Doing research and found this iq test. Whats the answer Sup Forums I'm sure you know

doing research and found this iq test. Whats the answer Sup Forums I'm sure you know

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The sequence is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 3, 7, and 8 are correct for sure.

B) because it's the only thing that isn't a noun?

OP here. I think the answer is Fly cause there's no vowel (a, e, i, o, u fuck y)

5 is also correct.

Trinity because god isn't real

nvm, i'm retarded

? what do you mean a sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8? there is 9 choices

Ah, wait, there are 9 objects, meaning I'm retarded.

but you do have a point. that's the only thing not a noun

Both Planck and Pentagon would stand in for 5, so maybe one of them is the odd man out. I'm guessing pentagon, since it's what throws off the 1 through 8 sequence

OP here. pls anyone knows the answer. man if i had noods to share for the answer this would have gotten mad interest

Maybe the answer is d (tesseract) cause that's a 4d structure and pairs with nothing else?

Wait, I have a thought.

If it's an IQ test, and you are cheating by asking for help for the answer, what does that say about you?

i'm not taking it as an iq test. i generally just want to know the answer. Shit man I don't care about my iq. all i know is that this test is hard as balls and i want to know the logic of some of these questions

Ahh ok. wasn't meaning to come off as a dick, was merely a jape.

A real iq test would not use unusual words like Planck.
Shit's fake.

It's "Fly" you fucking tard.
This doesn't make sense

The Sequence is AA TT PP F-W S
1 +20+ -16- X-6X -23

I'd pick A because it's the only proper noun on the list.

Yeah because trinity doesnt relate to anything but God, right? Dumb atheist fuck.

That is, unless Trinity is referring to the Holy Trinity in christian doctrine

> who is Max Planck?

Get out of here you illiterate fuck.

Also, the answer is "e", Planck, because it doesn't fit into the numerical sequence of:

-Adam, the first human.
-Ambiguity, one or the other of two.
-Trinity, a trio.
-Tesseract, a four-dimensional cube.
-Pentagon, a five-sided shape.
-Fly, a six-legged insect.
-Week, a seven-day unit of time.
-Spider, an eight-legged arachnid.

P.S. OP is a moron for not being able to solve this simple puzzle on his own.

OP here. thank you. this makes perfect sense. Sup Forums never lets me down

this is such a bs question to measure iq. I'm sure you could justify choosing any of them one way or another, and it doesn't give any "most valid" metric.

It's the only one comprised of letters from the frist half of the alphabet

All ambiguity means is more than 1, can't assume it means just two.

Definition of ambiguity
a : the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning The ambiguity of the poem allows several interpretations

b : a word or expression that can be understood in two or more possible ways : an ambiguous word or expression


It's the only one comprised of letters from the frist half of the alphabet




That's as retarded as saying:



1st letter of alphabet


The root of the word is ambi, which means both. It can be both this, or that. It isn't limited to two though, it just needs to for a case to exist.

Would make sense. Otherwise the sequence is

1, 2, 3, 4, 1.6 x 10^-35, 5, 6, 7

Op, if this is an actual iq test online like you are saying why don't you just link it here so we can find the answer or why don't you just finish the test to show the results, is there a way to do that?
> my iq is just to find the easiest way to find the answer

have fun

Holy shit, I think im retarded. I have no idea whats going on here

Answer is A. For multiple reasons.

OP here. that's how i felt and picked out the easiest looking question and i couldn't solve that. Honestly i'm not smart to be even doing an IQ test. But i realized a lot of it is understand the situation of the problem and being able to use that to get an answer. some of them just makes me dumbfounded

Funny. I was going to say B, but because everything else has a matching pair. Adam, Trinity are biblical. Tesseract, Pentagon are shapes. Planck, Week are (Planck CAN be, but is not relegated to) measurements of time. Fly, Spider should be obvious.
Ambiguity doesn't have a matching item on the list.

see that's the problem i face. if you pair it b is the answer.

but who is more right?

Nope. There is no "more" right. There's only the answer the test giver is looking for. Nothing is more or less right. It's just a measure of knowledge compared with logical reasoning. All of the waysITT to solve that I've seen are logical. Pairing, all but B being nouns, and numerical sequence. It's just a question of which the person who wrote the test wants.

Both of those ideas make perfect sense. Damn.

Fly has no vowels in it.

Not even sometimes?

alright check it:

pentagon and tessaract
one is a 5 sided shape the other is a 4 dimensional cube- both shapes

plank and week
both units of time

fly spider
both bugs

adam and the trinity
both god shit

and it's ambiguous (i.e., doesnt belong)

boom motherfucker

i think there are two answers and the answer of either b or e are both correct in different ways of looking at it.

this is correct but what about this.

Fly is the only one with an odd number of letters therefore the off one out.

that made me laugh
>who is max plank

by if he knew something about planck involving the number 9 or whatever it would also fit, he just chose attributes and tied them to numbers (i.e., ambiguity means more than 1 possibility, not 2, but also bc it appeared second in line it reinforced thought of it as 2)

Ambiguity, it is the only one that doesn't dictate a solid number.

Spiders have 8 legs, weeks have 7 days, flys have 4 legs, the pentagon has 5 points, planck's constant is 6~, the tesseract represents four dimensions, the trinity is a set of 3, ambiguity is just that, adam has 2 legs, or is 1 person? They all have a determinable value except ambiguity.

just to build on it like saying fly has 3 letters, it's arbitrary. you can still say fly is like spider, but you can't say ambiguity is like any of the otehr options

but a fly (thing) is different from adam (name of thing)


Y is considered a vowel here. B is the only non-vowel

Fly because it is the only word under four letters.
Ambiguity because it is the only word with 5 syllables.
Adam because it is the only word with two As in it.
Trinity because it is the only 7-letter word.
Tesseract because it is the only word with double Ss.
Planck because it is the only scientist.
Pentagon because 9/11
Week because OP is a faggot.
Spider because if you don't post your mother will die in her sleep.


too this I can only reply: I am determining the best possible answer from the data I am presented - to me, the greatest difference is in what each symbolizes, which is a value, as I've determined thus far.

Your answer may be just as valid, and may I posit that an IQ test may not have a single correct answer, but rather, the intelligence of the answer is what is judge.

planck is a proper noun.

Fucking fuckstick non-noun*

>Fly because it is the only word under four letters.
INB4 Three letters faggot.

noun: Trinity; noun: Holy Trinity; noun: the Trinity; noun: trinity; plural noun: trinities

the Christian Godhead as one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Its fly

Only word under 4 letters, only has one syllable; but really the biggest reason why;

It is the only word up there that can't be distinguished between a noun or a verb.

Update, was talking with my colleague; the answer to the odd one out is

7) Which is the odd one out?

Its the only question on the paper and its the only group of letters that has a numeral.

You would never expect the question to be the answer so I think for that reason its got to be theeeee oddest one out to get you the highest "score"

quite odd good observation

Trinity implies 3, so odd?