This Open Letter by an Alleged Former Warner Bros. Employee Rages at Top Executives

>When people use the term “shots fired” on the internet to draw attention to some hot gossip, the news being referenced rarely fulfills the promise of high drama. But an open letter written by an alleged former Warner Bros. employee to her former place of employment is truly a diamond in the infinite digital sea of garbage. This letter, posted on the website Pajiba, isn’t “shots fired.” It’s “The nuclear codes have been entered.” The ex-WB staffer gives only the name “Gracie Law” — Kim Cattrall’s character in the movie Big Trouble in Little China — but she sure throws a lot of shade at studio chairperson and CEO Kevin Tsujihara, as well as the “mastermind” of DC’s film slate, Zack Snyder.

>You just don't get it. And it's not just DC movies, it's your whole slate. Jupiter Ascending. Get Hard. Hot Pursuit. Max. Vacation. Pan. Point Break. Fucking PAN, you jerk. People lost their jobs and you decided Pan was a good idea. You think another Jungle Book is a good idea.

>What are you even doing? I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a #1 movie of the year. Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn't be such a mess. Don't try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it's another mess.

Jesus, it's a lot worse than we thought.

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Damn the WW trailer fooled me. Not saying it looked great, but I thought it would be DCEU's first fresh. I blame Gal.

between sony and WB i'm beginning to wonder if there's a controlled, planned effort to completely tank the movie industry

I fully expect wonder women and Justice league to be hot steaming piles of shit but will make money regardless because you autistic cunts and normies will pay to see it simply because it says a name they recognize

muh geoff johns tho

>it's a shots fired meme episode

Isn't this what everyone's been saying about WB and Tsujihara for a while though? Ignoring their DCEU shit, everything else has also been a shitheap.

I don't know how people can legitimately believe he's going to fix anything. He's Snyder without a color saturation filter

Why does this no name site keep getting "scoops" on all the flavor of the moment stories? I first heard of them when Making a Murderer was having it's moment.

>greenlighting Ocean's 11 female reboot
really makes you think

DCucks will lap up anything they shit out so why should they care

Fuck, I didn't realize WB was responsible for all those shit movies.

This is practically Sony tier.


He was superb in Fury and he was great with what he did with the actors in Suicide Squad (if you read his original cut of the film) and then get new editors who truly care about making a good film.

Keep Snyder on as a cinematographer, visual arts guy but make Ayer direct.


stopped reading there

>didn't even read the article

>You just don't get it

>didn't say "do you"

>Snyder is a producer on every DC movie. He is still directing Justice League. He is being rewarded with more opportunity to get more people laid off.


>"Assistants who were doing fantastic work certainly were. People in finance and in marketing and in IT. They had no say in a movie called Batman V Superman only having 8 minutes of Batman fighting Superman in it, that ends because their moms have the same name.
>"ends because their moms have the same name. "


>bitch can't act
>this is obvious in the first line of the trailer
>man I really thought this would be good!


It's clear they're never gonna make a good movie, and it'll just get more sad the longer it goes on.

Are you implying Johns is a director?

I was puzzled by the "another jungle book movie is a good idead, but then i looked it up". Jesus christ. It doesnt even matter if it's good or not. Somebody greenlit it.

>It's clear they're never gonna make a good movie

Suicide Squad is an 8/10 enjoyable action drama that got almost everything right with character development.

You fucking people cannot appreciate anything

They also made the hobbit trilogy.

The Wonder Woman trailer made me think the movie was going to be shit. The Justice League trailer was ok except for the Flash's terrible jokes.

I don't watch Will Smith movies after that diversity shit he and his wife tried to pull while being one of the richest black actors.

>Suicide Squad is an 8/10 enjoyable action drama that got almost everything right with character development.
Except it was ruined by god awful editing and if there were any characters in it, they don't matter. The whole movie is about Harley & Deadshot. Croc has like 3 lines. Boomerang and Katana do nothing.

The movie was a joke.

Why list Mad Max when it was excellent?

JL trailer was pretty garbage imo

WB just is planning on losing mad money making oceans 8.

Fun fact:WB owns the mortal kombat rights and has jared leto margot robbie and david ayer under multiple film contracts

Instead of oceans 8 WB should make a mortal kombat film starring margot robbie as sonya blade wearing booty shorts with jared leto as johnny cage.

Snyder's movies will be great as usual but you can't fault him for corporate decisions as they have the final say.

