Ultimate Cut

So how much longer do we have to pretend that the director's cut was better than the theatrical?

Keeping up the lies and denial is starting to get to me, I'm ready to admit that the ultimate cut is a boring, joyless, nonsensical narrative disaster just like the theatrical.

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You're a cuck.

Hi, numale

“DC Fans" stands for “Delusional Cuck Fans" so no time soon will they admit that both versions of the movie are shit.


>calling anyone a numale
Let me guess, tourist
shitskinman is totally badass now that hes not white

Ultimate Cut is a 5/10

Original is a 2/10

Three point difference matters even if the movie still isn't good. The added screentime Superman gets and a few additional transitional scenes really help flesh out the film better. The ending 25 minutes is complete dogshit and Lex almost ruins the movie multiple times.

My fucking sides

Why would a numale be against aliens?

Because that alien is a fucking white male.

He is still an alien. numales love outsiders.
Your nu-logic doesn't make sense, Sup Forums

>The ending 25 minutes is complete dogshit and Lex almost ruins the movie multiple times.
Wrong. Lex is brilliant and hilarious. Fuck, you are just uncomfortable that the villain hits too close to home. pussy.

>those mental gymnastics
All I see is chit-chat

is DC the new Capcom?
DCucks eat their shit with no complaining

>I'll ignore that part of his post and reinforce my flimsy argument

Sup Forums - DC forums

Go the FUCK back to Sup Forums you fucking schoolboy.

Again he is still an alien which makes him not human or part of earth. The last time I asked you this you tried to pull the muscular card yet nu-males support Syrian """refugees"" that are jacked

Yea nah OP quit your baiting, UC was based. Funnest movie this year imo



The theatrical cut was pure patrician tier that soared over Marveldrones heads.

The Extended cut sacrifices professional level pacing in order to spoon feed explanations to the people that were not capable of grasping everything that was going on in the theatrical cut.

>Batman v Superman

Here is your reply.

is reddit down?

nu-male are opposite of 'white male' so they hate us.
superman is like 100x 'white male'

This is an art medium you piece of shit Sup Forums redditor
fucking christ I thought it was just a boogeyman, but now I'm starting to believe it

Best scene in movie tbqhlahds

>Calling someone Sup Forums

Go fuck yourself.

The average audience didn't know how to react to this scene. They're used to superheroes stopping bank robbers with blaring music.

this idea that the ultimate cut is a completely different film is retarded

they're both trash and one is just longer

Nothing offends a Sup Forumsedditor more than belling called Sup Forumseddit.

You can call him anything, any insult, but if you call him reddit he will shriek and throw a hissy fit. He's been found out and he hates it, he doesn't even understand how it happened, he tried to fit in but failed.

The Sup Forumsedditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a redditor, memer, Sup Forums, faggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Sup Forumseddit and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

if only the movie was filled with these moments

I hated BvS, m8, but the UE really does add the context that at least makes Lex's primary plan, as well as why Clark has an axe to grind with Batman make sense.
Superman is still no fun.
Batman still kills even after the revelation that "Martha" evokes within him.
A jar of piss is still a plot device.
"Martha" is still a fucking retarded way to evoke a charge in Batman's character arc.
Deciding to change your mind after hating a being for 2 years so much so that you conceptualize and execute a plan that puts his life within your hands does not make you that being's friend.
Lex is still default terrible.
Superman still has golden opportunities to stop the fight, tell Batman to shut up and explain what the fuck is going on, but doesn't so Snyder can have his Batwank.
The UE by no means fixes some of the worst parts of the movie overall, but it grants a context that IMO takes it from dogshit at elevates it to MoS's level, which means it is still a heartbreaking disappointment, but it miles better than it was.

>calling someone Sup Forums and reddit for having a different opinion than yours
Woah numale, we all know theres a special hive mind place you can go back to

I liked how the ultimate cut had EVEN MORE plotlines that were completely and totally discarded once mama kent got kidnapped.

Sup Forums is not your home board. That is the only argument required. Capeshit caters to an IMDB inflected pedestrian "entertainment" sensibility that is not shared by ANY of authentic Sup Forums. It's Sup Forums, it's Sup Forums, it's reddit. It's priorities were entertaining audience and sparking social media discussions. Praising it is no different to praising breaking bad. This is an art board. If you're giving a pass to "entertainment" masturbation then you do not belong. These movies are a video game. If you liked it you'd be more at home on Sup Forums.

