What did he say, Sup Forums?

What did he say, Sup Forums?

Nothing, as he is handicapped

Post the template, idiot.


>more than two genders
>comment on vaping

Then its funny as is, no?

"I'm a Bernie supporter."

He said "i shitpost on Sup Forums every day. I'm especially known for my Andy Sixx shit log posts".

"Don't assume my gender. I classify myself as a woman."


"Gender is a spectrum"



"I'm transgender"


Life Hack

"I have 3 tumblr accounts"

I tought the joke was that he is mute = handicapped

Max kek

She has a feminine penis, so it isn't gay.




OPs pic is the template you fucking scrub.





I approve


I have been in Sup Forums for too long. The only thing that caught my attention was the kitty yawning in the back



Pedobear approves

