Was this justified?

Was this justified?

Is that moot

It was a different time

and yet he was the first one to rush in when 8ball got shot.

Funny no one ever points out all the racist the black guy says, or they'd realize it was all banter, Animal Mother loses his fucking shit when he sees him get sniped.

>Sup Forumsack white guy
>asian girl

it was just some good old bantz between mates, today's nu-male's wouldn't understand

Nobody is criticizing the movie as being offensive you dolt

Read my entire post next time, fucktard.

what movie fuckers?


Leave now and never come back.

The thin red line

full metal jacket?


duality of man,etc,etc

He wasn't a legit racist tho, it's just banter.

Orange is the New Black

This is how some people bust balls in the infantry. Lot of dark humor.

>These boots are made for walking starts playing

No Country For Old men

>It ain't hung starts playing

A tiny asian hooker will never walk all over you

Saving Private Go Fuck Yourself.

It ain't me



>It ain't me in the distant background

People seem to forget that these days. Mostly because they don't really communicate with black people.

of course, rope is the best way to dispose of niggers

yeah he said niggers must hang not niggers must be shot

I think recent history has proven him right.

63 year old Vietnamese man who survived the war here.

Ask me anything, lads.

> khong phai tao bat dau

I always thought he said all niggers must wait. Lul.

whats a good way to get rid of ants without poison because i have a cat

Eat them. Once you develop a taste for ants hunting them down individually no longer becomes a chore. Soon you'll find yourself digging up potential ant homes around your house just for that sweet, crunchy goodness.

train the cat to kill the ants

Spy Kids
