Walk into your home

>Walk into your home
>You find Taylor Swift standing there

Wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:


make her tea

Ask her to check my digits

call police because intruder

Britbong confirmed

amerifat confirmed

Pretend I can't see her and proceed as I normally would around my house, changing clothes, using the bathroom with the door open, watching some porn, masturbating, etc. The usual. At some point something is going to happen but let it come from her. She's in my house so I have the upper hand

you trying to steal my world of warcraft managa? get out Swifty.

Anotha whitey breakin n ta a niggaz house. Tyme to call the fie oh

savage moves mate

rape the shit out of her.

*Take out knife*

This is for making every car ride insufferable, you cunt.

New album when?

Why bother with knife?
*pulls out and reload shotgun*

T.s. is a boy.
Human anatomy on the hands do not lie.
Males have longer ring finger and short index.


>unzips penis

Hollywood is tranny land.
Probably no real women working there.

Tell her to fuck right off my property.



can confirm, i\ve seen her penis

>w-what are you doing here?
>hi user, I need, erm... I need...
>tell me you gorgeous thing, what do you need?
>i need about tree fiddy
>goddamn loch ness monster again.

Hold on, inaccurate science on the internet? Someone call the Pope!

Also, there's zero correlation between finger length and anything other than glove fitment (though some people associate it with personality traits).



>Do a 360
>Walk away

It's funny you say that.
I spoke to a celebrity after a show a few years ago about how masculine most "woman" celebrities are.
She said a lot of them aren't woman.
Were talking an A Lister guys.

Lol. Dumbass.
This has been known since forever.
Males have long ring fingers.
Look, and test with ur gfs, sisters, and mum.
Vice versa with ur mates, bros, father, and uncles.

Oh shit, I'm in the wrong house.

ask her owner why they brought a horse into my house

Explain to her that the culture of a race, free of alien influences, is telling evidence of that race’s essential nature. The African Negro with a cow-dung hairdo, a bone through his nose, and teeth filed down to sharp points, in other words, presents to us a far more accurate image of the Negro essence than does the American Black in a business suit who has been trained to drive an automobile, operate a typewriter, and speak flawless English. Negro culture is not merely different from White culture; it is a less advanced culture and, by practically any standard, inferior

those both look male to me

Most boring thread on Sup Forums

Convince her to take bbc and black children

what do you got against tea?

Change the channel.

Ugh..yeah, I believe it.
So many "female actresses, and singers" are not real female.
It's all devil worshippers at Hollywood.
Doing things in reverse to mock God.
Plus, they talk about this is where the magic happens and I'm like oh, telling it to our face. Yet most won't get it and will deny it.
Pagan stuff for you guys.
Witches make wands from the wood that comes from a holly tree.

Mary Fucking Poppins

A$k the intruder to leave

Look at the fingers.

I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not.
Shills are all subhuman anyway.


Kris Stewart got the hands of a male.

Kris Stewart also always looks she has to shower because she smells

Wake the fuck up


Trips of truth.

why did they make civ 6 look like a fucking cartoon?

proceed to rape

Ur an asshole

Never. She announced her retirement from music last week. She's opening a furniture shop.


I'd sing a duet of one of her songs with her

Tell her she a skinny bitch that can fuck off

Break up with her instead

rape all of it

ask if she can wrap her damp sweaty toes around my nostrils while i jack off and cum all over her leg

I'd rape her in the ass tbh

And scones???

Why do footfags think sweaty feet smell good?

because they just do

I like to think I wouldn't rape but Taylor would be too much to resist.

because they do and taytays smell the best

do a 360 and walk away

>get the fuck off my property biatch
>she writes a shitty song about it
>my ears bleed upon hearing it
>scratch out my eyes
>cut open wrists
>start jerking off and die cumming
>thanks lori

She got hands of a male.

>judges anons who are attracted to her feet
>complains about her hands

U mean his feet.

are these the same people in high school who claimed lady gaga was a male too?

Lol. Whut?

It's a trend, it doesn't certify someone's gender, just means that they are more likely to be one

you must be too young to remember when everyone wasn't sure whether she was male or female, lots of bs speculation mostly, people saying they knew her in school and that she was male, etc.

Yeah, sure. Thanks Bill Nye

Oh, okay. Yeah probably male.
All vids and fashion is illuminati/devil worshipping symbols and signs all over.

idk if it was a typo on your end but gaga is pretty much considered female, she has several nude "video art projects" that consist of her screaming her head off while naked

i'd say it's not all devil/Illuminati/social engineering etc stuff, probably just a subsection that deals with the insanely rich. those high end fashion walks do have pentagrams and dress boys like girls, so i understand that

i just don't see how something at the mall like hollister or whatever is similar in that respect

have a serious heart to heart to her about why life and why she cant keep a boyfriend, i have a similar thing with girlfriends, and it would be interesting to discuss it with her, i'd also love to sing a song with her, even though i'm not good at singing and i dont play an instrument, i think she'd be the kind of girl to be a good sport about it...just kidding id rape her

I'd knock her out, take all her clothes off, then tie her legs and hands up and of course put duct tape on her mouth so she can't scream. Then I'd wait till she woke up and forcibly jam my dick inside her while she's bent over. Her struggling and moving would only make it feel better for me.

My gf looks about 87% like her, chances are good I would just act like normal