Le "if you don't agree with me, you're a terrible person" television talk show host

>le "if you don't agree with me, you're a terrible person" television talk show host

Why do people watch these shows?

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I can't think of a person with a more punchable face TBHHH

Also, the people who watch these shows are afraid of having their own opinion so they listen to cringeworthy leftists

Because they agree with him

I used to like him but his absolute refusal and total ignorance of Hillary's dirty laundry has made me lose all respect for him.

>Oliver talks about an important, but generally overlooked issue (Journalism, debt buyers, congressional fundraising)

>Sup Forums: ...

>Oliver talks about a politically decisive topic


Oh, Sup Forums.

None of the people on these shows really qualify as true leftists because they support capitalism. They are neoliberal centrists. There are however, a lot more people to the right of people like Jon Stewart and John Oliver who do the exact same thing. Have you heard of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, and literally every alt-right/ anti feminist youtuber?

There is no way 2 million plus "people" watch this fucks youtube videos in a few days time. Something very fishy about those counts. I don't know anyone that even knows who this fuck is.

The image you posted perfectly describes John Oliver


Why do people read these shitty opinions by literal children when they can't even use the English language?

Britain is so cucked we have an Aussie fucking our asses.

Jeff Foxworthy said that women like to hear their own opinion repeated back to them in a deeper voice. In the same way, Americans like to hear their own opinion repeated back to them in an English accent.

Yeah, you're not ridiculing anyone who disagrees with you at all

He really needs to get his teeth fixed, they are digusting. Even for a British person

>Why do people watch these shows?
Congratulations on your white penis.

>le Fox News boogeyman

Filthy Frank has something like 3M subs and yet nobody admits to knowing who he is in public unless they're a walking fedora. So what's your point?

>Why do people watch these shows?

Because he tells his target-audience that their opinions are correct.

Jesus fucking Christ, OP. You truly are a massive cuckold. Just kill yourself already.

>None of the people on these shows really qualify as true leftists

Stopped reading right there.

This "No True Leftist" bullshit is out of hand.
You aren't REALLY a "leftist" to these people until you're sending Christians to gulags.

Doesn't change a thing. You're so caught up in ideology you can't recognize the irony of posting an image that accurately describes the MO of the man you're trying to defend.

Incidentally there's a big difference between a man with a television show that reaches millions having a one-sided agenda and a man on an internet site writing a line that will be read by at most a handful of dozen people.

But you know that already so cut the "no u" shit out

Keep your pie hole shut you fedora wearing cocksucker. Point taken.

Americans love having Brits criticise them and their country, I guess they watch it while their wife is getting fucked in the bedroom by Tyrone so they can get cucked while they get cucked

>Why do people watch these shows?+ 0 post omitted.

Liberal mouth-breathers aren't exactly smart or discerning when it comes to entertainment.

>Incidentally there's a big difference between a man with a television show that reaches millions having a one-sided agenda and a man on an internet site writing a line that will be read by at most a handful of dozen people.

Yeah, one of them has to have integrity because they can be held accountable when they spread stupid shit

because americans are way more cucked than swedes could ever hope to be

Why do you post about them?

>Greeks think diversity would ruin their country
>country is shit anyway

Jesus Christ. Say what you want about Sweden, but even they at least realise when they've gone too far. America is fucking 60% white and still wants to let in more foreigners

>one of them has to have integrity
Yes John Oliver is famous for his unbiased reporting which fairly analyzes each side of the issue.

Oliver has fuck all integrity. For a supposed left winger to ignore the mountains of dead bodies behind Hilary Clinton, the arms sent funneling into jihadists, the e-mail security leaks, the Bengzhai fiasco just because she's not "one of them" is cowardly at best and an insult to left wing values at worst.

A man who goes on national television insulting Europeans for resisting Islamic immigration yet has nothing to say at all as the dead bodies in Europe pile higher and higher.

A man who once claimed to use twitter or facebook you needed to toughen up and get used to abuse only to backtrack and use the same issue to score points about "white male penis"es with his mouthbreathing audience.

