Is the "It" remake going to suck? Mike's in it. He's a pretty cool guy

Is the "It" remake going to suck? Mike's in it. He's a pretty cool guy.

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how many of those kids are being molested by producers?

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Who's that girl on the right

definitely the one on the far right and the one in the vans shirt. regardless of gender which i'm not sure about.

They don't. These ones are supposed to be weird looking.

So do they have "that" scene in it?


>regardless of gender which i'm not sure about.
Of which one? The one on the right is a girl, the one in the Vans shirt is the lead lad from Stranger Things.

> Mike's in it. He's a pretty cool guy.
His Vine account begs to differ.

How could they? I don't even think it made sense in the book... But kudos if they actually do it

Yes, directors confirmed it. It's quite graphic and pushes the limits of the R rating.

Definitely a good choice on the girl. She'll make a great gangbang target.

They absolutely did

The average man in his mid-20s right now looks like a child wearing his father's suit. 50 years ago a man in his mid-20s looked like a man. Something has changed.

>I don't even think it made sense in the book
while King's main motivation was probably shock value, it made total sense in context
>literal Evil with a capital E is on the lookout for you
>you're going through puberty and you're scared shitless
>so scared you can't think
>you gotta man up
>get a boner in a stressful situation
>run a train on a ho
>that's it, you nutted with penor in vagoo no condor
>time to tell Evil to fuck off

Is that real-life Cartman in the middle?

t. 15 year-old

Quality of life and access to healthcare, mostly.

Who is Froggo playing?

Richie Tozier. Seth Green's character in the original.

I literally just rewatched IT last night, and had no idea about this remake. Weird.
And yes, it'll probably suck without Tim Curry


>Token black kid
>Token fat kid
>Token jailbait girl


>is the "it" remake going to suck?
does it have the gangbang scene?

Lack of T maybe?

Has there ever been a remake that didn't suck?

ANSWER: There hasn't

What scene

Found the shitlord

>token scary clown

yeah! what is this? an It adaptation?

In the book the kids all decide they need to have a gangbang in order to build up the courage or whatever to escape the sewers after killing "It". They all fuck Beverly at the ripe age of 11.

>Token horror writer best character self-insert
What is this, Stephen King story adaptation?

the fly and scarface

Not true bro.

>implying True Grit, The Thing, The Maltese Falcon, 3:10 to Yuma, The Ring, Father of the Bride, The Departed, The Magnificent Seven, Scarface, and A Fistful of Dollars suck.

I watched the thing video a lot years ago but never knew this. Probably the first time I've really wondered how did they get away with this?

That was so crazy I didn't believe you with the interwebs confirms.

don't be talking shit about Ben "Haystack" Hanscom

if you're going for b8 factor, don't forget Stan Uris the Jewish kid, and how Bevvie's dad worries about her sometimes, sometimes he worries about her a whole LOT

About halfway through the book now and it's fucking brilliant

How will this ever compete?


I feel bad for BIG BEN because I want him to win the Beverly, but harem end is almost as good

I'm hoping it'll be way better than the made for tv movie

Sure, Tim Curry was a great Pennywise, but that movie was reigned in so badly that they literally couldn't show onscreen death or blood (unless it was coming from a non-human source, like Beverly's sink or Georgie's photo album)

or the baloons

I read IT when I was pretty young and self-identified with Ben a ton

For never being one, King is great at writing how it feels to be a fat kid

>Letting that little cunt keep her earphones in during the promo shoot

Why would people let kids do this kind of shit? It's just signalling to them that they can do whatever the fuck they want.

You just know she's gonna be a coal burner train wreck by the time she's 19.

This isn't a promo shoot. It's not even on set. The original Insta/Twitter whatever caption was "the Losers take Toronto" or something like that.

Filming is in Ontario and I guess this was one of the off days


I wonder if they made the kids read the book before shooting...

I heard that the new Henry Bowers read it to better understand how to fit the role

I'm interested to see if they have Patrick Hockstetter and his fridge in this one

I'm hoping it will be good. I like the old movie, but I think a lot of people have nostalgia goggles with regard to it's overall quality. Tim Curry is fantastic, and Twink-Pennywise will have trouble besting him, but it's pretty made for TV. Scared the piss out of me as a child, but I watched it again recently and it doesn't hold up as well as I thought it would. Starting my first re-read of the book in about a decade or so as well. I'm actually kind of hyped.

IT is by far my favorite thing King's written. It's a great horror story and a coming of age story at the same time. After reading the book you imagine your childhood self hanging out with Big Bill, Trashmouth, Haystack, and the whole gang

Stephen King fucking sucks at writing kids. I just saw Stand By Me for the first time and I could hardly relate my own childhood to the one shown on-screen at all. Boys don't really talk like that or behave like that around eachother.

