

Is there anything this actress can't do ?

>Cate Blanchett conquers a new kind of cinematography: videoclips!


get out of my thread

But I'm the only one in it user...

She can't make an arthouse hardcore lesbian movie with pic related.


She can't peg me with a giant strap on

she should show off her bum a little
i feel like she's got a great one


not anymore it seems

Why does she give off such a domineering vibe

hi op. im going to be honest and say that i like cate blanchett, I admire her as an actress,BUT when i think of one of the cringiest, tryhard, embarrasing and hard to watch performances of all time, i think of her in "the aviator". truly awful.

I've not watched it 2bh

Hey you, user! , come over here right now !


A porno featuring Eva and Cate would be such a work of art. They are both strikingly beautiful women in such opposite ways.
>Cate has that gentle yet unattainable beauty, as if she's too divine for such base thing as sex. She's nurturing and protective, you feel wholeheartedly safe with her.
>Meanwhile Eva has that predatory sexuality where you know you might not survive fucking her but you don't care anyway. She's absorbing and destructive, you feel sensually threatened by her.

Them eating out each other's pussy would show the duality of life and death, the eternal spiral of light and dark, the ancient depiction of good and evil as shown by the Yin and Yang.
These women munching each others pussy would be KINO in ways we cannot even comprehend.
And it will never happen...

>tfw you encounter a wild cate and she corners you
>tfw she hypnotizes you with the allure of her eyes and her beauty
>you are now her helpless puppet to do with as she pleases

I wish

>you are in a dark backstreet late a night
>in a bad neighborhood , you admit you are quite on your guard , scared even
>Cate shows up and corners you

Wat do

struggle as she drags me behind her into a dark alley

but then what ?

oh god i'd literally do anything she commanded me to if she was dressed like that

she positions herself in front of me, unbuttons her pants and pulls out a thick rubber dick

How about that ?

idk i really love how that white dress clings to her body like that, it's really fucking tempting

red is sexier though

>she will never give you a nonconsensual handjob on an airplane flight then stroke your panting head while on her chest after you finish

fucking end it all pham, just kill me, I can't hold it anymore, end my suffering right NOW

Literally Tilda-tier

>you're fucked

What does Tilda tier mean ?


>you're fucked
Iunderstood that reference kek

her body is sexier still
anything that accentuates it is best

I know who Tilda Swinton is

But what does it mean ?

pls explain

Probably the hottest bald woman ever.

What are you doing on Sup Forums rooney?

Heh, I-I don't know what you mean!

C-Cate I still think about that scene we did in Carol
Did you really mean it , that you loved me ?

Poor Roon Roon.

I don't blame her, Cate groped roon a lot outside of the set...

A true method actress

>cate will never grope you

How do I get Cate to "grope" me ?

head shaped like an egg

egghead maybe?

Pretty much classifys as rape of a disabled individual.

She gave her some legos in exchange, it was a good deal for both sides.

I think you are jumping at conclusions a tad too fast young man

An angel fallen from heaven. Aphrodite incarnate, the new Goddess of beauty and love and everything good in this world. She is described as being able to stop hearts and make those already stopped to start again.

Her beauty is something that you feel, and not something that you see, though physically she is flawless. Some feel it with their eyes, others feel it with their heart. Her beauty flourishes in many unexpected ways. She redefines perfection and surpasses it, a beauty so pure as to melt the hearts of the most vile men. Wars would be fought for her but instead no one would care to fight in her presence, she is awe inspiring. A true treasure. The most beautiful girl in the world.


She'll be in the next malick kino