Kinda freaking a bit, Sup Forums. I'm 18 and was having sex with a woman earlier today. The condom came off...

Kinda freaking a bit, Sup Forums. I'm 18 and was having sex with a woman earlier today. The condom came off, so I grabbed a different one and put it on, but I didn't realise for a while and was fucking her bareback for a couple minutes.
I just slapped the next one on and didn't check it for brakes after I came.

What do you reckon the chances are of her being pregnant?

but 70% you now have VD or aids

Probably around zero, buddy. Get her some Plan B if you feel like you should, tho


Statistically around 75%

you can't get aids from sex you fucking retard

Sounds like you need new rotors

look at this cutie :)

Low. Realize some couples actually have to try for months to get pregnant. Not that this makes it a good idea to take chances but if you didn't come in her without the condom on you're probably but not definitely okay.

Worst moment of my life was the first time I had sex with this Chinese girl I was dating. She was a virgin. Only time I've ever had a condom break. Didn't notice til I pulled out. Was shitting bricks til she got her period.

>check it for brakes

Heres how it works.

If you hadn't cum that day, your precum is spermless.

If you'd been given a bj, hj, or what the fuck ever, then there is sperm in your precum and she could get pregnant from that.

As for STDs, having sex doesn't automatically transmit stds. Its just a chance.
Having unprotected sex with a girl with hiv is about a 30% transmit rate, its just not 100%.
But you fuck around a couple of times, its a sure thing.

As for the odds she preggo, depends on too many factors to guess, but i'd say less than 1% cumless

Brakes nigga, brakes...


Have never worn a condom
Almost always Nut in
Never had a std (Not third world country like 'merica where everyone dying of fat and dick rot)
I have 1 child, it was planned

Unless you're extremely unlucky, Or you nutted a full load on her most fertile few days of her cycle, you're pretty good. Seriously, most girls track that shit with an app these days and if they have half a brain abstain all together for that week (Muh period) - I'm not saying don't wear a rubber, but if you're not completely beta autistic about how girls work, you can safely bust nuts. I did for years and years.
When we wanted a kid, i buried deep on those few days of the cycle and BAM. 1 shot.

inb4 Virgin fags chime in with hur dur that's not what i heard.

What are you doing later tonight?


Yeah honestly that's how I did with one girlfriend too. Probably shouldn't have really but I let her call the shots. We had sex all the time, never used a condom, but she'd tell me if she wanted me to pull out or not. Worked fine.

Then again I also know people who have kids from one fling. That never ends well.

LOOOL... YOU CAN'T GET AIDS FROM SEX?? fucking memed

Name one.

Well, that's a bit young for me. Message me in about 6 years :)

does this count

debatable, but passable so acceptable.

$50 or $250,000 you do the math bro

Unless she's got the munchies for a California Cheeseburger, in which case the problem will pretty much resolve itself.

110%, start picking out room colors for the baby.