Started watching Breaking Bad a week ago, on S4E11 right now, and it's boring as fuck. Will it get better soon...

Started watching Breaking Bad a week ago, on S4E11 right now, and it's boring as fuck. Will it get better soon, or should I just find a better show?

gets better

You lasted longer than me, I got bored with the show in season 3.

well aren't you hard to please

why did he want more money when he could have stopped again

You have shitty tastes if you think it is boring, but that means you can probably join the giant horde of autists that love season 5. Season 5 is anything but boring.

The only reason I even made it to season 3 was because my friend kept bugging me about it, how I had to keep watching it and how it's the best show ever.

I honestly found it pretty boring

honestly, it wouldn't be boring if they removed all that skyler and ted bullshit, it's just really unnecessary

I found Break Bad to be boring simply because the show doesn't actually do anything intelligent. It's written in a way that all the characters will pick the most retard choice in order to make a narrative that causes needless drama.

It's tedious as hell, and Better Call Saul has the same formula.

umm contrarian much? XD

Gets better, but at the end of the series it's a little frustrating. It's great if you plan to watch Better Call Saul.

I know right, there are no consecutive explosions and all that cool shit

better call saul is next on my list! saul is my favorite character, so a whole show centered around him should be pretty nice

I stopped half-way through season 2. Reddit started to like it so I couldn't like something they liked so I stopped.

human behavior, greed, sense of power?

Do you know why they always pick the "most retarded choices" instead of the ones you, an autistic neckbeard, consider to be the most logical ones?
Because the show is simply trying to portray real people and how they would behave in the real world, not fucking retards like yourself who think they're the most sane and logical guys ever.
>Uhuhuhuh I'm cool I'm a logical guy who only makes the best choices ever because I'm a computer and everybody should be like me uhuhuhu
Back to your goddamn containment board.

yeah, but some things they do are beyond stupid desu

fucking hell, this stupid word filter startles me every time

Are you gonna be ok?

I've never seen someone this triggered before.

I'm fine.

> but some things they do are beyond stupid desu

name 5

well, walt telling skyler about meth
leaving those guys in RV next to jesse's house in season 1
not helping jane
idk cant think of 2 more

Virtually everything Jesse did was stupid even by moronic meth-head standards.

Walt continually wants Jesse around despite him doing nothing but ruining fucking everything.

Everything Skyler did in relation to giving away drug money to a man that handles money like a retard.

I mean, Jesse alone has moments that are so retarded they're right out of Family Guy.

Those things can be easily explained, and they are in the show. So if you didn't understand them while watching it theres no point in arguing.

of all the complaints of breaking bad, boring is the wrong choice