

Watch the kid, will ya?

Jasmine, what happened to your cute double-fro? :( don't give yourself white girl hair, come on now, you're a mixed-race goddess.

ok, now what?

Sorry OP i spilt it

kek, she's an orphan now. leave her to the streets and abandon this thread



>with Huey


I accidentally the kid.

Her dad's black, so she's a nigger too.

Holy shit m8

She's more of a nigger than Huey is.

Aww fuck thats the stuff more guro pls

Oh good, I can continue shooping this now.

It was an innocent accident.

>Hollow Loli

What in the fuck did i just walk in to

Drawfag here, Imma use this idea for a Junji Ito inspired comic. Only diference is she will wear bra and panties instead of shorts.

Damnit i was thinking the same thing. Hollow Woman then

believe it or not oldschool Sup Forums would love this shit. hell i havent seen a guro loli thread in years

A thread.

But nowadays we have gurochan for that.


Jesus i dont even like lolis but goddamn those chest bones are nice

hell id fuck it

Interesting thought to consider Jasmine's hair Repunzel's the fuck out when it's down


Watch the kid, will ya?

...yeah, I'mma watch the fuck out of whatever that thing is as I back away with my loaded shotgun aimed at it.

Meesa Train her to be a bomba sith lord.

Dassum MSPaint Jedi shit right there... her midichlorians are causing her to get pixelated as fuck

>i dont even like lolis but
That's how they all start. You are too far gone.

Ok I'll stop, I'm too tired to continue anyway.

So...when do we start molesting her?


>stopping when it was getting good

Nigga you are literally leaving me hanging in the physical sense

I need

I need....

What do you need?


To get rid of these blue balls but artist guy wont continue

Thicc dicc?


Takes time to shoop decently, if you want him to stick figure that shit then he can blast it out in two seconds. Pun intended.

OP makes this stupid ass thread and you stop the only good thing in it? Tell us you got a blog at least

Well fuck im kinda horny now. Who is this character?

Apologies, I do not yet possess the energy nor the technical skills to continue the endeavor.


Either thats reasonably hot for a reason or im fucked in the head


Thanks i gotta check it out

I dont think he can shoop it further user. As an artist myself that hair would just be a problem

Speaking of which it seems your talents are wanted in this thread Unless you made it yourself

cuzzin wut

>when youre so far gone you'd fuck the neck

Can i get a png of this one?

>Get her away from that nigger
Nigga, Cindy's the biggest nigger in the show, even more than Riley. Actually watch that shit you fucking casual

Well what do we have here, I'm so proud of you hangin with all these beautiful white folks. Where's yo monkey daddy at, ran off on you huh? Well you're lucky you even got to see his face with those half coon eyes. Well I'll leave you alone with these fine people before the police see me and try and make me pay for child support


I'm no artist tho, I posses no knowledge of artistry and proportions, anatomy and such.

shit, I think i overwrote it.

The one thing ill never get about ghost cunt movies is the guy never fucking them

nvm I had it in another layer.


Might as well fap to this before bed thanks m8


>Tfw no one in this thread knows the source material

Suckable ass nipple tbh

M8 after how bad Adult Swim fucked over the creator i doubt anyone feels right talking about it anymore

>Tfw no one in this thread knows the source material

These are all edgy 14 year olds. You expect them to know a show that was on when they were in diapers?

Woops wrong pic

Dont know why but thats kinda hot

Gotta go to bed now tho.

I don't know the artist of the original picture, but the character is Jazmine Dubois from The Boondocks.
Never watched it, I think she's the little sister of one of the protagonists.



OP here, like this user said hope you post a blog or show up in the /ic/ thread good stuff


Isn't loli B&neable on /ic/ tho?

Not if its artistic, but you can always link to an imgur for an eternal source like photobucket used to be

thats the stuff

I have a viscious cravin to see that pussy


Best I could do in the current state of mind.


I have a viscous one

Takin a risk and dumpin them in the /ic/ thread. If i get banned oh well. Nice work


I like user's chest edit better tho.

Never thought id be fapping to Boondocks thanks user


This is nice thread

as an artist myself i gotta say give him a break its past midnight where im from and the drawing part of your brain gets fucky when tired.

Trippy waifu

terrible man, terrible

I dont draw so im probably a pleb when i gotta ask whats wrong with it. The toned tummy is realistic and hot to me

An attempt was made.

Share your secrets with me, oh wise master, what should be done to improve upon a future.
Yes my mind is butter rn.


Personally I feel motivated as fuck when I get a full 7 hours rest and open my blinds to get the sun in.

Anyway like some anons have said already the breast defintion is a matter of taste. I think its fucking great myself oh well.

Yeah besides I have no idea of what I'm doing. I don't know shit about anatomy. One last try before bed.

loli is degenerate but christ i want porn of this Tangled knock off


small change but actually looks nicer. sharp muscle stomachs arent always best route but nicer is undetailed ones so that should fit a good balance

If youre still here, these are the 3 lines keeping it from perfect. Just make it the skin color there and its great


Arigatou user san

Thanks, any knowledge to improve is welcomed.

Good night anons.

Sleep well m8 it looks 10/10

Beat me to it...

So when did this Boondocks character become a thing? And why?


Plain and simple

>TWF only YOU don't know the source
Watch TV sometime.