Original cut : 4/10


Not enough token minorities for you, nu-male OP ?

Btw Affeck's Batman is fucking GOAT.


>Not enough token minorities for you, nu-male OP ?

kek you just know this is the same type of numale that is praising nu aquaman as badass lmao

Glad you're gone, poser. The true fans see the film for what it is, warts and all, and love it.

Agreed. Batfle k just couldn't stop kicking ass.

>Those groupies
>Far left
Yes. That pleases my dick.

I only saw the ultimate cut. I don't know what wasnt in the original release. The movie sucks. It was a stupid concept to begin with, and adding wonder woman and dream sequences didnt help.

A Ben Affleck Batman movie should have been made with a brief appearance by superman. That's how they should have started their MCU ripoff.

I wish numales would stop fighting.

its like watching women fight. Except there's nothing arousing about it.

>The true fans see the film
"The true fans see the film" fan culture is the enemy of artistic cinema. Destroy the "entertainment" viewer once and for all and you have a brighter artistic future.

Killing Them Softly took no prisoners. I was the only person left in the cinema by the end. It was like Dominik himself was prowling the screening. letting the blood of the unworthy without a moment's hesitation. Not even looking them in the eye. Any art made as a direct retaliation to the "entertainment" meme is worth celebrating. This film was a meat grinder. Taking the memes of good taste/quality and turning them on their head. He offered them a Tarantino/scorcese-esqe crime caper to the plebe audience on a silver platter, instead he jams a live grenade down their throats. He offered an "artful" "tasteful" "legitimate" "masterpiece" to the capeshit loving "film buff" crowd, only to slip a dagger between their ribs and then bludgeon them to death with the hammer of post-subtlety. There should be no politeness or regard for feelings in art.

>dream sequenceS

Just one sequence, which might very well be in fact flash showing him the future (worst case scenario), thats not so hard to understand, he's not dreaming since there is still a sheet flying afterwards.

>“Okay, so let me just tell you this. Again… I don’t know if this is Zack’s thinking, but this is mine: what if that isn’t a dream sequence? What if what you saw was a Time Boom, a latent memory from the future when Flash comes back? If you look at the cut, he doesn’t go to sleep! He’s waiting for the [Lexcorp file decryption] and suddenly this [Knightmare sequence] comes in, and he’s jogged out of it seeing his own death. And what does he see? He sees Flash. And if you’re a DC fan, you know what’s happening. You know that Flash going back in time, that memory is now coming back to him… mind you, it’s jumbled.”


There was the dream where he's in the desert with the rifle, and the dream where the flash comes to him.

It is better. It's still not a good movie, but there's no denying it's more coherent than the theatrical cut.


Why are there so many fucking Disney shills on this board seriously?

Do they think bashing DC flicks will make Marvel flicks look less shit? Because it doesn't.

I don't mind watching a capeflick at cinema once in a while but this is getting out of hand, this shit should be in Sup Forums, fucking RottenTomatoes spammers and shills should get fucking banned.

Superman represents America's imperialism and might. Also, if you had seen the movie you would know Superman is blamed for fucking up a nigger village.


Stopped reading right there

Go outside once in a while.

Here's what I think. I think the very best they can do for time travel is open a tiny wormhole(or Boomtube) to the past, not big enough to physically travel through safely, so the open this pinhole and use Kryptonian dream tech to communicate through the portal.

The swirling papers could have just been caused by the pressure differential between one side of the portal and the other.

Bruce's "Flashforward" could just be a side effect of them establishing a mental connection - essentially him remembering forward to the circumstances of his own death in that timeline.

Problems still in the ultimate cut
>batman poetry
>loius lane's subplot is still pointless as her only purpose is to get kidnapped by lex and tell batman that martha is supes' mom
>clark kent investigation is still utterly pointless since he fights batman because his mother is kidnapped
>lex kidnapped supermans mother in kansas, then ordered his henchmen to bring her to metropolis, instead of any other city in the world
>knightmare sequence still utterly jarring and serves no purpose to the plot
>el flash still pointless and jarring
>justice league email still breaks the pacing and the tension leading up to the batman v superman fight
>the beginning of the fight is utterly pointless since without being weakened by kryptonite the sonic waves and bullets are harmless to superman
>the spear is a terrible use of kryptonite, a knife, batarang, ring, brass knuckles, bullets, all would be better uses
>batman doesnt even bring the spear with him, he just assumes the fight will end up right next to the spear
>lex knew batman was bruce wayne for at least 2 years in order to do the whole letters plan, and planned for him to fight superman, even before lex would've known kryptonite could be used
>doomsday cgi

Oh and one more off the top of my head
>pa kent on the mountain

I don't have time to point by point, but about the kryptonite - it's presented as being so hard that it takes a fuckhuge laser just to machine it down to a crude spear. It may well be that what we got is the best weapon Bruce could make out of it.