WB has artistic integrity, unlike the capeshit factory at Marvel

it didn't do gangbusters $$

It didn't do that well at the box office, just like Edge of Tomorrow, which is listed too.
Although Edge of Tomorrow suffered from very bad marketing.

stopped reading, don't care

The budgets of movies are too high these days

They need to write scripts that focus on smaller budgets and better storylines

She's talking about this, not Fury Road.

someone needs to edit that thing down... I bet there's a decent movie in there.

Ignoring all the bad cgi stuff.

I think she means this Max.

Then how come they did all those re-shoots to change their artistic vision of Suicide Squad to be more like Marvel movies?

IIRC someone already did a Tolkien Cut. All three movies in one.

not to mention like 5 name changes right before opening and after going digital and shit
movie wasnt even that bad of an adaption, standard hollywood changed shit but it was atleast enjoyable

its not mad max

Yeah man movie studios hate making money.

You tinfoil hat wearing aspie

$0.10 has been deposited into your account.

Goddamn, that letter is a thing of beauty. I hope Kevin gets fired after Snyder finishes crashing the DCEU with no survivors.


Wow. That was a glorious rant and a much needed one too. Too bad they won't listen. I always preferred Bugs to Mickey. Shame.

>disgruntled former employee going full scorch earth on them
>a woman

half of it is just half truths on principle
but if you want to believe her obvious butthurt because it goes with the WB sucks and i want them to fail narrative then do

>implying the DCEU hasn't been 8/10 series so far

DChads win again

Watchmen was pretty faithful as an adaptation, he's good on that end. but he doesn't understand the source material at all, BvS proved it. he just slapped together a bunch of iconic comic book shit he saw and called it a day.

>Disney employee falseflagging

You need to shitpost faster, WB shills. If you don't you might get laid off when Wonder Woman bombs.


Does anybody else finds weird how hard these faggots are hitting WB, lately?

They are retards but so are most big industry studios.

It just feels so dishonest and agenda driven.

>it's just half truths and WB sucks propaganda!
You're either a retard or a shill. Her rant is completely right, WB have been steadily releasing bombs for the last two years and instead of kicking out the retarded higher ups who greenlit these bombs they've been laying off employees who are in no way responsible for WB's fuck ups.

DCucks already in denial.

Does anybody else finds weird how hard these faggots are hitting Sony, lately?

They are retards but so are most big industry studios.

It just feels so dishonest and agenda driven.

Who let the Sup Forumseddit in?

>company acts completely retarded
>company gets roasted for acting completely retarded
I see you shills have gone into full damage control mode. Sony has been acting completely retarded for years and has been relentlessly roasted for it for years but I don't see you sticking up for them.

Why would Ayer want to stay on after the studio cucked him on suicide squad? He could be off Making legitimate Kino.

Its actually very smart move.
They are firing directors and crews left and right just to make all this movies based on one guy.
They are literally saving millions while making as much.
The Jap knows what he is doing.

>while making as much.
This is where you're wrong. Warner Bros. excepted Batman v Superman to make 1.5 billion dollars at the box office and it didn't even make 1 billion.

>Yeah man movie studios hate making money.
It's not that that the corporation is trying to commit suicide, but that a jewish minority influence may be slowly killing it from within.
You could call this a conspiracy theory, but I wouldn't even call any of this deliberate. Jews generally feel very isolated, and have an instinctual attraction to anti-establishment narratives, and they are very intelligent hardworking people who can find shitty movements like communism and help the incompetent gentiles get their shit together, such that these anti-establishment organizations get off the ground and undermining society. These jews, not consciously being pro-jewish, or anti-gentile have no problem letting other gentiles take the spotlight. I wear no tinfoil hat, because even though I recognize that the resources exist for the government to spy on all my internet history, with a simple straight talk to my ISP, I don't believe they're even doing that.

This whole thing is gutsy and powerful incompetence, but it's incompetence from very smart people who don't realize the damage their doing.

It is frustrating to watch movies with gaping plotholes and garbage writing. Can't even imagine how maddening it is to work on these.

Fucking /po-

Wait. That makes too much sense.

>Being declarative
>Not being rhetorical
When will these people learn?

4 or 5 out of 10 at best.

I don't get it, jungle book isn't even WB.

>Wait. That makes too much sense.
If you want to dine on the red pill of the refined narrative that is more intelligent then Sup Forums's fearful anti-jewish super-conspiracy narratives, then I suggest Kevin MacDonald's "Culture of Critique"

If you would like to hear more about the origins of Judaism a religion that has mostly died out among enlightened intelligent western society but still loosely influences the thought of the jewish race, much that Christianity likely still influences you even if you've shedded the Cross and Bible of your parents which is not unlikely in my estimation, then I suggest the writings of Jonathan Haidt, and jew who examined the Talmud and the Caballa, highly important jewish documents that written AFTER the New Testament contrary to popular belief.

