Sup Forums what is the most humane but also cool way to kill a hamster...

Sup Forums what is the most humane but also cool way to kill a hamster? our roommate really fucked both of his up and they're definitely dying. we think we should make him kill them to put them out of their misery. bonus points if it's really gonna fuck him up.

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Gas the (((Hamster)))

Space mission

that sounds like a hella boring way. Like, will they struggle or just go to sleep, cuz we need this roommate to feel really bad.

They are literally up to their bellies in shit. One of them was perched on his shoulder and fell off, had a seizure or heart attack as it fell, then broke its leg and spazzed out on the kitchen floor. They both can't walk and are fukin mad blind now. Pics to come.

This. A thousand times this

Your roomate should never breed. He would probably leave the baby at the post office with a crack head......during a lightning storm......while the building was on fire........and aliens were invading

Is your "roommate" the kind of "person" that "hugged" his pets too hard as a kid

Make him drown them

Make him break their necks

Humane way to kill small rodent:
1. Place rodent in small paper bag
2. Wind up and smack bag down on floor forcefully
3. Profit!

You obviously tie several helium balloons to them and send them off on a space program.

No you use a rocket. Or fire them out of a cannon. But if you balloon him use a camera


Do what i done, put it in a sock, swing swing, bash off wall.

quick, painless

Rape it then space program

just snap their necks like a reasonable person

Sounds about right - quick = painless.
Otherwise place a book or something on it and step on the book.

Get 1000 helium-filled balloons and tie them all to a piece of rope with a noose on the end for your roommate.

if it was just for us. but this is for him. his pain.

i mean also for the hamsters


he had to live in his mom's basement like harry potter and the first story he ever told me was about going to the doctor with hairbrush bristles in his ass - that's how he stopped living with his mom.

Strap the hamsters onto a quarter stick of dynamite

but then we'd have to pay more rent

this seems p psychologically damaging. we like this one.

"i've cummed on more girls' faces than had sex"
he told us

roll ^v

gas em with CO2

trips means we take pics of the hamster death camp. Also, we need to strongly push for, like, complete emotional devastation w/r/t the hamster death.

Get a new roommate






he can't survive that's why this is happening

>swimming pool acid
