SJW's insult yet another museum by promoting Pedophilia and Transvestite sickness to children

SJW's insult yet another museum by promoting Pedophilia and Transvestite sickness to children


wtf is this for a shit. art in our time rly is bad.

Fuck you bigot. Teach your own kids what you want. Dont expect others to parent how you want with thier own kids.

the day will be glorious when these transfags are ousted as the mental deficients they really are

seriously how does the modern world not look at these people and think "yeah he/she is retarded :MOVING ON" is beyond me

It's an insult to real art the same way Bill Nye is the SJW shill is an insult to real science

You are a disease that needs to be eradicated from human kind

(((Others))) will do that because they control the media and universities

But he's right tho.
I wished he wasn't, but he's right. You can't just close your eyes and yell in hope that scientific findings change their mind and turn out the way you wanted it to be.

Who is the tranny on the right supposed to be? I know that Buck Angel is on the left, so I assume the right is some porn star or something too. Anyone know?

Maybe the tranny that he fucked with.
There was a porn video - it was like these people were made for each other.

>Statue of Buck Angel
>Golden one

My sides have left the orbit

Good bless SJWs. Keep triggering the snowflakes

Says the neckbeard who never leaves his mothers basement

We handle it that way with you... sooo...

You are either born with a penis or a vagina. Mental disease or your "feelings" dont change reality. THAT is fucking science.

Wait, so, the one on the left is Buck Angel, is the one on the right based on a real trap? Those are pretty great tits for a trap...


are you a literal retard?

tfw ive never been into trannies but i recognize buck angel instantly

is that gay or straight then?

Tranny is Allannah Starr. Google her name and statues show up as well

Ya you know we as in we the sane people. Not the folks like you thinking your opinion would matter in any way because you are to dense to realize that it just does not

Not your kids? STFU then you bitch ass MF

>your opinion doesn't matter
>only mine does

Its funny how SJWs are all about non-conforming gender roles, but still give the "man" broad shoulders, and the "woman" wide hips

I fucking love how the anti-SJW's get triggered over this. Delicious irony.


Just SJW working to make trannys, common and ordinary.

Art is subjective to opinions, im fine with the statues, they are decently done well but its the message that theyre trying to portray that makes it less about art and more about throwing their views in others faces so i wont call art.

So now you are just making shit up?
My opinion is just like everybody else's it does not really matter. I'm just smart enough to know that



Nothing about you matters because you're a little faggot, hopefully you end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Then the world will truly be a better place, and no one but your dumbass momma would care

Hahaha! That is also without consequence. It does however highlight your impotent rage.

allanah starr

Hahaha a liberal wants to talk about impotent rage

that's a compliment

great art is rarely universally loved in its time

i, for one, think it's interesting and thought provoking.

That "labeling" half assed propaganda you are parroting... The word you are looking for is intellectual.

I bet if I smeared shit across the wall in a museum you'd think it was "thought provoking"
People like you are so full of shit it's hilarious

your tiny penis is showing

>browsing Sup Forums
Wew you almost had me there son

>no u

Anything else you do not understand?

Nope I've got you all figured out little guy

O no, that statue has a penis. Truly society's nadir.

Being called ''bigot'' by crazy person is a compliment.Thank you,faggot


In the real world do not forget that you are not on Sup Forums because people will associate what you are saying with your person.

Pedophilia is ok, but transvestite and transexual shit is not.

>Calling someone a bigot and then acting like a bigot.
Hey, at least we are all on Sup Forums.

This because of as a liberal "troll" question.

It's gay, Buck Angel is a man because he's biologically male. Also, he looks male, that's the whole thing with him, he's done nothing whatsoever to look like a woman. This piece of art really just shows a standard Stage IV tranny and leaves you to wonder what is going on in Buck Angel's head that he needs an artifically created vagina but doesn't feel like changing his "I'm in a biker gang" look.

Fight me IRL faggot

ah yes, this is Sup Forums isn't it

too bad you lack conviction, I can tell from your beat ass file name

>Sup Forums
>arguing in a thread that is supposed to be on Sup Forums
>mods on Sup Forums don't do their job and leave the rest of us to try and bring order to people who consistently demonstrate lower than average IQ.

