WWE Finally Modernizing


>WWE Plans to Integrate LGBT Characters into Programming - Stephanie McMahon

Welcome to the 21st century, WWE.

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Wait, Stephanie isn't a tranny?


Fuck, now watching muscled, oiled up men wrestle will be gay!

art becomes reality.

>gays will never lose a match or wwe risks being called mysogynist

Good there are a ton of hot wrestlers there that i want to see make out with one another.

That won't work at all. Can't wait for the backstage butthurt.

But they were all already huge faggots?

>They will put gays and trannys in an fighting event.
>They will fight in cages... like freaks.
This will backfire like nothing ever did on WWE history...

He will be the first openly gay (universal) Champion.

remember when every match was triple h vs the rock?

he looks cute, any pics of him in wrestling gear?

I'm sure WWE's portrayal will be fair and sensitive.



I remember when WWE looked like capeshit.


>divas macking on each other and rubbing each other all over

I've had this dream a hundred times but now it will be real life

if God is kind Bliss will come out as a power bottom lesbinian

i guess there is no going back to attitude. sad!

/asp/ is gonna freak.


Grow up

mexico did it first

WWE is completely useless at portraying any kind of minority. They'll fuck this up.

wrestling was already gay

>WWE is completely useless at portraying any kind of minority.

But what about the Rock

What about the children

>They will put gays and trannys in an fighting event.

Theres already a gay wrestler names darren young and hes pretty over with the fans

>They will fight in cages... like freaks.

You know its fake fighting right and like I sadi theres gay wrestlers its already not a big deal

Did he come out?

He was samoan first black waaaay second

Not yet.

>he's into sloppy bears
dats cute af

But if a LGBT gets beaten, that's practically hate crime.

>He was samoan first black waaaay second

How do people wrangle this kind of shit about which ethnicity takes precedence, his fucking dad is black

not if it's done by another LGBT then it's just a domestic dispute

Considering how many closeted homosexuals there are in the WWE I have no idea how this will turn out.

The Rock has never been arrested for a felony, doesn't have any illegitimate kids floating around, doesn't pronounce "ask" as "axe" and doesn't Type With Every First Letter Capitalized, so he can't qualify as black

>he voted for John McCain over Barack Obama
Holy fuck he's definitely not black

Exception that proves the rule

such as....

They're muscley oiled up dudes who combine wrestling with acrobatics. If you don't think the WWE is full of closeted gay dudes then I don't know what to tell you.

Like OP image points out, they already used to do this shit. Remember HLA and Nicole bass?

They haven't lost enough viewers in the last 15 years? They want to lose them all? I shit you not, the last episode of wrestling I watched was when Badass Billy Gunn got "married" to his tag team partner. This was like in 2003. I was a huge mark as a kid and I made a conscious decision to never watch WWF again because of that homo shit.

Yeah, but at least those guys were entertaining. It was a great feud. Who the fuck wants to watch some corny beefcake faggot stuttering nervously into a mic with cringeworthy material? WWE has been lame ever since Stone Cold and the Rock left.

Darren Young came out as gay, him and his tag team partner got a title match, they lost, they were immediately buried after

>Muscular men must be gay because I'm weak
Pro ject ion

>making up bullshit

>one literally lost a match last week

Faggots should be gassed along with their degenerate tranny counterparts...


You should see him while he's making his ring entrance. He's practically asking for it.

They already are.

all four members?



The storyline resolved at the 'marriage'. Billy and Chuck thought the whole thing was a sham for ratings and had been pretending this whole time, shocking Rico who wanted to push his homosexual agenda. All scripted, but still.

Stopped watching when Adam 'Edge' Copeland retired.

god pale dark complexion girls give me diamonds

I haven't read the link but if they are just bringing in LGBT people in to work for wwe to wrestle or whatever then no it is not a big deal. Darren Young was a surprising turn but that is because the man who is playing him came out. It does not have a light shed on it, nor does he talk about his love for other men.

If this means what I think it does then this means more flamboyant characters could take the stage. You think of people like Pimpinella Escarlata, characters who are obviously out and not afraid to put it in your face. That could or could not get annoying real fast though.

>stopped watching when Edge retired
Me too, man. Me too.

Paige is hot but goes through relationships like water through a drain. She seems to be pretty nuts about her current relationship with Alberto Del Rio though.

>been in like two

This is gonna get weird.

>american actually enjoy the scripted shit

Wow now itll be gayer than it already was. Congratulations!

Glad I quit watching wrestling.

TNA is better anyway

She's Stephanie McMahon, not Stephanie McWoman



But The Rock was already in the WWE?

>doesn't pronounce "ask" as "axe"

oh fuck you, I kek'd

When I was a kid I thought Chyna was tranny for years.

Same. Didn't help that her theme's lyrics were "don't treat me like a woman, don't treat me like a man".

Then she did some porn that was truly stomach churning.

They're desperate for viewers

This has been done before.

The main diference is that now the writers are going to get "lessons" on how to portray LGBTs "properly".

Meanwhile Booker T is a real black

He used to model underwear in Japan.