While you're jerking in your bedroom, I'm enjoying a warm meal made by my beautiful wife

While you're jerking in your bedroom, I'm enjoying a warm meal made by my beautiful wife.

My cock is in the picture to show you that it's small after I fucked her.

What do you have? Post it.


Why are you in the bathtub?

what the actual fuck LOL

Because it's fuzzy and comfy. It's like a sanctuary.

That looks like delicious potato salad. 10/10 would eat again.


why is your cockie in the bowl


op can you suc ur own penis ?

Good on yer, mate.


Maximum file limit;
I took a pic instead where you can see the remnants of my piss.
There is also a peck of food leftover from my dick adventures!

I did when I was 14

It looked like a dead gray rat was inside that bowl in the thumbnail. Man I'm relived it wasn't. I really dig rats.

you are weird

This is my kittys litterbox

My bathroom is falling apart


Kratom, final test for my associates and a podcast. Fuck resizing pics on this galaxy

Kek bretty gud user, 5/7

>only 1 toothbrush

I have a better wife than anyone on this board

user I see 2, but whatever

While you're enjoying your meal made by your wife with your needle Dick hanging out, I'm in the bedroom plowing your wife. Notice no Dick pic from me, cause it is buried balls deep in your old lady.

My lady's not old