careers and friendship
Impossible to replicate.

This is what's called full damage control mode. At this point the redditor knows he's exposed beyond all hope so what does he do? Start acting retarded. It's almost as if he's trying to say that he was pretending all along but without actually saying.

The real issue was that it was foreshadowed that woddys daughter was abused by the cult, but they never paid off on that. What a shame. Would have been great to see his character get totally rekt in the end by it.

I do t know since I don't care about a boring show about some niggers

>B-but muh realism

Fuck off. Sopranos rule supreme.

Yeah I browse reddit every now and again, so what? Some subreddits are good and you're either lying or just haven't found a good niche subreddit if you think otherwise.

Don't buy into the typical closed-minded Sup Forums user attitude.


Season 1 of this show is the very definition of build up without payoff. They foreshadowed a lot of things and just dropped it all after episode 5. It wasn't a completely terrible ending but you just had higher hopes after a very good season.

>They foreshadowed a lot of things and just dropped it all after episode 5.


The redditor losing all hope drops all his masks, he's no longer pretending and no longer trying to fit in. His last resort is to present himself as a successful member of society who's open-minded and easygoing which led him to have low standards and terrible opinions about the subject matter. This would be a good time to start complaining about "virgin" this and "autist" that.

I never once denied being a redditor

well at least he doesnt reason like a 16 yo

Thanks for the backup kind stranger!

What are you doing? You should be reporting left and right and protesting the lack of a welcoming circlejerk community. This hostile environment of negative opinions can only be stopped through moderation and censorship!

this picture fucking sucks. conjecture everywhere, just like what marty said, bend the case to your narrative. the images were more than likely intended but only as a red herring. this is taking it way too literally

Yes, yes it is. Hands down.

Not all people who use reddit act that way, just like not all people who use Sup Forums are as autistic as you're being right now.

I'm an edgy contrarian that likes to go against popular opinion for the fuck of it.

The post

it's as if the show went completely over your head


>underrated Woody
the fuck am i reading

Season 2 was better.

Sopranos is lame and overrated by critics.
Boring show about boring italian fake gangsters.

thats a lie and you know it. season 2 could have had potential but it didnt. it was a mess. they don't even open with a crime scene.
land deals? seriously? thats what tied everything together were shady land deals?

vinceposting was the only good thing to come out of season 2, and it's a shame it takes such skill to master or it wouldve been around longer

Caspere knew this.

That part where the crow shoots Ray in the chest was pretty good too