Gf is watching the post, shes really upset about her weight can everyone tell her how ugly ad fat she is

gf is watching the post, shes really upset about her weight can everyone tell her how ugly ad fat she is.

id fuck her, fuck her good you beta retard and get off Sup Forums

keep on working on it... I'm in the same boat girl, maybe shave/wax too just saying

sorry, I love chubbies and I love girls with a bush.


stop eating carbs and hit the gym, in 2 months youll be 30 lbs lighter

to the girl: gotta work on that weight, it is going to make you age faster and you won't be nearly so sexy come 30's.

to the guy: she is hot, go fuck her you idiot.

to you both: get to the gym. It makes sex better and you will be healthier and happier longer.

What the fuck is the point living like that.
Protip eat broccoli with every meal.


She's fat and her tits already sag. AND they face different directions!? Her bush is bordering too fucking much. Also, her fucking salmon colored fingernail polish is atrocious. Fucking barf on her entire physical appearance so far. Please, I hope she has a pretty face. Pretty faces can make anything almost better.

show more of her sexy bush please??


pretty sure working out keeps you young and I'm not that over weight I'm 5'3 135lb


is this OP...

I don't think a pretty face is gonna fix this problem.

you guys made her cry

get her to timestamp plox

I didn't mean to make her cry i was just telling her I was in the same boat as her, i cry myself t sleep everyday because how how fat I think I am


even though I get off on crying and chubby this makes me sad

I know sad life life...I even have an ana buddy -I have not eaten in 45 hours rn

hooolly shit
m8 can you please post a pic so I can figure out if you're actually chubby and damaged or borderline ded

I interested in ANR? She is made for that.

If you don't like her break up with her you dipshit


2/10 would bang with a claw hammer

one sec let me figure out how to do that

thats not a timestamp faggot

please do

This slut needs to get slapped around.

She is pretty, nice hips, only one thing her boobs are a little saggy.

I cannot even begin to tell you how hard it was to take this, i look like a lard ass

is this bait?

that's a little chubby, but just enough to be hot imo. definitely not an issue if kept under control.

you want help losing weight, we can help with that. but that pro ana bullshit just fucks you up, I had some friends who did that as teenagers and still have some long term physical issues a decade on.

I had a not so great childhood which in involved constantly be told I am fat. I am either high or drunk to deal with my self hatred. When i was in high school I was in track and weigh 120lb but 3 years later in college i cannot even look myself in the mirror without crying, so any advice would be nice

also what happened to your friend??

just do it, if you want it, it's going to happen but if you stray away from a healthy lifestyle and exercise it's not going to happen

I have been and dropped 10 lbs in week so thats been pretty great but I'm worried thats just water weight..

ah, yeah. you sound a lot like my gf. very similar experiences in childhood, relying on alcohol, and serious self image issues.

I can't help with everything but I can probably talk some shit out with you if you want?

In my gfs case, a lot of it comes down to control. starving yourself feels good because it feels like taking control over your body in a really clear and powerful way, but it's not the best path long term. adding structure around how you treat your body can do the same thing if you can manage it.

I had a couple really. one has some throat and teeth issues from bulimia. eventually she got it under control by eating ok and having a starve day once a week for the feeling of control it gave her. She's a chef now, working at fancy restaurants.

The other one had some organ issues caused by drastic weight loss. it turns out when your body is processing huge amounts of fat at once it can cause borderline organ failure. not sure of the specifics but she had her gallbladder out and has to go back for regular checkups.

I know this doesn't matter because she's already in a relationship (with you..) but tell her that some guys are really into girls who are conventionally ugly.

That they actually like brown skinned fat sluts with saggy tits and shit coloured nipples.

it is important to drink water so your body can throw away the fat

I would lick every inch of that body.

my girlfriend is getting to that size and i just hate it. not attracted to her at all. losing weight would take effort shes not willing to use. dont see much other option

thats not too bad but any more and it would be too much

Id fuck her all day.
Tell her if she wants a real man that I'll be waiting in Texas.

Im not bulimic, since I have no gag reflex. I usually dont starve myself but my bf "treated" me to fast food so to punish myself Im starving myself to make up for it. I usually eat 1,000 calories a day and work out 2 hours a day ( been doing that for two weeks). But still i cannot look at myself I see no change. It seems like no matter what I do I feel like have no control and I still hate myself SO much.. Im so sorry about your friend I hope there health improves

whoop gotta love them Texans. 77845 currently

don't lose your motivasion work hard eat healthy and you will be rewarded

hairy and fat as fuck? gross.

