
>Cutting the skin off your penis.

Only in the US is mutilating a newborn baby's penis considered acceptable. And remote Africa.

being uncut is disgusting

>Shows cut stone as uncut.

I like your, your seem smart.

>mfw people think uncut is acceptable

c'mon man, at least get your fucking picture right

people who are circumcised wage a campaign to insist that it is better. They are just sad because they will never have a complete penis.

How does it feel when you've been indoctrinated to believe that mutilating a baby's penis is acceptable norm?

Cut dicks are not natural


>cut is winning

shit taste

in the USA, girls are absolutely disgusted by uncut. If you live in the USA and disagree with this you are either a virgin or a faggot. It's 150% true

It's the price to buy into God's covenant with abraham

The real problem being - nearly all of us cut fags never had a choice.

source on this info?
don't make baseless claims, faggot

Lmao I'm from the US and uncut. Can confirm it's never been an issue to fuck girls multiple times. Being uncut is better than having a small dick, sorry lil bro.

you can tell yourself anything you want to stop crying at night.
you will never be able to play with your foreskin when you are bored.
you will never get to make farting sounds with it.
also, it makes jacking off so good. i never ever use lube.


Refer to

Is everyone so blinded by the clickbait not to see h\the obvious troll in OP's picture

Around jews you never chill.

Not true, I've fucked sloots and when they see my uncut cock they're more amused as to how to play with it. Also,

>doing things for women

I'm LMAOing @ your life

You're just mad chicks are repulsed by your dick

The question is if you are willing to cut a part of your penis off to make it look like the other penises in your community/religion/country/whatever

I'm sure you're just a big guy who's fucked tons of chicks with your weird african level cock and has recently decided to "Go His Own Way"

they think it is cute when it is hard and just the tip of my head is showing

Get your dick right

lol why did you swap the pics, OP?

Tru dat

>you will never get to make farting sounds with it.
I am so fucking glad that I'm not the only person who does this, you sir have MADE MY DAY I truly hope you have an excellent life, dickfarts and all

Do you always do what your mom tells you? Do you wanna get married Michael? And live happily forever after?

lol you're either 12 or live in your moms basement. Women are not real people

>asking a bunch of men how they prefer dicks

Typical uncutfag.

Notice the uncutfags are highly defensive while the cutfags in this thread couldn't care less.

Uncutfags are so insecure.

first thing girl is going to do after thay go with him to bed thay check his penis,


That is quite literally the opposite of what is happening

It looks like a man with a beard is going "bloop" with his tongue

Why lol? When you get hard it retracts, you can do full slide movements, it never gets stuck in boxers or so because foreskin covers the head and helps to roll.

Eurofags are sleeping and uncut still wins here. But you Americans are not silly people that are shaped on porn

Shh, don't break his fragile world view
He might collapse

cut, couldnt care less.

You could have just not reply, dumbo


well its a thread that asks for opinions, dumbo

This poll was made by an uncut Euro because just about the only people that care are the Euros because they're insecure about their manhood.

Or it could be that they're sensible and don't do forced medical procedures on infants without their consent.

uncut trannies are my thing

Does anyone's uncut dick actually look like this? The whole head of my dick comes out when I'm hard

the cuts in here keep saying that uncut is gross
the uncuts in here keep saying that they like being uncut.
try again.

What the fuck, am I actually looking at a thread full of post pubescent men debating about what style of penis they prefer? This is the most pathetic thread I've ever seen. I'm even more ashamed of Sup Forums today than usual. Fuck you all.

Like vaccines? Are you fucking stupid?

Depends on the person. Some people have to pull back and it'll usually stay that way until they're soft again. Other people's just retracts naturally.

You know none of this shit actually matters and it's just you faggots who are rating cocks like some dick sucking slut right? Girls really don't give a shit if you're circumcised or not, literally the only time this has ever been an issue is on here.

Except vaccines are lifesaving.

What's lifesaving about a circumcision?

Picture doesn't add up, needs to be reversed.

Only the zionists leave a disgusting smelly flap of skin on a boy.

There is one that does good and one that mutilates the fucking dick. You're stupid for bringing vaccines here

Nothing is lifesaving about circumscription, it's purely quality of life enhancing.

Its funny, Im cut and I see uncut dicks (porn) and to me they look gross, then I think of some poor sheila having to suck on some slimey cheese collecting nob, Each to there own, I bet uncut fags are grossed out by cut fags

that is a CUT diamond on the left and and UNCUT diamond on the right. whats the point of that picture other than to disprove your own point and make you look like a retard

He was stupid for making that argument, I can't help that your fellow europoors are retarded.

Except this 'cheese' is only formed when you don't clean it, just like filth and grime forms on your body when you don't shower.

Everything has upsides, everything has downsides.

cut looks different than uncut. What do you prefer yourself?