You have so much stupid in your post that I can't even...

I really hope this shit is what ends us as a species.

>scientific findings

Dude, the only findings are that most people of the lgbt+ community are in fact just looking for validation, as supported by the fact that they are constantly making attempts at their own lives.

If you are born a man and you think, "Hey, im really beta (skinfag) maybe i could pull of being a woman." Then the only treatment you need is shock-treatment.

I'm confused by your use of the word conviction. What lack of evidence are you referring to? Do you not have google?

People are really this dumb?

I would fondle them titties, is there a picture of the woman statues ass?

Hahaha so that is the end of your rope? That is where your impotence shows again.

Gender bending was always a thing, and transgenderism always an inevitability. Humanity is reaching the technological stage where body customization is within reach. Many people will decide to alter their physiology to suit their preferences whatever they may be.

Whether you consider that a good decision or not is irrelevant. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. They have no need to hide anymore. They are going to be a part of life now.

Cry about it more. That'll help.

If you don't find them to just be disgusting sex objects than you are just as useless in life as they are


All life is useless. "Usefulness" is subjective.

SJW's are cult of crazy, insane people separated from reality.More militant version of it would be Antifa

>Gender bending was always a thing

Being gay has always been a thing, but that was scientifically proven to be a mutation/genetic degradation that lead to the behavior. In other words, they are deformities that aren't fit to carry on their genetics.

Also, nothing we can do about it? We can kill your kind in the streets if you want? Hang them in trees like we did with niggers back in the day. Or we can just ignore you and shame you in public when you demand certain accommodations that normal real people don't even get. Then we can leave you to continue YOUR crying like you've been doing for the last 4 years, hoping to get some kind of media time to pretend like you are doing something for "your kind" when in fact you are just being publicly made fun of, still, but this time being profited off of.

Nap time?

Please do link me that study... Does that stem from the Westboro Baptist Institute of Science?

This is art. Look it up. Nothing subjective about this. What "deep" meaning is there to this?
Or is it just a simple
>you would buy shit if i told you it was valuable.

This makes my pussy hard

I was born male and I intend to stay that way.

You can't kill anyone. Yes. there is nothing you can do about it. You can't halt technological and scientific progress. You are not and never will be the dictator of Earth.

Things will continue to evolve regardless your your little feelings. No one cares about either of us. The only difference is I know where I stand and you still think you're important. Cute.

>google is your friend
Just google Gay Gene and any combination there after that pleases you. There are tons of articles about it.

You fail to recognize that there can be physical indicators for such conditions - it's very comparable to conditions as spasticity - where the brain fails to send proper signals to the respective muscles.
Many people have these indicators which don't fit to their biological gender in weak or moderate form, and are therefore able to supress them, but just as you don't tell a spastic to act normal because you know damn well that's not gonna happen you shouldn't judge so hard on literal faggots.
The perceived gender comes from brain composition, there are typically female indicators and typically male indicators and a spectrum between those which is why people argue that gender is non binary.

Ohhh wow it is on the Internet so it must be true! If you cannot produce a scientific study that has been peer-vetted you habe nothing.

>I was born male and I intend to stay that way.
Excellent news! Why are you pointing this out?

>You can't kill anyone. Yes. there is nothing you can do about it
You are extremely delusional, or you are just trolling, both, or just really stupid. It has been going on for a while now so you are simply wrong and should do more research on the matter before opening your mouth again. Go ahead and use more buzz words and label me a dictator for believing that transgender-isms is a chemical/hormonal imbalance (or genetic flaws as research has shown), and in science, the very science that you claim is on your side even though it has proved you incompetent and mentally ill. Either way, I'm done responding to you till you have a real argument and perspective on the matter. Since you clearly have taken this personally, you have brought emotions and labels into the matter rather than reason and fact.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

So you are expecting me to fork out millions of my own dollars to prove your retarded anonymous ass wrong, even though it has already been done for me?

>pic very much related

Whining about pedophilia while posting on /b is ironic.