Thanks I'll try:) Thanks for the motivation:):)

Show us more of your tasty asshole please

A liter a day keeps the fat away lol as i like to to tell myself

> I usually eat 1,000 calories a day and work out 2 hours a day
that's good, probably pushing too hard but at eating+exercise

>been doing that for two weeks
you're at the really rough point. change is slow, and you're seeing yourself in the mirror every day right? even if other people have noticed change, you wont have.

Eating well and exercising is the most control you can have over your body, and starving yourself actually damages that. you're undoing the work you've done in the last few weeks building muscle, you'll be weaker when you start exercising again. you need to push on, build some muscle and stamina, until you can run further and work harder, and thats when you start to notice serious change.

It's really hard top maintain that viewpoint when you feel completely out of control though. Are you seeing anyone about it?

Just get her to shave. See a nutritionist to determine daily caloric intake. Start a workout regime 2x day/ 4-5 days a week for 8 weeks.


Why do hand bra, let them free

Yeah i know about getting weaker but I'm addicted to food so Im trying to over come that, so I punish myself when I eat bad. And I don't want to see anyone about it bc I'm afraid they'll drug me and I'll not feel anything-which happened to my friend

>I'm addicted to food so Im trying to over come that
trust me, I've seen it and starving yourself for extended periods isn't the way to do that. not being afraid of hunger is good, but your body hates starvation and will do its best to make you gorge on shit you shouldn't eat as a result. A regular diet, a bunch of small meals, highly constrained to make you feel in control is much better and is better for resetting your bodys expectations.

>I'm afraid they'll drug me and I'll not feel anything-which happened to my friend
what was your friend visiting them for? You look like you'd be visiting for somewhere between an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. They're not likely to drug you for that, and as long as you don't tell them you think about taking your own life they cant legally force an adult to take drugs they don't want to. they can just recommend them.

I'm also depressed since one of my family member passed recently and my grades are slipping because of it. She visited them for the same exact thing and now she is a zombie.
And about the food thing I usually eat 5 meals but I'm trying to get my brain to hate fast food

Tits of gtfo.. i know you are a cunt. If not you should be

Man fuck OP and his stupid ass girlfriend. Stupid bitch is just wanting attention but she gives us nothing. Pic related.

Bitch you need to learn your place. Show us your nasty parts with timestamps or fuck off.

I'm sorry to hear that. it definitely doesn't make that any easier.
If you go to them, say you want it to be about body image and self control. it's fine to say you get depressed sometimes, but don't mention anything about self harm. speaking to experts really does help give you coping mechanisms.

>I'm trying to get my brain to hate fast food
honestly? that's incredibly hard. what's easier is getting your body to like healthier foods as well as fast food, and reduce options to have fast food in your life.

I do all the food shopping in our house. my gf specifically asked me to ban her from shopping, and as a result there's no impulse purchases of bad food and nothing terrible in the cupboard if she wants to eat.
Just trying the same thing by herself isn't enough, she specifically needed to be answerable to me about it so she'd feel bad doing it.

We still have fast food too often, but since I'm doing the cooking and shopping her diet is much more under control.

actually, getting into cooking can help. another friend of mine with issues (fuck I'm starting to realise I have a lot of those) lost about 90lb by getting into fancy cooking at home and realising just how nice you can make vegetables and proteins taste. it always comes down to finding a way to take control.

You know, 20 years ago she would be a fat, ugly, slob. These days, she's just a little chubby. What happened to out women?

My bf cannot cook/ doesn't shop for us. and even if I shop healthy my mom send us shitty food to "treat us" or to "help us feel better". I feel like in a week I'll be better...hopefully. I have to go gym time. Sup Forums sweet dreams and thanks for all the help and motivation.

it's hard when you cant get people around you to stop damaging your efforts. I can't tell you how to handle those people, but you can hopefully find a way.

If you ever want to talk about this stuff, drop into a thread or drop a kik.

You'll figure out what works to make you feel in control sometime. But pls stop the pro ana stuff it is not doing you any favors.

I dunno, the pubes look pretty good on her I think

>to you both: get to the gym. It makes sex better and you will be healthier and happier longer.

>stop eating something that's in a huge amount of foods completely

good plan craze fag. How bout cut back on carbs and exercising more

well there's something you can do about that.. it rhymes with "exercise you fat fuck"

don't worry, OP. soon enough she'll lose that weight when she wants to attract/fuck someone else, cheat on you and leave

You're out of your mind - you've got a hella nice body.

-love a 110lb 24yr dude lol