Good science teacher?

Good science teacher?

Better than your ass.



Maybe third grade science and that's if he only showed old episodes of beakmans world to the kids all year long. The drunk overweight rat is more of a scientist than bill nye the bullshit guy.

"I don't know shit, so I attack people who do." Herp derp derp derp herpa derp

My favorite of all Shill Nye's quotes!

I'm sad that one of my childhood heroes has sided with the extreme left. Still hoping he's just helping them to not breed. He's still funny and has accomplished more than 90% of the fatasses hating him ever will.

Worse than siding with the far left, it appears he has become the new hype man for Monsanto



He has a BA in Mechanical Engineering... this fucktard couldnt even teach elementary school science. Just another pawn of the liberal lunacy trying to abolish thinking and logic



I loved him b4 he turned full libcuck

Wow. reported


monsanto is doing gods work.

Shillington calling legitimate person a shill, oh JFK the irony

Someone explain to me this "doing god's work" saying on here.


theyre speeding up the process of evolution to make better crops for people in areas where food is harder to get.