It's a serious thread, Sup Forums

> It's a serious thread, Sup Forums

How the fuck do I get a white bf from europe, me being a latina shit-skin?

Other urls found in this thread:

say you have a dick

First of all, you know the rules and so do i

How dare you!

im russian
ill date you

>me being a latina shit-skin
Do an hero, that or it's to the gulag with you. Sry

>OP is a 5/10 28 year old virgin shit skin living in europe who wants a white bf

Lmao, you're fucked OP. Just come to America someone will jump at the chance to be with you.

Show your dick and you'll be knee deep in yuropoors

If you drink bleach, it will make your skin whiter and Euros will want to date you.

Tits and timestamp or gtfo bitch

Tits + timestamp

Tits followed by a timestamp

A full commitment's what I'm thinkin' of

Get a light skin latin that isnt ghetto and stupid as fuck. Like me. Except im taken. Faggt.

Most euros don't even recognize latina as a race dipshit.They'll just say you're a spanish rape baby.

Go to europe, be latina, get bf, it's that simple

You wouldn't get this from any other guy.

Eблaн, в apмию иди

Titties or leave

I'm from Europe , what do you wanna know?

I just wanna tell you what I'm felling

в apлaнмбю дии

do you have a nice ass with a cute butthole? thats enough.

fuck you im not going to any army

Start a housekeeping business and dress up in a really hot sexy maid costume.

post nudes: Eurofag who likes you can send you money for a plane ticket to go live with him and the 5 syrian refugees in his mom's basement.

>From America
>White as a fucking Angel, Blonde hair
>Love Latinas

What the fuck Euclid?>


>thinking you can steal our god tier men


I am a white European man and would love a Latino lover.

What? LOL

I don't have a boipussy, what to do?

I kinda am a spanish rape baby...


silly americans still can't read before posting.

Rape storytime?

ching chong

they're communicating...

Rape in detail. I'm banging some uggo in an hour and I need to chub up

Once I get in the mom's basement with the other five syrian guys I may post our nudes for you to see.
Don't be so hungry, sis! All I ask is ONE of you qt blonde and white specimen!!

you are fake news


I was just kidding, my gradma and grandpa came from Calabria God knows the fuck why, had my mother and then my mother had this brillitant idea of getting BLACKED.
Of course my father became dust in the wind once he knew she was preggo;
Thanks mom...



you have to go back, and stay back.


Step 1: have pussy

Step 2: talk literally any of them

Step 3: (optional). say that trump deported you from US and you heard that Europe was more welcoming to refugees.

skin lightening cream and hair dye

All of his reaction images are void because of the show buddy, I'm going to need to confiscate them.

Find someone desperate enough for a visa like me and the rest of Britain land

tits or gtfo

That will get her a white European boyfriend, who will refuse to touch her unless it's to eat Somalian cum out of her pussy.


proof or die bitch

you misunderstood. ""she"" wants to move to europe and is fishing for a visa too.

my god the shear lack of Tits or gtfo posts in this thread only further solidifies that summer has come early and that Sup Forums is population is being over-run by children
Here you go op heres how you get literally any none gay man ever.

I'm not a refugee. My original country is not that interesting that someone would throw a bomb upon...
And then what? You are telling me to pretend being full white? Should meet a guy and then get him semi-blacked without his full consent?


tits or gtfo


that sucks OP, you must be pretty dark-skinned then.

I'm a hispanic dude that wants white girls. luckily, my skin is light enough that i get confused for being spanish or italian at times, so that works in my favor. i feel your pain though, the whiteness is a drug to me. currently dating a hispanic girl after 3 years with a white girl. although she is hotter in terms of physical fitness, i still crave whatever it is that white girls have. anyone else get this shit?

also post pics/timestamp so that we may judge, OP. only reason i didn't yell tits or gtfo to begin with is because you gave me the keks

ok so this might sound rash but i'm a woman and i am so so so tired of seeing tis shit. i think it's degrading and disgusting. objectification is wrong, especially to women who are already so opressed as is. so ired of 4channel being this "no girls allowed, boys only" exclusive club like girls can do the same SHIT as boys sexists. we can get along

Let's say you really are a latina female OP. For your information, there is such thing as being exotic for other races. For instance, white guys can be very exotic in some asian countries, or blacks in eastern european countries etc. There are definitely guys in Europe who will go for you simply because your skin colour and nationality differs from European one. He'd be known among friends as "that guy with hot latina girl".

