He happens to find the ideal friend, a person almost exactly like him

>he happens to find the ideal friend, a person almost exactly like him
>he completely cut ties with him just because their schedules don't match

wtf Hank?

Stan Smith did the same thing

Suburban Texans are slavishly devoted to their shitty 9 to 5. Wow what a shock.

Multiple good lessons contained in this episode. First of all, just because somebody has similar mannerisms and believes similar things does not mean you will be friends. Second, you shouldn't abandon your friends that you've hung around with for like 30 years. Third, regular adults don't go out of their way to attain friendships like children do.

Hal was alienating Hanks other friends and pulling Hank away from his routine. Their group was well balanced and Hank is the leader, he can leave the group of three for one guy, or just shake his hand and call it a life.
And they are GUYS, only chicks can't just be cool for years at a time without hanging out and still be friends

>Third, regular adults don't go out of their way to attain friendships like children do.

so is it good or bad if i am an adult with no friends

In him he saw himself and decided to avoid that picture

It's sad.

what should i do

Stop being yourself.

A helium tank.

just end it, lets be honest, no one would miss you or even notice or care that you were gone.

But at least they could have exchanged phone numbers and meet once in a while for a beer or something.
"I'm gonna miss that crazy bastard"
that's just sad.

W-why am I reading many posts ITT with a Texan accent, specially this one ?

>>because their schedules don't match

Now ya see here... a real man would know why that's there's such a problem

>he happens to find the ideal friend, a person almost exactly like him
>he completely cut ties with him just because he's a faggot

WTF, Homer? It's 2016.

I dunno. I have two friends i see weekly and my wife has a handful of friends she might see once every six months or so.

She has a playgroup where she hangs out with the other moms but they don't really socialize outside of their kids. Mostly she just hangs out with me and my friends.

All our family lives in this city so we spend a lot of time between my mom's, dad's and her parents/grandparents

>you will never be a well-adjusted working family man perfectly content with his routine existence
>you will always be a sperg with an ambition that writes checks your autism can't cash

wtf i hate texans now!

have you ever tried to be friends with someone exactly like yourself? I always end up hating people like that.

i recently watched this epi
>can't remember half of it tho


why did they even add him

I'm with you, fuck. I hate every single scene he's in. He's just so obnoxious and pointless and yet the show itself seems to love him for some fucking reason. I'm pretty sure they only put him in because they were starting to get tired making the show and just decided to give the audience a fuck-you.

and the people who would miss you or care that you were gone will be soon gone too