Millennials outraged over TV show portraying millennials as outraged

>A millennial member of a focus group has angrily objected to the contents of a television programme because it portrayed millennials as coddled, easily offended and thin-skinned.

>The feedback for CBS’ new comedy series The Great Indoors was recounted by its executive producer Mike Gibbons at a Television Critics Association panel this week and, in further vindication, outraged a millennial member of the press.

>“I’m a millennial myself. How are we so coddled, and what about our overly politically correct workplace bothers you?” they asked somewhat stroppily at the panel.

Why are millennials so entitled? Especially to entertainment, something that isn't a human right.

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here we go again


95% of people on this earth should be shot in the face

>Stephen Fry
Ugh has he not died yet

It's like when parents used to make fun of kids for using cellphones but now, all you see are parents using them 24/7.
The older generation make fun of millennials, but are slowly adopting their mentality.

We just want to be on the right side of history guys

Is that McLovin on the left?

They didn't just pop out of nowhere. We made them this way with our helicopter parenting and zero-tolerance bullshit.

>X group outraged over being portrayed as outraged

Boy, this shit never gets old.

Baby boomers are the most thin-skinned people on the planet, though.

I'm honestly surprised that this is the first time CBS decided to make a show for old people who hate young people. It seems like an obvious move for them.

What's wrong with Fry? Or are you hating him just because?

>for old people
I don't think you understand.
The target demographic for this show IS millennials.
Is the actual show like this? It looks like a Chuck Lorrie show sans fart jokes.

>laugh track

Aaaand dropped

>CBS sitcom
>target demographic is millennials

I watched the trailer and actually laughed at it.

Yes it's generic middle of the road primetime sitcom material, but it's taking the piss out of millennials, and I like that.

He's right you moron. Lots of millennials today are pissed off with their workplace culture, with the annoying aspects of each other. They'll love this show.

I saw the trailer for this show.
It reminds me of a CBS version of community.
McHale plays his usual smirky douchebag role.
They have a petite brunette as a love interest. She even looks a bit like Annie.
And they even meet around a table to discuss stuff.

You really think millennials show up in droves to watch cbs sitcoms? Their average viewer age is 57.

Just read your link; that is easily one of the worst, badly written, vague articles I've ever read.

outraged millenial detected

>What's wrong with Fry?

Have you seen his Twitter?
He whinges about SJW's then whines like a typical faggot SJW about the same shit.

Interesting idea but even that clip makes me think they've watered down the humor to cause less offense.

When do you think shows will finally drop laugh tracks? It's the [current year] and im surprised it's still in used.

Recently watched M.A.S.H. without the laughter and it made a huge improvement.

CBS is the old people's channel so of course they want a show shitting on millennials because old people like to feel that they're the best around. In reality the shit themselves and wish their grandkids would visit more than once a year

>it's another Sup Forums users pretend they aren't millennials episode

I'm a Brit so I have no idea

But this show is clearly targeted at millennials, dipshit

No, you see "millennial" really means anyone born from 1993 on. The fact that I was born in 1992 is just a coincidence

I hate him because he's a cockgobbling faggot. Like, an actual faggot. Maybe if he conducted his degeneracy of men his own age I wouldn't care so much but the fact that he does it with a young guy is just plain fucking wrong

Please don't start that fucking argument user

>Demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years

Millennial cunt

>degeneracy of men
I meant degeneracy *with men

You can be a millennial and understand that millennials are the most pussified, entitled, annoying, SJW generation in the history of humanity.

Hey, it's McLovin

aaaaaaand noone gives a shit

>On the old people network
>show about sane old person dealing with crazy young'uns
>Only one millennial in the focus group, who they only brought in to make fun of
What reason do you have to believe this isn't targeted towards boomers?

He's absorbing the youth of the little boy slave he claimed

>Millennial thinks millennials are somehow more different and special than previous generations
>Millennial thinks he's a special snowflake who's better than everyone else in his generation

You don't think a network like CBS would do that to a show, do you?

>Commondenominator Broadcasting System laugh track schlock comedy starring old gay idiot and washed up nobody never was looks like absolute sensory terrorism
>whoa we better scare up a """""""controversy"""""""" to sell this turd, and quick!

No I'm not, if anything I realized what a massive faggot I used to be (due to watching millennials take it farther and then crank it to 11) which is why I'm voting for Trump ;^)

He whines about people being offended and precious these days yet is incredibly thin skinned. He's also just an arsehole. He did an interview where he said child abuse victims should "grow up".

Sounds like you're insecure desiring his fat cock

I mean, it's funny - but is it shareable?

>"oh thank god it will be more hidden this way"

You seem upset, does this show strike you a little too close to home, my sensitive snowflake? Can you not even?

>Every generation is ideologically the same
>you're a special snowflake if you don't like everything about the majority of your generation
wew lad

It's pretty funny how self-hating Millennials are while, also, thinking they're better than Millennials.

Millennials aren't the pussy's their parents who are. Parents who never made the child want for anything and told them they're a winner no matter what is what caused Millennials to be so fucked up.

Don't blame the victims.

>And they even meet around a table to discuss stuff.
Can't believe they would steal from Community so blatantly

>Getting outraged that someone doesn't like CBS sitcoms


For a second there, I thought this shit came from The Onion.