A man who will not tolerate a moment of abuse against immigrants unless it's from his own mouth insulting a long dead immigrant.

What a shining example of integrity

i dislike his jokes, they are just random insults at things, completely unrelated to what he's talking about. family guy level shit

>Well that's like drinking Mountain Dew. am i right people?

All I could read there was
>grrr he doesn't agree with me

Face it, user. You're not mad that he's shilling, you're mad that it's not for your side.

>he actually agrees with john oliver

One less cunt in England

Putin' words in my mouth, user. I actually don't agree with him on a lot of things, not to mention is humor is fucking atrocious. I just think Sup Forums's alt-right gets a little too buttblasted whenever he expresses a left-leaning or far-left opinion.

Maybe they do, I just get irritated and switch off the video at his moronic opinions

"This late night talk show host who I politically disagree with..."

>Sup Forums leans forward in, murmurs of slight laughter already breaking out from eager anticipation


>furious uncontrollable fits laughter and applause erupts throughout Sup Forums


>anons crying from intense uncontrollable laughter, deluge tears flood the earth, hundreds of anons worldwide drown in their rooms


>the sound or furious applause through every distant corner of the planet

Bingo he does not act accountable or acknowledge okay I fucked up....he is biased as fuck. Journalism is fucking dead.

As long as you don't shit up the board with threads filled with buzzwords I'm a-ok with that

>If I say it over and over again I will win the argument.

You need a better strategy.

Typical leftist

>Journalism is fucking dead

He's also not a journalist. He's stated this before. He's a political commentator, and therefore has no reason be "unbiased" (which, in Sup Forums's eyes, means being heavily right-wing and conservative.)

3M in a world of 7 billion is fucking nothing

Yeah bro, all those countless conservative late-night talk-show hosts that totally exist need to stop agreeing with Sup Forums.

You're creating a straw man, user. I gave no indication of my political leanings. For the record, I'm not a "leftist." I don't think any of your buzzwords apply to me.

>lel he changed his label so it doesn't count

I don't think you understood that post user

Why are you even watching this trash you triggered army baby

>bringing Sup Forums up out of nowhere

Want to know how I know you're a faggot Leftist tourist?


Yes that it literally exactly what it means. What is your reaction face trying to convey? Oliver has literally never studied journalism or tried to present himself as a journalist.

>calling people "racist" because they don't want government-funded mosques in their country

If you kept watching Jon Oliver past this very early point, you a faggot Leftist that is so deep in the Kool-Aid you will never get out.

the results of pushing the (((proposition nation))) for a century and change

>getting this buttblasted at someone to the moderate left
>spouting buzzwords like "leftist" at anyone who disagrees with you
>wondering why I'm calling you Sup Forums

>being this retarded

Leftists are by definition anti-capitalists. America being a one-party system with Democrats slightly more left than the Republicans based on gay marriage doesn't change the definition of a word. Both Democrats and Republicans are right-wing, neoliberal, capitalist parties.

John Oliver is just a puppet in the media to make you think that there is a difference between the two parties when there actually isn't. No matter who is in power, the dems or the repubs, corporation and their lobbyists still write your laws.

In Europe you have actual socialist and communist parties which are actually leftist.

>until you're sending Christians to gulags
Being against Christians is not a requirement for leftism. I hope you're just pretending to be this stupid and ignorant.


Like you said, there have been some fantastic main stories lately, but this season also had a main story entirely focused on Donald Trump's candidacy, including weekly coverage of Trump. Meanwhile, the DNC leaks were mentioned in one sentence that didn't cover the content and threw out the possible Russian involvement. The leaks seem Main Segment worthy, and "overview of last week" at least.

Actually little boy I'm a classical liberal a little angry "my side" has resorted to the likes of Oliver to draw morons like you into the fold. Politics is not sports. You don't pick a side an unflinchingly defend their every behaviour.

The fact you could not refute a single thing and resorted to sticking your fingers in your ears and crying tells everyone here all they need to know about you

Not the guy you were replying to, but everyone is slowly starting to get sick of all the smug establishment talking heads. Coincidentally, they just all happen to be part of the "moderate left".


