My fellow Sup Forumsrethren, I am seeking your help! I have hit a rough point in my life

My fellow Sup Forumsrethren, I am seeking your help! I have hit a rough point in my life.

I'll bite. What do you want?

My fellow b/rethren, I am asking for donations in order to help purchase a vehicle. My vehicle was totaled in an accident, although no one was hurt I was lucky I had dropped off my daughter before.

So I started a gofundme page if anyone is interested in helping..

Insurance? Do you even have any?

Are you Amerifat?

Only liability sadly.. I am working on moving up, being able to afford and give my daughter what she needs and more.

Fuck off faggot, you get to ride the bus now.

don't much care about you problems...
but sure -- I'll throw you a $1 if you prove it, trashed car pics, police report, photo of title, proff on insurance -- shit like that.

Arab american unfortunately. Feel bad for my daughter not me.. wont let me post the link. but iot will be under Safe family car

Only idiots buy third party only cover. Request denied.

Yeah gimme some fucking proof. Also if you can only afford liability your car mustve been a bag of shit or you have an incredibly shit driving record.

To be fair Anons, Im only 20, raising a daughter. I rushed it and fuked up. But im not running

meh, I'm not OP, but I only do liability. I have enough in savings to replace my car whenever, and sufficient medical, so why give the insurance assholes more than I'm required to



Results for Safe family car
44809 results found

if I can find your campaign, I'll give a buck

Thank you Anons. It should be vrkvj-safe-family-car

apparently go fund me has a 5$ minimum, but Ahmad from ALBUQUERQUE, NM -- I got ya


Tell me. How did you total your vehicle. What did you hit. Gimme the story and maybe ill help.

OP, fuck you. not for any particular reason, but generally, fuck you. Americans have the hardest time accepting that sometimes, bad shit happens to good people. I hope you get a car soon... but if you want it, stop buying shit until you get a car, like the rest of would have to. ANd i do hope its soon, but fuck you... get your own car.

>Arab american
kill yourself fucking sandnigger trash. why don't you have some self respect instead of begging for fucking handouts on Sup Forums. fucking worm

That $5 made my day, thank you anons. The story is i had just dropped my daughter off at day care. We both woke up late because she threwa tantrum till 2am. So im rushing to work. Mexican dude in his truck slams his brakes as we're merging onto the freeway. It was too late for me.

I am grabage, theres no denying that. However i know when to set my pride aside

you should drive to the nearest city where you live, take the elevator to the top floor, get out, find the service staircase to the roof, go up there and see how many flips you can do before you land safely on the ground.

15k. Go buy a fucking 90s windstar or caravan for 5k. Fucking die.

>brown shitskin
>already has a kid at 20
>can't drive for shit
>can't pay his debts

why don't you kill yourself and stop being a leech in this fucking country.

There knocked it down. I appreciate all of your support Anons. I will take into consideration of the negative requests