However the red pill isn't super happy. I understand anti-Sup Forums sentiment and as a half-white half-mestizo scumoid, that the enterprising neo-nazi's would like to exterminate for undermining white society with an influx of shit-tier Democrat voters, I don't know how much I want to spread what I see as simple truths.

Oh well! Try to stay positive. :)

The blue pill is still a valid option, and I don't fault people for taking it!

>got almost everything right with character development.
>joker in that movie
>MUH FAMILIA out of nowhere
yeah, nah

WB also has a Jungle book movie in the works with Andy Serkis in it, probably more closely based on the book than Disney's which takes its cues from their animated movie

>written by alleged former Warner Bros. employee
>staffer gives only the name--

oh fuck, that's just stupid

Good thing they got rid of this cuck.

Even if WB didn't have a Jungle Book movie coming, the fact that Disney made another one can be seen as a belt-weather, in the industry.

>It's time to wake up and make the fucking donuts, Kevin.

Please tell me you're joking. It's a joke, right?



The fact that the industry, as a whole, has gotten to the point where they're remaking fucking Jungle Book, even devoid of which company is doing it, is a bad sign.

>What things do we own or can easily get... that we can remake as a bigbudget action movie on part with anything Marvel is doing?! PETER PAN MOVIE INCOMING!!!!


Where's the War of the Worlds reboot as a cinematic universe?

I read shit like this with all its weasel words and utter lack of citation and people wonder why I think Disney is making a concerted effort to tank their competition, poisoning the well before they even get out of the gate properly.

It's not that I necessarily believe that DC's making masterpieces; it's just that I know the MCU isn't either, yet there's this conspicuous vacuum of information concerning any hint of drama from behind the facade of the "Magic Kingdom."

They reduced Johansson's character to a walking Hulk tranquilizer and a helpless damsel when she could have been the first female lead in a big-budget cape movie. Am I to believe that she's cool with that?

>War of the Worlds reboot
I'd watch it if it was set in the time period it's supposed to.

Call me a pleb, but I wanna see Thurderchild scene in 3D.

The ending in the book is not very movie-suitable, though, but eh.

Cereal King will save us

>it's just that I know the MCU isn't either, yet there's this conspicuous vacuum of information concerning any hint of drama from behind the facade of the "Magic Kingdom."

What about Idris Elba talking about how he wasn't having the best time on the set of Thor, or Renner faking heart attacks on the set of the first Avengers? Or the whole Ant-Man Edgar Wright fiasco, or Edward Norton getting kicked to the curb for Ruffalo, and let's not forget Terrence 1+1 = 3 Howard getting dropped as Jim Rhodes because he wanted to be paid the same as RDJ?

Of course, I would also watch a period-set War of the Worlds.

But you know if they make it, it'll be a fucking joke. The whole movie will be the last 10 minutes of 10 Cloverleaf Lane, only the cars are carriages and everything is steampunk.

I wouldn't go that far. They're IPs that people enjoy and love and I can get making new ones for new generations. I mean the cartoon version is fine, but it's also old as fuck and looks it.

sssh sssh user, no one wants to hear logical truth if it doesn't relate to how disney buys reviews and is controlling all the positive feedback they get. I'm sure scarlett is trying really really hard to get her anger out but all that money they throw at her keeps getting in the way.

That's ridiculous, no one is wondering what you're thinking.

Yeah, I don't see them just making something good either. Could be a fun movie, though.

>Make a fucking Suicide Squad movie
>Everyone's "family"
>"But guys they got everything right! :)"


How much Steampunk and modern music you want in your reinterpretation of a timeless classic, farn?

>Make a civil war movie
>Zero consequences because we need shekels: the flick

Back to the cuck shed

I don't know what you're getting at, the new jungle book was great.

>tfw WB has several worthless people in charge of everything and will continue to make garbage films for decades more and no one will stop them.

>but muh marvel

I'd say nice try but honestly this is pretty pathetic, DCuck.

But was Pan? Or those remakes of Alice in Wonderland? Or Sleeping Beauty of whatever that was Huntsman?

Notice how the only one of those that's a shot-caller is Wright?

Notice how at the time no one was incessantly spamming this board with it?

Teach me user

>Suicide squad was a bad movie but I think civil war was a bad movie so that makes suicide squad a good movie
Are you thinking this through before you type it?