Rate me Sup Forums lmfao

Rate me Sup Forums lmfao

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egirl thot

tits or gtfo

You look good without makeup
feminine features.
long hair.

O wait forgot to add. The resting bitch face isnt appealing.





ye be a solid 8, aiy you're young and pretty but time be a cruel and harsh mistress
word of advice lassy, don't be soreadin those legs to any man be he handsome or noble, you want you're womenly parts to be nice and pretty, not worn out like a well worn boot.

Tits now!

words can't describe,
but numbers can 9/11

7/10 good features.

moar intrested in youngsters or oldfags? just a curiosity while looking at your face.

I like the resting bitch face

I'm going to guess 16.

You look 16.


You look like you play with your butt when you masturbate. True or false?

legit. Show moar, tho.



Holy fucking shit user, you just got on another level of being a beta. Literally every fedora wearing basement dweller is telling that to girls. Thanks for making my evening better

if you timestamp with paypal link ill send $80


love / 10 Natural swan look

If girl, would smash.

if boy, would smash harder

if i roll dubs ur gonna b my b

Waaaaaay too young, little princess. But you'll be cute one day.

Timestamp please

8.8 solid your parents did well

Maybe 7.5 would consider doing, give us a timestamp.

Well, you are posting In /b for a rating so how else have you fucked up your life this far?

Rating a 6 out of "She is an attractive naive little child. She thinks that everyone owes her something for her privilege but it is obvious that reality is adverse to this. She needs to be treated like a fucktoy. Used, discarded and set aside to be used again. I don't think she is good at sucking dick or fucking for that matter right now. She would need some proper coercion. She needs to be teased to her limit. Her skin touched, breathed on, licked and kissed. Along her neck and her sides, all while she is tied down to a bed in nothing but her underwear. Teased for hours if I do say so myself. Then, when she is near her breaking point, I would refrain from her and untie her. Saying " that you get no more until you suck dick like a proper whore". I would guide her along with a fistful of her hair and tell her that she won't get anything until she does this right. I would see her panties wet and just make fun of her."i haven't even really started in you yet..just wait until your cockslut training really begins" I would tell her -- I would talk to a girl that I can bring g to the edge. Make her blood burn with want, make her logical cognitive thoughts melt away. With every tease, lick, phonecall to tease and imaginative fantasies I like to bring a girl to the point of craving, then listen to her beg."