>a knife

You are just a retard that doesn't understand Superman, and you will refuse to understand him too, because you are a nu-male. Pussy.

Isn't a spear essentially a stick with a knife on it? Which would you pick in a fight? Tell you what, let me choose first.

this movie was trash youtube.com/watch?v=VpetL7wAjnY

A knife, because batman is trained in close combat, not spear mastery, or better yet, a ring with kryptonite rock inlaid so i can keep punching the guy

But then again im not a drooling retard

So to translate
>this is the only one i think i can refute

And you're still wrong

unfortunately it extends some boring shit but it also makes clark a more developed sweet doofus who falls for the Soros/Zuckeberg esque Luthor's black lives matter (the fake lady tugging at his sympathy literally goes "whose lives count" or something). It's a nice concept in light of the movie's randian vs christian brotherhood themes but it also makes it even more of a slog.

sadly it can't correct shit like "superman has no real reason not to hold batman down and tell him he was told to fight, help me save my mom" or doomsday etc

i dont get how this is needed to be pointed out.

he literally goes to congress to check his kryptonian privilege. The entire media sequence is about that shit

A bold claim, friend, considering A) it appears hard to cut, and B) the Batman is always presented as THE close combat master, and that includes any and all melee weapons.

Not him,but I've seen people get temp bans and threads get deleted just for answering your questions with an image instead of typing it out again for the millionth time for the millionth retard.

dc deserves better

It was better, there was a lot of key plot elements that were removed with the theatrical cut that should have been there.

batman's intro was also pointless
>is comfortable with killing
>brands the human trafficker and leaves him to the police
Also, if he's so comfortable with killing, why not just use guns and shit instead of fist brawling.

because it wasn't necessary like it was when he killed the guy shooting at him.

He might kill but he's not doing for fun. they're not same thing just because the concept scares you

Fucking thank you

The theatrical is so much better.

The buttblasted truly analdevastated DC fans tout the UC as the 2nd coming literally

But as a mere film fan, the theatrical was more than satisfying

the directors cut was lame
it was just some guys on horses, that woman who said soldiers burned her village because of superman, and extra establishing shots

The director's cut is better because it removes a few of the more glaring plot-holes.

This version actually has a sound plot.

like what? the only thing added is "lex is killing prisoners to convince a dumb superman"** and "black lady is actually an actress who fools a dumb superman"

**seriously he's really fucking dumb "huh an anonymous source gave me pictures of a dead dude on the morgue to get me angry at batman, i think i'll get angry at batman"

Aside for all the moments that made no fucking sense, and the overall shitty pacing, Gadot and Eisenberg proved everyone right who doubted their casting. They were fucking terrible. Gadot has less facial expressions than Zoolander and Eisenberg is a one note hack.

Batfleck was the only good thing about this movie, and even he had shitty moments like "i thought she was with you".

Did you even watch it?

The desert opening.
Clark Kent's visit to Gotham
Bat-branded victim gets shanked in prison
Lois discovers the wheelchair was lined with lead.

And there's a lot more really. You obviously didn't watch it.

those don't remove any glaring plot holes

>The desert opening.
people still think superman fired bullets at people

>Clark Kent's visit to Gotham
the cinema cut already showed he didn't liked batman's grip on gotham

>Bat-branded victim gets shanked in prison
so why was batman branding people if the only people killed was from lex's hands? If batman wasnt sending people to their deaths then his decision to not kill lex at the end because superman changed him is meaningless

>Lois discovers the wheelchair was lined with lead.
so what?

Obviously didn't watch it confirmed.

They gathered the bodies and burned them. Nobody thought superman shot them. They thought superman burned them with his heat vision like the black lady and friends supported in their false narrative. Lois Lane only finds a bullet because of a stray bullet that lodged itself inside of a book.

And adding more to that is bad? Or perhaps you think I was only talking about plot-holes.

Batman doesn't even know about Lex at this time. I don't get what you're trying to say.

