Stranger Things RedLetterMedia


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tfw nobody wants to shitpost with me

>We gotta get in before the backlash starts

Too late, Jay.

We really don't

we're still watching it you fool. Do you just reply to videos and posts without going through them? You're part of the problem.

Literally every video they do is posted and replied to on this board before people have watched it through, are you new?

"Which is problematic for me..."

Why is Mike speaking like an SJW?

>she looks like she's made of twigs

based. BTFO nancyposters

You know SJWs didn't invent that word, right?

Are you one of those faggots that flipped their shit when Jay said "normie" a few weeks ago because you think Sup Forums is the center of the universe?

Wait, I thought this was a Sup Forums show? Eh, I have no idea. I don't watch television or movies.

I'm not going to even bother watching this one. Jay will love it because muh 80s and le kids were so good! Ironically, the show is shit specifically because it is so derivative of films from 80s, and the child actors were garbage. But of course a hipster like him would no doubt be jerking himself off over something so shit.

>Good, but not great

Confirmed, Stranger Things sucks

it's a netflix original series.

netflix paid RLM to shill it, much like how they've been for the past weeks now with their insane marketing.

its not marketing people just like it


>Nancy looks like she's made of twigs

No user, you are the hipster.


Finally someone said it. Overrated as fuck.

They spend literally 15 of the 25 mins discussing how derivative it is of 80s movies.

And name another series or movie with child actors performing as well as this

Maybe you should watch the episode because your pointless predictions are wrong.

"I am a retard" - the post

Way to make yourself look completely stupid, faggot lol

Jay cleans up well tbhfam

You are a hipster though

Is Jay in love with Mike? Not Mike Stoklasa but the Mike on Stranger Things? He has striking features.


>I don't watch television or movies.

...then why are you here?

for the dankies

>the kids are all fantastic and they feel like real kids
Jay Bauman 2016

>it's real

This is what i'm afraid of. I literally can't stand 80's nostalgia circlejerking and is refraining me from watching it. Is it really that bad in this or is it worth a shot this show?

They're all fantastic and they look like real kids from Indiana. Which is to say borderline grotesque.

>it's real

Is this a fan site, or did Jay make this?

one of the first things they say is that the 80s circlejerking is the thing they care least about

They loved it

>watching a paid review
Forever compromised. Abandon ship while you can.

no shit you dick pickle, they are pedo as fuck.

>Abandon ship while you can.
>while you can.
wat did he mean by this?

i thought they only reviewed movies

And yet here they are reviewing something that isn't a movie. Great contribution to the thread, user.

"it's an HBO original series.

HBO paid RLM to shill it, much like how they've been for the past years now with their insane marketing."

Sup Forums never has any problem with this hypocrisy. Never change

He is the perfect person for reaction pictures

>orange is the new black is good
Is this guy fucking serious? It's fucking trash at this point. Started out as a decent woman-Oz but now it's just friendship and love and prisoners who dindunufin.

>"her character in this was...crazy and hysterical, mostly all the time"
>"even before the kid goes missing"

like literally one scene jay, where she's about to rush off to work.

she's a highly strung person who has a history of anxiety disorder. not everyone has to be cool calm and collected all the time like in your capeshit.

>e-celebs are allowed on Sup Forums now
What the fuck happened?


God damn thank you Jay for calling out Winona, fucking everyone is praising her but she was the weakest part of the show by far

The opening credits use a specific font and there are some iconic movie posters on the wall. Kids from the 80s play D&D. Kids ride bikes and use walkie talkies because it was the fucking 80s (OMG E.T. & Goonies circle jerking). A little girl has telekinesis. STEPHEN KING DID THAT!!!!!!!!!

I'm guessing anyone who says this was a nostalgia circle jerk just doesn't enjoy period pieces in general.

Jay says she's crazy and hysterical even before the kid goes missing, and he's right. Doesn't matter if it's only one scene or not. I'm sorry your waifu is a shitty actress, user.

Come on, dude. They look like some Netflix executive is holding them at gunpoint. This is like the first time they've described the synopsis without forcing some meme. No skits, even though they've been forcing them all over their shit.

This is a paid review, and you can tell they'd rather be talking about something else because the conversation livens up once they switch to other topics.


hi newfag


>durr RLM really liked a series that has been overwhelmingly liked by tons of other people
If you honestly believe this is a paid review, you may be legit retarded.

That's a smile?

>go to their website that they shamelessly plugged
>called their number to get my VCR repaired
>the number is for a company offering free Caribbean cruises in exchange for survey information


But is it like central in the plot or do they lean too much on 80's references?

This word is only bad if it is used in a context of "offensive" things.

did your mam leave you in a dumpster or something? who doesn't remember their ma being stressed when she was rushing out to work and you were still in bed and were gonna be late for school?

His point is that she's one note and has no layers to her performance. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

to upset people

There aren't a terrible amount of references, and the ones they do make tend to be about timeless modern things like comic books and shit. There is plenty of homaging in the form of various plot points, but other than goofy haircuts it's not in your face 80s

I don't even know what their opinion is and never will. I've never watched a video of theirs. I don't care and don't need others opinions to help form a more "enlightened" one for myself anymore than I need to watch someone else provide commentary during the play through of a video game. Reviews from people who profit off them in any way are garbage. Always have been and always will be.

i made the implicit question of why the fuck are they reviewing this particular show faggot, and if they changed their format or is this will happen only this time



Yeah. I remember them saying in a hitb that series usually have better characters/story or whatever than movies (or atleast summer movies I think it was) nowadays, so I'm not surprised that they're expanding
tv series have become a lot better lately, before they were basically just trash comedy

>I'm too cool for this thread. Now allow me to step on my soapbox in this thread to talk about how I'm too good for this thread that I'm currently monitoring and posting in.