'illness' is only defined as something that hinders your ability to function in society. So, once an operation or therapy renders a transgender person able to function, then they are not longer 'ill,' no matter how uncomfortable that makes you, precious.

The "argument" muh chilluns is and will always and everywhere be there when there's a need for some emotional manipulation.
I don't think anyone takes this too serious, but it managed to catch your attention - didn't it?

If it has been proven it means it has been peer-vetted. If you were an academic you would know that...

Shut up nigger, go back to your stupid, you cuck.

Stop talking bullshit.

I am one of those you identify with, keep it up user. I can't imagine how little these people have going on in their lives that they actually care what's in other people's pants

buck angel was born female. nice lie though.

>>I lost, good sir!

fixed your post.

I'm pretty sure the one on the left is a pornstar, so the genitals would then become less a natural and subversively sexual thing and more of an overtly sexual and smug finger in the face to people the artist doesn't agree with. Also it's too gaudy for me but I don't like most modern sculpture

/someone else
It's a pain in the ass to discuss anything with people like you:
On the one hand you ask your opponent to the highest standards of argumentation and proving shit with detailed sources, yet you fail to do the same for your own claims.
It's a battle that can't be won, well at least not like this. Either you're intrested in reading it up or you can pretend these discoveries weren't made.
If he put the time and effort into it you'd probably not even read the articles he posts - you don't even want to know because you've already decided that they're wrong.
All you want is that he gives you more space to attack - for instance faulty or bad sources, but you're not intrested at the content at all.

There's not a 'Spectrum' between genders, there's a spectrum between the expression of the two genders. For example, a tall bodybuilder with a beard can knit a blanket and he would still be a dude, it's just that he does something thought to be feminine. That doesn't make him a new gender in between man and woman, what he's doing is expressing masculinity and femininity through his personality. That's the problem, that people are mistaking having a unique personality for a new gender.

That's hot.


The artist worked wonders to make Allanah Starr look like a human being.

Not the guy you are responding to, but I'm pointing out that he is correct with "illness" since those people often can't function in society as a result of being shunned or simply refusing to be a part of what works. Thus, demanding changes to accommodate them. It is unreasonable for them to think they are special just because they are confused, unbalanced, or yes, mentally ill.

Here is a scenario. You run a hospital. You need a new doctor who can perform neurological surgery. Your requirements are for your applicants to have a steady hand. You have 3 people to choose from.

Doc A has 30 years experience and has an excellent track record. He his hands are rock steady, but he is getting up there in age, and you know that the older people get, the less control they have over their nerves and muscles.

Doc B, he is in his 30's and has only about 6 years of experience, plus that of his 8 year degree in schooling. He, too, has an excellent record, but is obviously younger and less experienced than A.

Then there is Doc C. He is knowledgeable and capable of diagnosing situations equally as well as Doc A or B. He has been diagnosing for nearly 25 years. Also an excellent track record.
However, this guy has Parkinson's disease.

Who do you know WOULDN'T work for the open position? Exactly.


Well then you just don't agree with their terminology - which i personally don't give a fuck about. Go ahead then.


You can't expect everyone to bow down just because you have a mental illness. And to suggest that science is allowing you to force society to do such a thing is just incorrect and naive. I think you should post some sources with your next post. Otherwise you are just an individual making rash claims and conjectures and you actually sound angry about whatever situation you may be in. I presume you are probably gay, and it really does sound like you have a problem with this. I suggest you come to terms with your condition like so many others who have to cope with things in their life, and just stop trying to pick fights with people you disagree with. I avoid certain stores because I don’t like certain people that go there (example Walmart). As a result, I drastically reduce the experience of dealing with them, making my life happier.

>no facts were stated by angry butt hurt faggot claiming his faggotry isn't a mental illness or genetic flaw
Dude, seriously? How desperate are you?

where im from we beat the hell out of gey, or they change or die like a cancer

I am pretty sure he is referring to a study by Tuck C. Ngun, PhD that he does not really understand and that was misrepresentated a lot by people that do not understand it. If he was referring to something else he can just link it.

So much this in this thread.

So you are primitive savages?