When the FUCK is vin diesel getting his shit together and giving us another riddick movie?

When the FUCK is vin diesel getting his shit together and giving us another riddick movie?

>wanting another movie
Honestly the only thing I remember liking in the RiddickEU was the video game. That shit was amazing

Pitch black: Cinema
Chronicles of Riddick: Kino
Escape From Butcher Bay: Vidyakinocinema

IT DOESNT MATTER when vin diesel is getting his shit together and giving you another riddick movie

Dubs is absolutely the truth

I mean if the question is when is there going to be another Riddick movie than it does kinda matter

I think you need to take your opinion, turn that sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass.


*glass breaks*

We need more games first.

Look here jabroni, noboby and the Rock means nobody is lookin forward to that piece of hot trash. Not even here in Sup Forums **CHEERS** would anyone want that. But if you want to entertain the Rock, the Rock says this...You want some, come get some.

Hi, imgur!

I hope he remakes pitch black for a third time...

chronicles was dope
>come at me

in order to quell the 'misunderstanding' between him and The Rock, he's going to make the 4th pitch black called 'Furiya'.

The Rock will be his nemesis, another furiyan and another who had the same surgery that gave riddick his enhanced polished eyes.
back story will be that riddick was in jail with him at the same time and left him for dead.

screencap this

he never had his shit together in the first place. he has one good movie and you know which.

>chronicles was dope
Normalfaggots can't appreciate space opera.

He'll make another one when Furious 8 beats Furious 7's records.

I loved Chronicles. Such amazing story building. No other movie comes close.

Chronicles is my favourite one tbqh

Undead Space Romans were pretty cool.

You think there gonna go to space for Furious 8?

Nah, son.

Fast X bruh. Somali space pirates as the bad guys

I'm so angry Vin didn't even TRY to get into shape for Riddick 3. Your character is on a deserted hell hole for a good while adn you still look pudgy as fuck?! Come on bro.

>banging Starbuck

at least it wasn't a total waste

>tfw we finally get to see her boobs
>only one nipple


We saw her toes, fuck off.

Books are good to famlam

Would love another Space Operator kino