What do da white wimminz prefer? if the girl has been 'around', probably what's common in her fuckcircle. That means amerifags-> cut, jew -> cut muslim -> cut eurofag -> uncut africanigger -> uncut etc. If qt3.14, she'll be amazed either way. If you don't have it very often, sex is quite the experience, no matter how much porn you've seen.

Cutting makes dick less sensitive. Upside: last longer Downside: less pleasurable

Cutting makes some diseases less likely, some more. What do the experts say? Too small a difference to count. There has been much research, some said cut, some said don't most said doesn't matter, big meta-analyses covering all research said do whatever you prefer.

Cutting is mandatory in some religions. Do you care?

Uncut collects crap under foreskin and needs cleaning regularly. Downside: you have to jack it in the shower. Upside: you have to jack it in the shower.

My advice? Don't do it to kids, let them choose for themselves when they are capable of making such a decision.

yeah, i haven't had any cheese for years. just clean it at least every few days and there isn't a problem. it smells bad if you get piss in there though.

her cock is very agressive looking, not very girly at all

I wouldn't do it to my kid, but I don't want him to be the locker room weirdo.

mean male genital mutilation?

cut though

Doesn't this depend on foreskin length? I need to pull downwards and it stays that way but some guys for example have phimosis that can't pull it at all

Nope. Majority in new porn are Americans and by standards they have to be cut. I'm done with cut dick as long as it's full hard

He wouldn't even be taking off his underwear in the locker room to begin with, at least we didn't a few years ago. I don't see why people think this, do kids really get completely naked in the changing room for gym?

Mines like that faggor with the tranny fetish. My foreskin completely covers the head. When I'm hard I can pull it back and it looks like I'm cut.

Uncut is so much better. It's better looking, probably better feeling, and ultimately how man was meant to be. But I am cut, so I'll support that because being jealous of something's like that is redundant.

First thought I had too. What a retard.

It's the opposite actually. Only butthurt peeps are uncut fags. Cut guys don't even know this is an issue, too busy getting head I guess while you're desperately trying to find every article on the internet for pro circumsition so you can feel better.

Of course. And there's also the ceremonial blowjob for all the other kids.

Isn't his traditional? I mean it did feel weird I was the only new one doing it...

The showers exist for a reason dude


not since the 70s. now schools just have a penis inspection day so the gym teachers can check on the health of student penises.

did you read your post before you posed it?

Die in a hole cheese dick nigger

Uncut is better because smegma is fucking hot

There is a huge problem in the NY Orthodox Jewish community. Mohels are not required by law to be tested for herpes and have been known to pass herpes on to the child while sucking the blood off the freshly cut penis. Neonatal herpes can cause brain damage leading to death and 20% of all neonatal herpes cases are traced back to an infected mohel.

I'm Catholic and cut, but by a doctor in a hospital, not some savage penis sucking ritual.

I have two cut boys, but I had it done more for their self-esteem than anything else. It's reassuring to a child when they look like dad. I didn't want them to think anything was wrong with their junk.

>didn't want them to think anything was wrong with their junk.
>mutilates children

I know basic logic is hard to come by for uncut fags, but a kid doesn't have memories from when they're a baby so their idea of normal is going off his dad.

But then they'll think that circumcision is a normal thing to do, and has no harm. It's kind of a bad cycle. Hopefully they'll understand it should be up to the kid.

I got the best of both world's, faggots.
Doctor botched my circumcision.
Half cut here AMA.

you could cut off their feet too, but i bet you wouldn't... or actually you probably would.

Is this retard week?


You must be new if this is the first you've seen of this. Congrats on trying to look like a seasoned vet and coming out covered in wolf piss

>if I fuck a baby it'll think it's normal and no-one can criticise me ever

Her cock looks like a mole rat from Fallout 4, or maybe a tardigrade

>But then they'll think that circumcision is a normal thing to do, and has no harm

That's good because "circumcision is a normal thing to do, and has no harm"

Are you shitting me

your pictures are backwards retarded bait faggot

Came here to post this. I assume OP was baiting but it went over everyone's heads.

Again, you need to follow the conversation to not sound like a retard when commenting. I know it's late in eurostan so maybe it's best if you go do bed.

Are you mad that you'll either have to live with shitskin or are you mad that you'll have to endure cutting it off?


Hey guys.

You know which one is better?

The one you have that your girlfriend sucks.

You have one of those, right?

If not, it really doesn't matter, does it?

Hahaha you strange folk with your funny ways, I can't believe you still have skin at all! Us civilised chaps in the Ultra-States cut it all off at birth, does no harm and it's perfectly normal

Don't know man, I'd think losing sensitivity and an important piece of skin that protects the glans is pretty harmful.

Wtf kind of autistic shit are you trying to say? English probably isn't your first language, but shitty metaphors clearly is.

I'm not going to complain about fucking longer, cumming harder, and not having to clean smegma.