What does Sup Forums think of my tits?

What does Sup Forums think of my tits?

able to rise a child/10


Thanks but no thanks

They're hairy.


top kek

stop drinking milk, milk drinker. start lifting heavy things and punching stuff.

>able to rise
> to rise

Would motorboat dem bad boys
Is this why I have titts ? Fuck...I love milk

Shave or wax them and I'd hit it

cows are fed estrogen rich grains to maximize milk production and growth. obviously eating cows and drinking milk (especially) is gonna give you too much estrogen.

Shave chest and take new pic

Cows transfer too much estrogen anyway. Milk isnt for grownups. all dairy products fuck up the hormone levels of everybody.

That said. git testies.

But I'm trying to get them to produce milk. :(

you're name is robert paulson

your* name is robert paulson

Try again.

what r u on? estrogen and test blocker or are you just naturally some sort of fem-man-fag


Also if you shaved your chest they would be better.


timestamp or gtfo