Post pics of tits though

tits or gtfo

>but i'm a woman and i am so so so tired of seeing tis shit
Don't expect it to go away.
tits or gtfo

yes, if someone hooks up with you its because of how you look, so make it count


By the it true that the average man in non-mixed europe looks like this (pic related)?

This is my pretty princess dream. Sun-kissed shit skin Latinos B-T-F-O.

tits or gtfo

Seriously, start acting like a white girl. Talk like a white girl. Dress like a white girl. Do make up like a white girl. Not a trashy one. Adopt every mannerism of what a not trashy, middle class white girl would do. Also don't be fat. White guys more often than not don't like big asses; it's why we don't normally date black women. They are usually fat as can be.


His facial hair look shit and his haircut is gay

Please just fucking die. Do an hero for everyone's sake.

No, I read that right. It's just that you're

Context would point out this is a complaint.

Nevermind about you being a shit skin, YOUR specific problem is you're autistic as fuck.

That could be an issue because most Europeans are dry, dull, boring in the sack and look down on the uneducated.



double kek nigger tits.

>the bunch of sissies that have allowed Europe to go downhill and be overrun by rapefugees

kek don't expect any of those pussies to protect you if it ever comes to that

What a homo


Danish stud here. Well yeah, latinas are hot. Wont be a problem.

I am German M29. I studied Law and I am currently working in a chancellery.

If you wanna get guys like me, who are smart, handsome, and got money (wich are things a lot people here have) you need:

>Be at least moderately beautiful
>Have at least a bit of education
>Be up for anything (in a cutural, sexual way and for free time, some of us have wierd hobbys)
>Don't drama a lot, no one like carzy bitches

The rest is pretty much up to you, when you are funny and care about him then you can get guys like me, thing is that you will have a LOT of competitors, so you need to tra hard. But i seriously don't know what wouldn't get you any european guys, the guys here get thier woman fucked by mudslims so would take anyone

pic related, my ex girlfriend

>t. Rakheem

Sure thing bud

Be more like her.

>Go to Europe.
>Club a man down.
>Drag him by his hair into your woman-cave.
>Feed viagra.

Congrats, you're one happy shit-skinned latina who'll likely become an obese lesbian around your adulthood.

red is ugly
i fixed you're balding waifu

come to America where the men have no self respect

I won't touch that bait with a 10 foot pole except to say that literally noone said that this was a boys only website.if thats how you feel it sounds like you have some shit to work out. also if you want to upgrade this from a bait to a real post reffer to my first post about how girls should post on Sup Forums : ^ )

> Be more like her

Are you insane? That's some fugly tits...
Also she looks like a whore.

Omigod I LOVED this...I'm gonna use it so much in my shitposting...thanks user!

Why won't you post a pic of your tits/face or even a hand god damnit, how are we supposed to help you if we have no fucking clue how you look like? Don't forget the timestamp

tits or gtfo

>Haven't posted your tits
>critiques others

Somebody sounds like a whalebeast and this whole scenario is a fan fiction. Fuck this thread, fuck OP, and fuck white girls. Ugly plain mother fuckers that are boring in bed

>4channel being this "no girls allowed, boys only

>being this fucking out of touch

We want you to PROVE you are a women, literally ANYONE can pretend to be a bitch just to get attention

If you're a women you already do that ALL THE TIME IRL to get stuff men cannot

The reason I won't post tits is because only my full white future husbando get to see them (and the rest).

Also, c'mon...there are tittys all over the internet, just get some and pretend it's mine.


my friend please. They are baiting you into making an ass of yourself. it IS one of the people you're posting about. Also op isn't actually a girl they're a gay mexican male who wants to be plundered by the Spaniards and eurofags again

the dubs of truth


>Completely ignore request for face/hand
Alright, it's a guy. Abandon the thread

Marry me, I'm 23, 182cm, skinny, bout 70kg of weight, right now I'm studying Hebrew, I was studying metallurgy before xD

more dubs of honesty

But are you white?

As hell, I'm pretty pale

>Also she looks like a whore.