You want that cute young guy for yourself senpai

Nearly everything currently being said about millennials was said about boomers when they were young. You're not special.

Boomers are obviously the worst generation

hahaha someone is a bit jealous

This is why Gen Z will be the next best generation, because all their parents are Gen Xers, who objectively rule and don't bother with the ongoing pissfight between Boomers 1.0 and 2.0 (aka Millennials)

So much this

Victim blaming is ugh, I just can't

>be portrayed as thin-skinned bitch
>respond by being a thin-skinned bitch

>"this new generation is awful!"- every generation before it throughout the history of time

Boy they must feel stupid knowing they fell into the ancient meme

t. millenial scum

concise summary needs more original material 5/10


What boomers are going to watch this, they're not going to have the time for this shit, they won't understand half the bloody references

Hang on a minute have I stumbled across the fag board? I thought this was the tv board

Nah. Even if it's good, it'll get cancelled halfway through the first season

I'm 26 but I deal with 18-21 year olds every day for my job. These kids literally don't know how to change an air filter and have never written a check in their lives. They don't understand common sense shit.

>doesn't know what board he is on
ummmmm.... try looking in the address bar dummy??

If you're on Sup Forums and you're not a millennial you should probably kill yourself for going on Sup Forums over the age of 40.

>talk shit about faggots
>"Clearly YOU ARE A faggot!"

Great logic.

Who even writes checks anymore? Businesses that still deal in the writing and processing paper checks (outside of banks) need to get their shit together.

Nobody writes checks anymore, grandpa. That's like getting mad at millennials because they've never sent a telegram before.

Can you please go back to the fag board? This isn't the fag board, this is the TV board. Thanks.

I'm so glad millennials are retarded, it just makes it easier to live comfortably because less work competition.

Sometimes its objectively true though.

This current generation of voting-age young adults is currently losing its shit because North Carolina doesn't have to let men in drag use the ladies' restroom and colleges are "culturally appropriating" Asian culture by daring to serve Sushi.

As stupid as previous generations have been, none have been THIS stupid or dogmatically Marxist.

Shit IS going downhill.

My kid is a Gen Z kid, and he already views millennials with a measure of disdain. His Boomer grandparents are also not allowed to see him, because they're both narcissist pricks.

I'm 28, and I never write cheques anymore, you young piece of shit. Get off my lawn, suck my dick

Is this pasta now?

>not knowing it all started with the boomers

i hope literally everyone involved in this tv show dies in a fucking fire

Nothing of that is nowhere near anything in Marx works

>No True Marxist

Please, point me to which point in Marx's work he says anything about transgenderism or cultural appropration.

The philosopher SJWs "follow" is actually Foucault (which means shit tbqh, no one has read him and those who did skim his wiki completely misunderstood his work).


Cultural marxism. Definition from urban dictionary:

>The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state. The Philosophy was proven not to Work already by Vladimir Lenin as he tried in vein to control and subjugate the people. He admitted before he died that capitalism was the only true system in which people understand how to live with each other.... Lenin knew that there were a few western Idiots who kept spreading the communist ideas long after Lenin gave up.... he called these people useful idiots as they had more emotion than brains and could be used to subvert the western states for a military takeover in the future as the citizens would already be perverted and sick and weak from poisonous ideas, decadent lusts and mindless entertainment.

Nah it's 98 onward.

"Cultural marxism" is a blanket term used by the right to describe the Frankfurt School, who, ironically, is probably one of the most culturally conservative movements in the history of philosophy, even more than actual conservative groups.

>literally "but y u mad tho?"

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, even through the medium of a television show.

You're a fucking retard. 1995 is the cutoff for millennials 1996 and on is another gen.

Reminder that if you were born between the early 80s and late 90s, you're a millennial.

I am being born in 2005. What am I?

I don't really use the term, but those that do are referring to a communistic approach to culture. Like the definition I quoted

So how about you stop being a moron and accept the term for what it is and how it's used by the people that use it.

>its a Sup Forums acts like they're not millennials but they really are episode

The boomers were literal hippies, holy shit. You kids know nothing.

underage b&

they are just mad that CBS is making another god awful show where all the jokes are
>dude young people are like lazy and stupid now! lmao
its just a stupid premise,yes young people are lazy and complain but thats no different from what people thought of hippies in the 60's. its another stupid CBS show that will last 14 seasons with the same joke every episode
>dude what do millennials know??lmao

>Show making fun of young people will last until the "young people" are in their 40s.
I can see this happening.

Even hippies didn't have trans-weirdos

And hippies were a fucking subculture, they weren't the mainstream culture

You're a moron

This is an outrage!

Behead those who insult Millenials!

Dude, I'm 28 and I have to work with old people. They have more money than sense, smelly and I fucking hate everything about them. I'd take younger people every day over old fags.

Which is weird cause they did a study on millennials thinking of work too much or worrying about it

>millennials are lazy
>millennials are working too much!

Did you forget it was was CBS that does Big Bang Theory and did How I met your mother. Some of the biggest millennials shows made? Seems like a typical move for them.

...And trans are less than a half percent of the population, you moron.