/bb/ Big Brother 18

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: TBD

Most likely going home: Corey/Paulie


nth for /pv/

Meech confirmed best girl.

They both are a waste of a DE. Corey had all the power last night. He could've gotten anybody out. He wasted a golden opportunity.

I can't say for certain but I got the impression he always wanted Michelle out and that he was saying all that stuff about Z so that they wouldn't think they were as close. Who would want to get rid of someone who will 1) always vote for them, 2) use the veto on them, 3) listen to them for their vote, 4) use their HOH to take out targets threatening to them, 5) never betray them, 6) has sex with them every night.


What are the odds Paulie gives the speech to Michelle before he gets nominated?

Also why is Nat still keeping the spy girls a secret lel?

you forgot to include:

7) be the perfect goat since five people will not vote for her to win

Not only that, was Bridge really calling Natalie out? She said something else to Natalie but right before she went through the door, she said, "Natalie, stand up for yourself. I love you". Why say that when Natalie was the only one who voted for Bridge to stay?

Remember when someone was claiming that corey was game smart last thread?


>most likely going home: corey/paulie

wait what the fuck? what did I miss?

I think I'm mixing up her and Z's eviction votes. I could've sworn she got 2 votes. Or maybe I was wishfully thinking Vic voted for her.

>Paul to Michelle: Bridgette took a fucking bullet, man
The No Names controlled the vote and let her die.
Michelle had said that if she survived the first eviction, they could use her as a pawn and/or vote her out if necessary. They decided to give Paulie what he wanted.

Someone who wakes him up, constantly has to ask if they're ok, etc. Paulie made it very clear he doesn't want anything to do with a girl like that, and that's when he told Paul Z was using his name as the next best target instead of Da.
Logically you're correct, but you know emotions change votes in this game in a minutes notice.

You misunderstood. She shat on paulie and gave nat a pep talk when leaving. It wasnt a nat callout.

Those were words of encouragement, bro.

Paul and vic were covering their bases in case Paulie won HOH next i think. James too.

Yeah I just figure as much as Paulie gets mad/hates her (like that talk he had with Corey about how he just being affectionate with her for game purposes to keep her close) he knows keeping Z is logically good for his game.

she was telling nat to stay stronk she even took a shot at paulie

He must have at least some affection for her, i mean he blew up his game for her.

The No Names didn't want to show their cards during that double. I think it was a normal eviction they would have gotten together and evicted Michelle. Paul even mentioned afterwards that he was trying to look at James to see if they should vote out Michelle during the double eviction but they couldn't talk so he didn't want to be the only vote for Michelle and be "caught with his dick in his hands."

What did she say to Paulie?

True but Natalie was the only one to vote for Bridge to stay. At least she stood up for herself and her friend.

She didn't call Nat out. What she said was:

>"Paulie, what you said to Natalie was really messed up."
Then on her way out:
>"Stand up for yourself Natalie, I love you."

I thought the same thing at first so I had to rewatch it. It was hard to hear but she was calling out Paulie.

I have to rewatch it but i think it was about the inappropriate comment.

Hey guys, hows it going?

ian was so drunk last night all he could manage to do was post 2 pictures and kek

That makes a lot of sense now. Thanks.

What inappropriate comment?

>Bridge sacrificed to keep the alliance together
nah. I'd rather two weeks of Bridge over a no name winning the show.

Do you think he fucked Jiz?

I have to confess I was triggered by grotesque meech crying and taking away from bridges final moments in the house




He dropped by and rubbed salt in our wounds.

Cody honestly thought he would lose to Victoria, a fact that goes under-reported

they and audrey are now pregnant with ian spawns

Maybe, but I think he knew trying to get James to block Paul and get his way definitely would not be good for his game. I think it was mostly fueld again by emotion, because Meech starting dropping his name right before he suddenly decided she had to go.

Paulie says Cody didnt care about the 500k and knew a friendship was more important

Cody is the greatest human being of all time. OF ALL TIME


Their family is loaded, he didn't need or care about money. He just wanted to make final 2.

meanwhile paulie was whining like a little bitch last night that his "bros" were going to go on a crusade and destroy bridgette on social media and that his sister was going to beat her up

fucking all around class act

He's just saying that now because he knows how badly he fucked up

Don't talk shit about

>my brother Cody



He just wanted his 15 minutes. Him and Paulie are spoiled rich kids.

pls no bully, I'm a strong independent woman. :(


That moment where he said my season instead of my brother codys season had me dying. Interesting Freudian slip.

why no big sisters?


Super safety but was never the target, kek.


>tfw former hg

if you guess who i am ill timestamp with pic

hint: not from any of the seasons 8 and below

R u meg?


Hi meg.

bronte is love
bronte is life

Meg i love you.

Are you from season 15

we know its you ian

eric stein
dan gheesling

That tall nigga with the beard


britney haynes
janelle pierzina
rachel reilly
vanessa rousso

Nicorey and Paulie are literally a shit version of the friendship now.

Hayden, why'd you break up with Nicole?


i hate this so much because i actually believe it since i want it to be true so fucking bad

you want to reveal it too, it's gonna be alright when you do
give more hints so we can guess properly, make a game out of it leading into your inevitable reveal, it will be fun for all of us

make this friday night a party up in the /bbg/

Congrats Parker


Lets get to noms already.

Im dying for the blindside.

David from 15

I hope our thread friend is a girl

>weird cutoff time

Parker Somerville
James Zinkand
Matt McDonald
Jason Roy

Tiff? Donny? Jeff? Brenchel? Aaryn? Devin? Jace?

Fri 3:24 PM BBT Nicole says America wanted her to have the package the moment Michelle called her a snake on national TV. Paulie agrees & says America definitely wants them to win especially with the way Michelle and James betrayed them last night


>implying Donny would ever know what Sup Forums is

so am I. I'd take the money

Those three are still cocky, amazing.

>yfw we find out Donny is a master meemer

>doesn't capitalize the "I"
might not be Ian, or Ian is trying to trick us. Maybe hungover Ian

Hello Ian

paulie is literally the most hated player left in the house by america and nicole only got the SS cause bridgette was voted out

they are going to feel like complete donkeys when they get out


Do they not realize these votes have been going on all week?

>hes a devin poster

I hope Nicole learns how many more votes Bridgette had than her.


When Natalie, Bridge and probably Paul are the top 3 for AFP her face will be hilarious.

matt season 12

has anything at all happened today besides Paulie talk about how he's totally definitely gonna call them out 100% for real this time? tomorrow

reminder: if this nobody user wasnt pretending to be a former HG there would be 25 less posts and pretty much the only reason this thread is still bumping

>the season just go better they said
>the quality of /bb/ wont drop off now that bridge is gone they said

the city of (You)'s

I don't even have the feeds on to be desu. Olympics are on

So Devin is not here?

nicole, corey and paulie think they're America's favorites right now


Tfw Donny is Devinposter

i'm waiting for the bb17 stream

All of us Bridgette bros had a suicide pact man. Luckily i had the round-trip ticket.

>we thought Paulie was the mist master
>we were the mist masters all along


what episode you guys on? I'm waiting for the bbanything but 17 stream

bb6 stream better be next