Just started talking to this girl I have a crush on. As a junior and every senior leaving my class soon, it'll be me...

Just started talking to this girl I have a crush on. As a junior and every senior leaving my class soon, it'll be me. And her in class for a good month or two. Any advice? She loves to cosplay, game, all that good shit.

Keep her talking by asking questions about her, if she asks about you answer quickly and get back to let her talk about herself. It'll feel like you're easy to talk to and interesting.

Not really

Just make sure the conversation flows naturally

Also don't be a sperglord.

Protip; if you're asking us you've likely already fucked up

Protip; I'm quite sure I've fucked up already ;)

penis goes in vagoo. Your welcome.

Just try talking to her, if something happens great if not, you have a friend.

Thank ye. I'm sure these skills will help along the way.

This guy has it right. A good flow for the conversation is important. Swallow your nervousness and get it under control.

In all likelihood even if it goes somewhere she's not the one. I hope for your sake she is, but even if she isn't you'll get some practice under your belt. It'll do you some good in the long run.

Good luck, user.

Thanks. What are good conversation starters? I'm an isolated extrovert, so I don't really speak as much until I like know the person. Idk if that made sense.

Ask her out.

I have a simulate experience with women if you would like to read what I must now extrapolate from the remnants of my debauched memory. I'm the dirty milk of human waste completely shaped. It was founded with the madness that I was crazy and built my feces. During the wedding ceremony the native Christ is a child beggar, a pedophile Beginning of the ritual singing! Nine months later, irrefutable, the acatematic skull of the anatomical skull faced with a stinking fever fever go back to the mother and smear the Congoid ruin of the village of dust.

Everyone's like that. I have aspergers, introverted as fuck with no real social skills. I have seen progress and it's all just acting friendly and asking questions. What are you concerned about with her? What about her interests you? People like to be asked questions, especially about them.

Thank ye. I'll keep that in mind when we talk.

Make your intentions clear of what kind of relationship you want at some point into getting to know eachother. Dont be afraid to be a bit physical, like a hand on her arm for a brief second while laughing. Don't take too long or pussy out.

>cancer reddit thread
kys yourself

Thanks user. Whatever helps.

Look, start off by keeping up with current events. Sports. That way you have something to talk about when you open your mouth.
Talking isn't so much about conveying information as it is establishing a connection. The more natural it feels, the better.

Practice by going to the grocery store and talking to people near you in line at the checkout. Just chat with them about anything.
Pretty soon, you'll find yourself saying something that makes a stranger laugh. Keep at it.

Like any new skill you will fail at first. It will feel alien to you. But keep at it.
You want to get good so that when you're talking to someone you like, you don't get weird.

I'll try that eventually.

She looks fake. I think you're being catfished.

Rape her OP


Invite her somewhere, eventually to your house to meet your parents.