>putting this many words in my mouth

I don't even disagree with many of the things said. I'm just stating that they're subjective opinions, not irrefutable facts. Oliver developed his own opinions, and you developed yours. You don't have to get so buttblasted that you spam threads to the point of creating a meme to get the point across that you disagree with him.

Typical cuck

Plus the SJW bullshit really annoys me.

because they agree with him, which gives you a sense of superiority when he jokes about the opposite side. people with low selfesteem love this

>damage control

Now run away little child. You got owned

>None of the people on these shows really qualify as true leftists because they support capitalism. They are neoliberal centrists.
Not just neoliberal but in recent times also neocon. They support Obamas wars and warmongering. They are very wealthy portray the opinions of their class.

>only thing that makes democrats what they are is gay rights

You're pretty fucking retarded, aren't you?

>Leftists are by definition anti-capitalists.
What's the source of your made up definition?

Leftist just means you hold views in line with:
The radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system.

Notice the "reforming" and the "or", which means the meaning of leftist is pretty fucking broad.

> I'm just stating that they're subjective opinions, not irrefutable facts. Oliver developed his own opinions, and you developed yours.

Why do you insist to compare a tv show host to a random user and act like they should both be held to the same standard? John Oliver is politicized entertainment. His opinions are used to influence millions of easily impressionable college kids. His employer is a major donor to one political party. If his subjective opinions are biased as fuck, then he can and should be criticized for it.

And i'm fine with that. But don't create memes on Sup Forums just to vent your rage. This is only vaugley related to Sup Forums. If you have a problem with his politics, go to the board literally made for politics.

the same reason you do

Oliver just wants Trump away from the White House at any cost. That means he's not going to spend his airtime trashing the only alternative to a Trump presidency at this point. That being said I think it's pretty dishonest of him to not cover a story as relevant as that even if he thinks its for the greater good, and I've lost some respect for him. I'd like to think if Jon Stewart was still around he would go after Hillary and the DNC but in all likelihood he would do the same thing.



You have conservative-leaning real life people, isn't it enough? Why does media have to be retarded too?

>Oliver says something
>Jon Stewart says something

>why should the media not be completely biased and feature more than one viewpoint to each story, making it nothing but a propaganda tool for the democrat party?

Yeah gee, that's a hard one.

>muh "i'm a comedian/political commentator, not a journalist"

can this excuse die already? fucking 10 year old level of discourse

>champions opinions and politics i personally disagree with
>people who like it are afraid of having their own opinions.

Shit if that's the level of reasoning you bring to the table then i advise leaving the formation of your opinions to some else too

What bothers me is people think this is a substitute for news.
John Oliver, Colbert, Stewart, etc. are glorified comedians. It's fine if you watch them because it makes you laugh, but getting your news and opinions from these guys is just as stupid as getting it from Sup Forums or Alex Jones

Just as long as you recognize your own hypocrisy


These people can't be bothered to watch the news to begin with, this is better than nothing

How is it an excuse? If he doesn't claim to present a balanced, unbiased opinion then what point do you feel you make when you cry about how he's not unbiased?

Probably because it's teeming with immigrants and refugees.
Not to mention Turkey trying to fuck them up

>if you don't agree with me, you're a terrible person

Congrats, OP. You figured out the basis of every sociopolitical discussion for the past 6500 years. Want a cookie?

If you can, kill yourself

Doesn't make sense
You can't just throw out random insults user, you need to pick and choose the best ones for the job.

They like that other people share their opinions.

>it's a "we want to stay impartial and objective in our reasoning against trump but finish it up by mocking the surname of his deceased grandfather" show

I didn't think people like this really existed until I started working with privileged and sheltered middle class... Then I met people who were basically caricatures of the typical SJW cuck.

TL:dr the faggotry is real

you reminded me that one episode of the daily show where he was goofing off at a war reenactment, he trips and the gun busts his nose. never laughed so hard watching the daily show.