I want to see all muslims suffering a long painful death. Every single one. Am i a bad person?

I want to see all muslims suffering a long painful death. Every single one. Am i a bad person?

Yes, you are. While Islam is an evil religion, as it teaches evil things, the majority of Muslims living in western countries shun those beliefs. Do I think that Islam needs destroyed, yes, but the people who believe it are still people, and the bible teaches you to love thy neighbor. Don't hate the people, hate the root cause.

I fucking hope ww3 breaks out and humanity will be destroyed. We fail as a race.

If wanted death to every Muslim. Even though you don't know each of them individually as a person. Then yeah you are pretty evil


Yes the bible does teach people to love their neighbor. The quaran teaches that if your neighbor isn't a muslim, kill them

>Arab + other
>trying to make whites look the smallest ethnic group.
How about you step outside your bubble of stupidity, huh?

OMG, why are americans so fucking retarded

found the nigger

im still right

Oriental? What is this 70 years old?

Dude not even. The Qur'an has verses that tell you that any person of the book (Jew/Christian) is your brother and is to be treated as such. The Bible has plenty of verses telling you to stone anyone who tells you to worship other gods. The problem is not Christianity or Islam. The problem is monotheistic religion in general. It's a cancer that needs to be removed.


dubs of truth

>1 billion

niggers are never right, even when they try the other answer they fuck it up in the gray area.

just another nigger I suppose, gross



How about let the evil muslims who want to kill people suffer a long, painful death.

And let the others, like normal people, mothers, babies etc.. not be murdered for no reason.

Basically, don't punish the whole group because a small percent are bad.

Kinda like how most Christians are just annoying, but some are crazy and try to control other people's lives.


muslims are just european mexicans, we just don't talk about the cartel as much.
Brown filth rats to say the least

oh man you really gonna get a rise out of me. 12 yr old faggot kys

>not grouped with white

sure smells redneck in here

>I want to see all muslims suffering a long painful death. Every single one. Am i a bad person?
If you have the balls to do it yes, otherwise you are not bad is just a faggot.

No, you're just a member of ISIS.

Absolutely not. The net gain for the world would justify the means.

>you aren't going to get me MAD!!
>get's mad
>throws in age out of nowhere
I've never seen someone project so hard, It's ok son summers around the bend

>and south east asia
>+other subcontinent
>Including non hispanic

Trying so so hard, luckily the sheep who follow these groups never ask questions.