That means Superman couldn't see the explosives user.

i meant batman's decision to not brand lex in the end (which is supposed to be meaningful ie he's not killing anymore because superman changed him) is meaningless because he never branded people to their death to begin with since it was only lex killing the dude in prison

>That means Superman couldn't see the explosives user.
but we could infer that from luthor giving it to wally. Not even that, Superman simply didn't looked for it, he's so nice he didn't imagine someone would do that

The branding is symbolic. Even if nobody was killed he'd still have not done it. The change was him being less brutal. There's no reason to brand a man you defeated user. That was just him being brutal.

An important part of the story isn't just what we know it's what the characters know. Of course we already knew it was lined with lead, but Supes didn't.

The meaningfulness is like this:

In Director's Cut, Lois investigates and goes to Wally's house and finds out he just bought food. A man who isn't going to martyr himself doesn't buy fresh groceries, so she infers he didn't know he was going to die and goes probing. She has the metal traced back to Lex (same metal he used with the bullets) and also finds out it was lead lined and tells Superman this.

Superman finding this information out from a character within the story shown to us is necessary. Having superman find out this information without telling the audience how he did is a plot-hole.

is going to*

>batman is introduced being completely powerless in the face of superman
>wonder woman is introduced in a scene where she outsmarts batman
>el flasho is introduced by showing him time traveling to tell bruce shit he should damned well know, thus, flash is introduced outsmarting batman
>trailer shows aquaman being introduced beating up batman

Are they going to introduce every new characters by having them beat up or outsmart batman?

but it's not a characterization-killing or story killing "plot hole". In that area the theatrical cut was just fine. Lex still goes ding ding ding, the fight is still only 5 minutes and pointless from the start, doomsday sequence is still awful etc.

Lois finding evidence Superman wasn't behind the explosion in congress is irrelevant (not to mention the montage of people thinking he was a part of it is ridiculous and pointless as is the theatrical cut's version of people thinking he shot a bunch of niggas in Africa).

The extended cut adds very little, mostly it's symbolic shit the writer liked (kryptonite rock popped open cut to coca cola popped open etc) that adds useless shit like lois and olsen in the van

*jeep, not van

and i meant "but ultimatel lex still goes ding" etc

I disagree.

The desert scene was an enormous plot-hole that god sown up, and the director's cut added many scenes with Lois and Lex that fleshed out the plan to frame superman much better.

still that stupid youtube video (i think it's honest trailers) got it right when it came to lex's plan, it's some convoluted horseshit that predicts everyone's actions to the extreme

it's a hard movie to judge since the mainstream consensus is obviously bullshit so you get a lot of contrarian nonsense (and autists here going "KINO!") but there's a lot of good shit lost in a mess

Smack anyone that tells you to watch the Ultimate Cut. I love how Zack Snyder is constantly evolving as a filmmaker to the point where (over the enormously long production cycle) being forced to cut down the movie and streamline plotlines for the theatrical actually enhanced the movie.

For example, the theatrical reframes the root of Superman's inner turmoil to be the fact that his existance constantly stirs up chaos no matter how hard he to be good (which is of course subtly influenced by Luthor) while the Ultimate Cut reveals they originally went the ridiculous idea of framing Superman for a massacre or for a bombing.

Compare Lex Luthor's courthouse manuever between the cuts. In one it's a sloppy last minute coverup to excise rising suspicions. In the other its a masterfully coordinated assault to eliminate opposition and demoralize Superman.

Zack Snyder is the modern Kubrick but the Ultimate Cut was just a marketing trick, I wouldnt recommend it to anyone unless they watching Amy Adams mutter plot revelations under her breath every scene.

empty buzzwords
UC has no plot holes, you are just an idiot

>Compare Lex Luthor's courthouse manuever between the cuts. In one it's a sloppy last minute coverup to excise rising suspicions. In the other its a masterfully coordinated assault to eliminate opposition and demoralize Superman.
huh, yeah. i didnt like how in the UC people changed their goals like it's a screwball comedy. This illustrates it quite nicely

also the piss jar makes even less sense in the UC

How has Sup Forums not seen Man of Tomorrow yet?
It shits all over MoS and BvS and its a fucking fan edit.

i saw no good reason for structural changes written there, where can i dl this?

Search for it there, they don't have dedicated pages for the downloads.

The best summary I've seen of this film is that joke in a Spiderman/Deadpool comic: "you won't believe their mothers share a first name".
Marvel might be doing risk-free, cloned movies without artistic integrity. But BvS was plainly and simply fucking retarded.