This isn't a promo thing. It's a snapshot from Stranger Things kid's instagram.

10/10 forced to reply, could not help myself

Yeah, it's definitely one of his better books. I usually dig his short stories more than his novels, but It has always been a favorite of mine.

guessing left to right:

>Eddie Kasbrak
>Bill Denbrough
>Mike Hanlon
>Ben Hanscom
>Richie Tozier
>Stan Uris
>Beverly Marsh

how'd I do

I think IT would be a fantastic 1 season show format, with like 6 1 hour episodes maybe. The book was chock full of interesting storyline that the mini series (which was good in it's own right) just couldn't capture at all. I think the ritual of CHUD would have to be done just right to not be some kind of joke or overly weird. There's a lot of weird sex scenes though, like when the creepy disgusting patrick hocksetter kid sucks henry bower's dick in the junkyard. i mean, how the F do you convert that to film or M television?

it wont. book adaptions will always be second best becuase theres no way to capture everything in the book, especially all the various stories from IT. How many are there from the citizens of Derry alone about their encounters with IT that would be great on screen. Not to mention the feel of a book, imaging everything in your head the way you perceive it. The best they could ever do is stretch it out into a mini series but they wont

I don't know how I feel about the two eras being separate movies

I like how the novel jumps back and forth between past and present

Holy shit i hope the monster in the middle doesn't have much screentime

>Seth Green's character in the original
Hory shet! I haven't seen that movie in years, but I had no idea that was Seth Green. Fucking hell, that nog's had a long career.

>Blow Gays fan
into the trash it goes.jpg

Vans and Do you remember yes don't seem to like him much either.


me in the middle

The two boyos he's groping.

yeah, he made a good Richie

Oh lel

>Canadian sports ball team
into the trash it goes.jpg

I don't even know why this was allowed then.

the thing video?

>that pic

I feel like someone should tell kids young when they're gay so it's not a huge surprise to them down the road.

It's going to suck.

Everyone here is forgetting the original director (Cary Fukunaga) left because the studio wanted more cliches and standard Hollywood schlock. This is going to be purely a product of the studio and its executives.

I don't know why studios never picked up more of his stories years ago. The Stand has so much great content, but television had to consolidate it all into 4 parts on a TV budget.

>MFW this is actually from the South Park live action movie set

Is there a stipulation built into Finn Wolfhard's contract that says he will only appear alongside girl's who look less feminine than him?

Isn't the thing a remake? The movie all you nerds hail as the greatest shit ever.

Oh damn, I hadn't heard that but apparently variety confirms. That's legitimately disappointing.

I hope they don't put the part in where Patrick jerks off Henry

A lot of them would do a lot better now that cable shows are a thing. Same with Koontz.

Pretty bad. I think you got Richie, Mike and Bev right

21 Jump Street

A lot of the movies in the 80s were actually remakes but from mediocre films nobody remembered decades ago. Like Scarface.

Ben* Mike and Bev

Damn, Based Fukunaga gives no fucks.

>Fukunaga: “I was trying to make an unconventional horror film. It didn’t fit into the algorithm of what they knew they could spend and make money back on based on not offending their standard genre audience. Our budget was perfectly fine. We were always hovering at the $32 million mark, which was their budget. It was the creative that we were really battling. It was two movies. They didn’t care about that. In the first movie, what I was trying to do was an elevated horror film with actual characters. They didn’t want any characters. They wanted archetypes and scares. I wrote the script. They wanted me to make a much more inoffensive, conventional script. But I don’t think you can do proper Stephen King and make it inoffensive.

This. The Stand has post apocalypse stuff that everyone seems to have a hard-on for lately.

A version done on cable would become as popular as The Walking Dead.

>hey lets turn Henrys Bower's racist failure dad into a racist cop for no other reason than as a statement against cops
Movies gonna suck


Whelp, guess they'll be another remake in 2045 that might not suck.

Here's battery acid, you slime!!

where'd you hear that?

When they revealed the smaller cast parts.
Also the directors sister is a producer of It and has been a huge proponent of the anticop movement lately

It changes nothing in the story though, unless you choose to foist your political ideology on it.

>unless you choose to foist your political ideology onto it
Which is what the makers did

No, it's what you are doing.

Whatever you say, buddy. Just ignore the signs.

The castings look good. I'm glad they are putting back in some of the scarier scenes like everything at Neibolt St.

I tried watching the original It years ago but I was just bored by it

that girl is the vans tshirt is cute