So Space Cop is coming to VHS according to the video posted on their website.

>call the number
>it's some shitty survey to win a free cruise

>I don't watch thing related to this thread
>Let me respond to this thread

VHS production stopped

It's just a gag video, user. There already a VHS version available if you buy the movie digitally.

Really the only thing they circle jerk over is D&D but that is because it ties into the plot in a pretty shallow way. They don't play anything up just for nostalgia, though. It's just a part of the era they're in. It's only natural. They don't play up 4th wall breaking 80s movie quotes or anything like that.

I'm honestly surprised more people are insulted by how dumbed down explanation of scientific theories are. I thought more people would be annoyed by that.

Because Jay is a big fan of eighties horror

Come on Star Trek TNG episode reviews!

This goes beyond liking or hating. I don't have a problem if they liked the series, but they were obviously paid to talk about it. Once you cross that line, as a reviewer, you can't be trusted.

The very structure of this video is like something out of their early years. No wacky music, no cuts, no injokes. It's obviously made to appeal to as much people as possible, which in turn makes it look so jarring because a couple of episodes ago they were getting drunk as shit.

Please don't confuse my attention to this as some sort of obsession. I'm just saying, it's so transparently a paid review and it looks so wrong coming from the people who shit on shills all the time.

write them a letter

PO Box 400
Oak Creek, WI 53154

Because the thread is related to a show I've seen. I don't need to know dick about the opinion of someone who knows how to record themselves and publish it youtube to talk about that. You can talk about other people's opinions like it actually matters or has some weight all you want.

soemoene cap the mike and rich et

Watch the episode. They flat out say why they're reviewing it in the video, you fucking moron.

Maybe because it was an edit of a longer video, the one with Suicide Squad? Maybe it could be because is a show instead of a movie? Maybe, and just maybe, the format works different when you talk about a series (which they have mention series before and recommend it)?

>I don't need to know dick about the opinion of someone who knows how to record themselves and publish it youtube to talk about that.
Yeah you've already made that point. And yet you're still here.

>they were obviously paid to talk about it
Plenty of obvious things are completely wrong.

To talk about the show. I'm assuming this place isn't so autistic the thread is going to solely focus on some youtubers opinions and maybe I'll get some banter from people who have also seen it. Do you selectively read or should I keep reiterating that point?

Could Netflix not afford to pay them to shill their show a month ago when people were actually watching it? Why even choos HitB, whose core demographic is most certainly already aware of it and has either already watched it or will never watch it?

Erotic letter?

I get what he means. But there are moms that are exactly like that. Always frazzled and always stressed. When i saw Ryders character in ST, I instantly thought of my mom. If i went missing as a child, Ryder is EXACTLY how my mom would act. Even down to the frazzled, twitchy acting at the store she works at. It's very reminiscent. So I suppose it depends on the people you've met. In which case, I thought Ryder was spot on.

I don't want to watch it, but did they like it or no?

>but they were obviously paid to talk about it
I sort of have that feeling too, since it just happens to be their first tv series and all, but they made it sound mediocre so I dunno

>tfw basically everything I've written in this thread is defending them
I feel like a shill

>I don't expect a thread about an RLM video to talk about RLM
You're a fucking idiot. There's been plenty of other Stranger Things-specific threads here in the last few weeks.

>if everyone likes it, i don't like it.

>I sort of have that feeling too
Yes I'm sure Netflix paid a small youtube channel to shill their series that's already been out for several weeks and has already proven to be a big success.

When did everyone here get so fucking stupid?

Honestly, I think they're just reviewing it because it's one of the most cinematic tv shows to come out in the past few years that; a.) Isn't a part of a long running series, b.) Has a big fanbase behind it already, c.) Isn't capeshit, like Daredevil or Jessica Jones (although I am surprised they haven't done a HitB of these two as they are very cinematic as well).

As they said in the video, Stranger Things is basically a very, very long movie. The show is perfect for them to review. I really don't get the feeling they're being paid to review ST, as they were (justly) harsh on it.

And you're a fucking tool. Way to reword my shit up. Do you not know what "solely" means?

I'm sure there have been threads. I don't live here like I guess you do and when I've checked recently it's been all "capekino, GoT, & rate my waifu" shit.

>The very structure of this video is like something out of their early years. No wacky music, no cuts, no injokes.
It's because they recorded it immediately after the Suicide Squad review you fucking autist. It's why everything on the table is in the same place, and why they awkwardly brought up the Stranger Things review at the end of the Suicide Squad episode. It is also why they (awkwardly if you are watching it a week later) mention Suicide Squad's flashbacks as if it were the same conversation.

Or it's a conspiracy.

get out to Sup Forums or whatever shithole you came from turbo autismo

You mean I can't be a glorious film patrician like yourself? It seems like autism would be more relevant to people who analyze the structure of YouTube reviewer videos and their commentary looking for some grand conspiracy because they can't accept that someone has a different opinion.

>that guy in the thread last night that was calling me a faggot for my opinions
>mike and jay say all the same things I posted
>he swore they wouldn't have my opinion
>he swore up and down that I was just parroting someone other guys opinion

his asshole is going to be so blown the fuck out when he watches this. I won. I won so fucking hard.

No, no
Just go back that's enough